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Everything posted by CalicoKitty

  1. What has happened to Christine's jeans in the third picture. Surely she doesn't wear those in public.
  2. I didn't learn to ride a bike until I was 9. I just couldn't keep my balance. Both my mom and dad spent HOURS pushing me up and down and picking me up off the street. I had bruises and skin missing. I just couldn't figure how to balance. But my parents were so good about helping me and spending time TRYING to get me to stay up. Eventually, I got the hang of it, and could finally ride my bike to school with my friends. I also could never walk across a balance beam, even if it was sitting on the ground. Some people are just better balanced than others, I guess. If my parents hadn't have been so patient with helping me, I never would have learned to ride. (It didn't help that my little brother walked over to the bike and just rode off.)
  3. It suddenly hit me during the night that if Amazon is late with my delivery next week, I will not have cat food. This would not be good. So I got up this morning and was at the market just as they opened at 6:00AM (in the dark, in the rain). There were only about 6 shoppers the whole time I was there. I bought some cat food--not what they usually eat, but cat food. I didn't need too much for home as I am pretty well stocked, but I did pick up some cans of soup, cheese, ice cream, and wine. There was very little meat, almost no eggs, and not much pasta left on the shelves. The man checking out ahead of me was asking about toilet paper, and the checker said it is hard to keep stocked. I did order cat food from Chewy, too, but they said their deliveries were taking longer than usual and they couldn't say when it would come. Amazon orders are taking longer. If I end up with too much cat food I will donate it to the shelter. I was going to order groceries from Walmart, but they did not have any delivery slots available. I checked Safeway (Albertsons), and there were no delivery dates available for over a week. I am going to stay home and start organizing closets and drawers. We'll see how far I get.
  4. All the schools in my county have closed as of Monday. The exceptions are one "academy" and juvenile hall.
  5. Just received a letter from my church telling everyone to stay home until further notice. The church will be open if you really, really feel like you need to come, but please don't. Do Morning Prayer at home instead. Strange times.
  6. My nephew's school district is going to provide "take away" sack meals for kids while the school is closed. They just have to stop by and pick it up.
  7. I bought mine (American Standard) from a website called "Just Bidets". It is a "mom and pop" site that sells every brand and type of bidet you can think of. When you email a question, the owner answers you, and he was so helpful. I also have found that I like using the flannel "family cloths" (aka "untoilet paper") that I found on Etsy. I keep a dedicated lidded waste can with a plastic bag liner next to the potty, so when it is time to do laundry, I just dump the contents into the washer--never have to touch the flannels. So easy. It is no different than washing cloth diapers or underwear. I do mine on their own using regular detergent with added vinegar and a little bleach. Hot dryer, and they are ready to be used over and over and over again. This has cut my need for TP to almost nothing. (and they feel better...)
  8. This was the advise from my vet, too. Just let the remaining smells fade away on their own. In the past, I didn't want my remaining kitty to get too lonesome, and I would to the shelter after a couple of weeks and bring home a new friend. A couple of years ago, however, I just happened to stop at the pet store for cat food the day after I had to put my calico down. And I came home with a kitten. I had no intention to adding to the family that quickly, but, well, I just fell in love. Since my remaining cat is not too bright, I think it helped her because she was not alone and had some distraction. At least it worked out for us, and they are now "bestest" friends. There is never a "replacement" for a lost fur baby, but there always seems to be room for one more in my heart. I am so sorry for your loss.
  9. The Dugger definition is different. Janna has been listed as a Concert Pianist.
  10. The "light" in that bathroom isn't anywhere near the mirror. How does it help you get ready when there is glare across the room but no light where you comb your hair?
  11. Except they would collect dust and make our allergies worse!
  12. I was just on the Sister Wives forum, and they were having a discussion on ways to prevent contact with various viruses and bacteria. Wiping the shopping cart handle was mentioned. I posted about the shopping cart handle covers that I have found on Etsy. Heavy cloth with velcro closure. I have been using mine for several weeks--before this latest scare--because so many stores around here either don't provide wipes, or the container is empty, and I know they don't wash the carts. So far I like them. Only my hands touch the outside of the cover, and I never have to touch the "dirty" side that has been in contact with the cart. I just ordered a couple more so I can have one in the wash and still have a couple in the car. As yet, I haven't left it on the cart, but I purposefully bought bright patterns so I can spot them easily. Just a suggestion to help keep the hands clean. I am surprised that dress gloves have not come back into fashion. We would never go to church without them in the "old days"!
  13. I have found a lot of stores that don't have wipes for the shopping cart. On Etsy I have found a shopping cart handle cover that easily attaches with velcro. Easy on, easy off, and my hands don't have to touch the shopping cart at all. Washes and reusable. I started using it before this latest scare since I know that stores don't clean the carts. I just bought a couple more so I can have one in the wash and a couple in the car ready to use. So far, I haven't left it behind, but I bought bright patterns to help catch my eye. It's nice to know that only my hands have been on the outside of the cover, and I never have to touch the "dirty" side. I'm sort of surprised that wearing dress gloves has not become fashionable. It used to be that we never went to church without them!
  14. Yes. Being a candidate does not cancel your right to vote as you want.
  15. Are you near a COSTCO? I saw some really nice couches last time I was there. I think my store does deliver.
  16. Jana looks like (a thinner) Mariah from Sister Wives in this picture. I had to be sure what forum I was reading.
  17. I put pull-out baskets in all my lower cabinets. Now I can use them and not have items "disappear". I can't get down to reach into the lower cabinets, and the pull-outs work well. I wonder if Janell has every really organized her kitchen cabinets, or are items just stuffed in?
  18. My aunt was using Prell over 50 years ago. She had really bad hair, and she liked it because it took all the oil out and left her hair nice and dry (yay??). She was also almost bald, but not from the Prell. Females in our family just have bad hair. I have used it to get rid of a bad highlight job. Maybe it would take care of Mariah's greasy hair mess. She really needs to try something (anything!!), but I get the idea from her posts that she just doesn't care about appearance. Ick!
  19. I did not know that JillR plays the banjo. I'm trying to decide what flute, violin, and banjo would sound like together. That is not a combination that one would hear every day.
  20. I understand your feelings. I had a passion for Dime Stores since I was a small child. I have so many fond memories of going to Woolworths with my favorite aunt, and I was a Dime Store shopper until they closed down. I actually stood in the middle of our local Woolworths and cried real tears that last time I was there when they were closing. Woolworths, Kress, Ben Franklin---I miss them all so much. So I get your passion for Dollar Stores. A good dollar store is a good beginning for my love of general shopping, but nothing, ever, will replace the Dime Stores , especially Woolworths, in my heart. I wish I could go to the lunch counter today! I'm also quite sure that the clothing at Woolworths was of much better quality than the Luluno rags that the Browns hawk. And you could buy shoes. And accessories. (and fish, turtles and parakeets). Good memories!
  21. I was contacted by the daughter of my uncle's "unmentioned" son. It always been a dark, deep family secret. I was able to give her the family history of her father's family that she did not know, and would have had trouble finding, along with some photos of her grandfather. She was thrilled, and I was happy to be able to help her out with her family tree. I was happy to find out that her father had a very successful and happy life.
  22. No, that is the correct use of the placard. As long as you are providing transportation for the holder, you are fine.
  23. I didn't realize there was a live chat. I'll pay attention now.
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