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Everything posted by CalicoKitty

  1. There is a guy on 90 Day Fiance that has buggy eyes, too. Fans texted him about it, he went to the doctor, and he did indeed have a thyroid issue. He thanked the fans for letting him know. I wonder if Jill goes to the doctor, or if Plexus cures thyroid problems. Or maybe causes them.
  2. One of my cats had all of her teeth removed a couple of days ago. Her gingivitis had progressed to stomatitis and she was in a lot of pain. She is doing pretty well. She sleeps behind the couch, so I can't get to her to give her pain meds, but she comes out and wants attention and is eating. I give her her pain meds when I can but she is not complaining. She seems so much happier, and I'm happy knowing she is out of pain. Now to figure out what to do about my other cat's heart murmur. Seems like it is always something!
  3. Thank you for the clarification. I hope he does get involved at the school.
  4. Good for Derick for being on the board. In every school where I have taught, it was difficult to get parents to serve. That will also show Iz that school is important. With his accounting background, Derick will know how to keep books and will be able to read the school district budget. Two important things and many parents (and teachers) cannot do. It is a lot more complicated than one would think.
  5. Home-grown tomatoes! How I miss the tomatoes from my aunt's garden in Iowa. There's nothing like tomatoes from the mid-west!
  6. I'm hoping she is going to Shriners or St Jude. They have excellent care and the family pays little or nothing.
  7. She needs a fair chance at lower education first.
  8. Been there--done that. At one time, my hospital didn't pay you for the extra hour, figuring that it would be made up when you worked the "short" night when the time changed again. They finally decided to pay the extra hour. It makes a big mess in charting on the night shift, too. I just hated working the nights the time changed.
  9. The time change plays havoc with feeding and medication schedules in the hospital. Parents want to come in to feed their NICU baby on the way to work, and then the time changes. Their work time changes, but the baby's schedule doesn't. Same with timed medications. It takes several days to change the feeding schedule for some babies. Pick one, and leave it. California voted, maybe last year, and the population wanted to stop changing time. I never heard about it again. So much for voting.
  10. She is missing her fibula, which is the smaller bone in the leg. It will be interesting to see what other surgeries she will have. It is amazing what the surgeons can accomplish, and the outcomes they achieve. Evie has a long row to hoe, but it is great that her family is so supportive.
  11. I used to do this with my Kindergarten students, but everyone had their own baby food jar. It's faster if the cream is more toward room temperature instead of right out of the refrigerator. It doesn't take too long to get butter. The kids loved it. We ate it on crackers for snack time. Hardly worth a contest entry, however.
  12. I would bet that his long-range life plans have changed since he married and has realized how truly poorly educated and possibly less intelligent Jinger really is. My take is that he had plans for a "power couple", and now sees that that is not going to be possible. He seems to be looking for enrichment. For someone that has a college degree and played professional sports, living in the "Dugger bubble" has to get old fast. I think he is trying anything that can include Jinger, and finding that a hard thing to do. He acts superficial because that is what Jinger understands. It will be interesting to see how this shakes out.
  13. Maybe it is more comfortable. I wear my watch pretty low on my wrist. And maybe not!
  14. I think he just has a very dry sense of humor. I actually found this post funny. (the bacon post) Unfortunately, he has posted some really questionable posts, so his humor gets buried. My favorite was when Jinger was expecting Felicity. He posted a really sweet picture of little Jinger saying that he was praying that their daughter looks like her. If anyone wanted to know why, look at the next picture-which was his baby picture, which was one of those "unattractive" baby pictures that we all have. It was really a cute, funny post. I'm thinking in real life he is probably pretty witty. He hasn't learned to to translate that to print. And he needs to learn WHAT posts to print. I "guess" I can give him credit to trying to find his way in social media. I just have a feeling that there is more to Jeremy than we have seen. JMHO.
  15. OK. I found an answer to my own question. One suggestion was to freeze it in ice cube trays so you have a small amount when you need it. The article said it can be frozen up to a year. Who knew? I'm learning more than I ever thought about bacon grease! Thanks. Janelle.
  16. Can you freeze bacon grease? I would buy a tub of it to make the mixture with butter and olive oil, if I could freeze the bacon grease. I won't use it very often. I really know nothing about it.
  17. Good to know. Thanks. Although I doubt I can get Instacart to deliver it. I've never seen it on the list.
  18. My former neighbor would make these for our community crafts sale every year. She did very good work. She charged $1.00 each.
  19. Perhaps JB and Jchell realize how terrible their homeschooling really is, and they don't want any examples out in the real world. Just don't let the kids even try, so no one can see how much they don't know. It's not like they put any effort into education.
  20. Thank you. I don't remember my mother ever cooking bacon. I have a recipe for pea salad that needs bacon, and I just buy the precooked kind and microwave it. No grease to save. I really had no idea what to do with bacon grease. Now I know.
  21. Question: can you buy bacon grease? I would never have any around. Or do you have to buy bacon and cook it to get the grease? (I don't cook much.) Is bacon grease something that most people have in their kitchen? I guess I don't have any recipes that call for it.
  22. Unless her little finger actually grew longer, these do not appear to be the same hands. What we can see of thumb appears a different shape, also. Also notice how much lower the webbing of the little finger is in the first picture. I call foul.
  23. Wasn't there just a law suit involving one of the boys having a car accident with no insurance? Wasn't Kody named because the car was in his name? Or am I remembering incorrectly?
  24. I thought the picture and caption were funny.
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