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Everything posted by CalicoKitty

  1. I think Lawrence Welk has always been on in some sort of rerun. I know people of Jeremy's age that watch the show. Kind of surprises me, since I watched with my parents as a kid, but wouldn't particularly want to watch it now. But I really don't think people watching today is so strange. It is unique entertainment.
  2. No, we can see her only through the window. She would have to be in quarantine if she came outside. Fortunately, she does have an outside window that looks out to the street and a park. Most of the rooms only have a courtyard view with no access to a "public" window. She is incapable of using a phone, but my brother and I are exploring the Amazon Show which we think we can set up to "drop in" on her and visit. We were so hoping that they were going to open this week so we could actually be in the same room. Just a sad situation all around. I'm so thankful my dad passed just before the pandemic hit. I can't imagine worrying about him just lying in bed unable to speak or swallow. Thank you for your kind words. This is not fun!
  3. And--fish take a lot of work and expense. That is not a hobby for the feint of heart. This would not be good for the Dillards.
  4. The shelters I am familiar with seem to do a good job of screening and interviewing prospective adopters. I have known people who had to have a home inspection before being allowed to adopt a dog. Sadly, I don't think this is common practice with most shelters. And people do think they can just "turn them in" when it doesn't work out. My niece and her ex were the same way, only with expensive pure bred dogs. The would go on line, and buy an expensive dog, and then rehome it after a year because the dog was too much trouble. Not once, not twice, but four times. It really made me angry. I'll stick to my cats. I know my limits.
  5. That is so nice. My mother is in an Assisted Living facility in California, and my brother and I can only "visit" through the window. She doesn't understand why she can't go out, and no one can come in to visit. It is really terrible. We were told maybe this week we could go inside, but 2 workers tested positive, so now we have to wait until everyone tests negative twice--so 4 more weeks. All the residents have been vaccinated, so I don't see why they can't have an in-person visit with someone who has been vaccinated. So she just sits all day. She doesn't realize she has a TV, so she does nothing all day, every day. Hopefully they can have the residents get together soon, but my mom won't participate even if they do. Something has to give pretty soon. (But at least I know she is fed, her apartment is clean, she is clean and safe and in the best place for her.)
  6. I wonder if Loyola finally had enough of her horrible posts. It sure didn't make the school look good.
  7. I was finally able to go to my long-time hair dresser today for a cut. He gave me a "look" when I walked in, and I had to confess that I had been cutting it myself since I had seen him last. He said it really needed help, and it felt so good to walk out of there with a correct hair cut. He was nice, and didn't laugh or anything, but he did point out that my hair was "too tall" and an odd shape. Hey, I did my best. Tough times call for tough measures.
  8. Wasn't JRod matron of honor for Nurie? I think one of the Bates girls --maybe Michael--had Kelly as her matron of honor, too. I don't think it is too uncommon in this circle.
  9. Don't worry about how old you were when you made the appointment. You fill out a paper when you get your shot, and it asks for your age THAT DAY. Just put down how old you are on that day, and it is a done deal. No one cares how old you were when you made the appointment.
  10. I am O negative. My blood has no A antibodies, no B antibodies, and no RH factor. My blood can be given to anyone of any type, but I can only receive blood from another O negative donor. That is why O negative is called the "universal donor." I used to donate, and they usually used my blood for pedi packs for babies. Unfortunately, I have veins about the size of a baby's. It was very hard to draw my blood, and I was finally told to stop donating.
  11. There is a commercial that makes me laugh. A guy is working at his desk, and you hear a squeaky toy in the background. The guy tells the dog to stop, and the dog appears with his paws on the desk, but no squeaky toy--but you still hear it. He turns around, and his baby is sitting in a baby seat chewing on the dog's toy. The baby looks so happy. This just makes me laugh for some reason. Squeaky toys tend to scare my cats, but they are not brave at all. But I do have a houseful of stuffed mice of all descriptions.
  12. I had mine at Walgreens and there was no charge, nor any mention of a charge.
  13. We had a tub like this when I was a child. There was just enough space between the end of it and the wall that made a great hiding space for me. I just fit, and I liked my little cozy space.
  14. This made me laugh. A church I used to attend had an annual men's fellowship barbeque. The only rules: No women and no vegetables. I should add that this was not a Bible study or class in any way. This was just a chance for the men to get together. I'm sure the beer and wine flowed freely. The women had their own thing once a year, too.
  15. I love baseball, and I would like to like cricket. But I can't figure out the rules.
  16. Every morning I make my bed nice and neat, and then put the blue cat blanket on. This is what my bed looks like every afternoon--two cat lumps under the covers, not just under their blanket. They love sleeping in the sheets under the blanket and down comforter. They spend most of their day there.
  17. That might be the best thing for Nurie, however. Granny would be too busy with her own baby to bug Nurie quite as much. (Shudder)
  18. I have had the opportunity to hold and touch some rather old documents, and I was surprised to be told that I did not need my gloves. Just maybe this was allowed. I know, makes little sense to me, but it does happen.
  19. I did some looking for the Alfred Hitchcock episode I was talking about. I think the leg of lamb and the man being thrown down the stairs may have been a Suspense episode. The Hitchcock one is slightly different in that the wife (Barbara Bel Geddes) whacks him with the lamb and then makes it look like a home invasion. The title is "Lamb to the Slaughter". Alfred Hitchcock Presents, Season 3, Episode 28. It is on Youtube. Just Google "Hitchcock frozen lamb." Now I want to find the other story with the same plot that was also on TV. It is not an O Henry story.
  20. The icicle discussion reminds me very much of an Alfred Hitchcock episode where a lady got tired of her argumentative husband. She came up behind him with a frozen leg of lamb while he was sitting at the table, and whacked him in the head and killed him. Then she threw his body down the cellar stairs to make it look like a tripping accident. Then called the police. Meanwhile, she calmly put the murder weapon (leg of lamb) in the oven. The police came, consoled her on her husband's accidental fall down the stairs, and , in the last scene, she serves the cooked lamb to the police officers. The perfect murder. Gotta love Alfred Hitchcock!
  21. I'm back to feeling normal today after my 2nd dose Wednesday. Wednesday evening I started running a temp, and it was 101 all day yesterday. But this morning all I have is a sore arm. No more temp, no more chills. So it wasn't too bad at all. I didn't do anything today, but that was just me being lazy.
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