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Everything posted by CalicoKitty

  1. Lutheran family here. Didn't everyone have these two pictures? My grandmother's "Last Supper" was not huge, although "Head of Christ" was of good size. And the old farmer couple praying "give us this day our daily bread". We had that one, too. And I agree, much better than the Bible quotes on wood.
  2. I've been backing into my garage every day for the past 25 years. I have a two-car garage, but with two single-wide doors instead of one large one. I feel much safer driving forward out of the garage so I can see neighbors and pets. I have neighbors that are so amazed at my "backup skills" that they actually watch and make comments. This makes me laugh, because it really is no big deal. I have to back up one direction or the other, so I prefer to do it the safe way. I also look for parking spots that don't require backing out into traffic. Too many people walking with their heads down and not paying any attention at all. Electric cars are going to be a real problem in area. No sound to warn non-watching walkers.
  3. OK. So I get up yesterday morning and I find an empty quart carton of chicken broth in my bedroom. It has a hole chewed in it, and it was totally empty. I had left the box on my kitchen counter the night before to remind me to buy more for some soup I was going to make. I could not find any puddles on the floor, and no "drip trail" anywhere, but I had to go out of town and was hoping it had not end up on the rug. Apparently, one of my cats decided to help herself during the night, and, luckily, most of the spillage had dried up on the counter. But she had to have imbibed at least 2 1/2 cups of broth. I'm sure which cat is guilty. She is food obsessed, and the other one is not smart enough. I adopted Flora from the shelter as a 6-month-old kitten almost a year ago, and this cat will eat ANYTHING. She tries to get into my plate while I eat. She licks empty plates. She steals food from the counters. She is not underfed and gets high-quality cat food. The vet thinks her mother may have been food deprived, and she will never get over her obsession, but she gives my brother's Weimaraner a run for her money. She likes to chew on anything plastic, and will jump into any empty box or basket. She also likes to sleep under the covers at night. I just wish she could get past the need for food because otherwise she is almost the perfect cat. It makes me feel sad that she is always looking for food. Meanwhile, I keep all food off the counters.
  4. When I opened the newspaper this morning I was surprised to see "Say yes to the Dress" as the top pick of the "best bets on tv" tonight. Really? Best thing to watch? That just seems kind of sad. It really is a low bar.
  5. I like our Chik-fil-A. It is newer and very clean. The staff is very polite. I really like the grilled chicken salad, but friends say the chicken sandwich is good. It is always very busy, but the staff is very efficient and I have not ever had a long wait. They have a special "kids room", so I have never found it too noisy where I am sitting. I don't go very often, but I do enjoy it when I'm there.
  6. The dishes appear to be Temptations stoneware from QVC. I have had to toss out a couple of baking dishes due to chips and cracks. One cracked in the oven while baking. They tend to crack and chip easily. Anything with a chip or break goes right in the garbage in my kitchen.
  7. My grandmother wanted to name me after her, my aunt and my mother. That would make it Louangeline Ruth. Luckily for me, my mother said NO, and I was given a normal name. Had a baby in our nursery named Meconium. Had a non-English speaking new mom name her son Robbertt. At least she tried.
  8. Once I fell asleep in the room waiting for the doctor to come in. They found me 2 hours later when they came to turn off the lights for the night. They forgot me completely. Oops!
  9. And I have trouble staying awake! And forget about trains. I have been on some of the great trains around the world and have had to fight to stay awake. Maybe because I had a day and a night job for so many years, but I can sleep anytime, anywhere, and the constant background sounds of travel just put me right out.
  10. I "listen" to Old Time Radio detective shows at night. I sleep well, but will wake up if the radio stops playing. Johnny Dollar, Dragnet, Broadway is my Beat, Lux Playhouse--shows I never head when they were produced, but I really enjoy now. I have always had the radio on to sleep; it just seems to cover up house noises and seems cozy. When I travel I always play the audio book "Whose Body" by Dorothy L. Sayers. Don't know why, but that is my go-to sleep book (I'm in love with Lord Peter!) Can't have music on to sleep--it must be radio drama. Go figure.
  11. Izzy has never been in a good position. Jill carried him incorrectly in her "body wrap" thingy when he was a newborn. She pushed him in his car seat which was set atop a stroller. She just doesn't get it, and I just hope an accident doesn't happen.
  12. This outfit is a joke, right? Does she not own a mirror? It looks like a kid playing dress up in old clothes from the dress-up box.
  13. Didn't TFDW and Pris go on a cruise, and instead of the entertainment on board, they watched marriage videos in their cabin? I couldn't figure out why they would bring their own videos on a cruise. Maybe Jill has a whole lending library of marriage videos.
  14. Now that I think about it, I did hire a fundy plumber once. He brought his 15/16 year old son with him as his "gofer". I just figured it was because the kid was home-schooled and had free time, but now I really think he was there as an accountability person. Today I had two men working in my garage, and yesterday I had a workman with me all day. Never gave it a second thought. I just can't understand being so distrustful. It is very sad.
  15. Does he know about Clownfish, for example, that are born male change from male to female when a female is needed for their coral?
  16. Dealing with elderly, ill parents is not fun. Both of my parents are in a great assisted living facility now, and my brother and I are now certain we made the correct decision. My dad (95) is unable to speak or do anything for himself anymore. My mother (92) is physically able, but her dementia is getting worse by the day (some days by the hour). She just cannot remember to push the call button when my dad needs to get out of bed. (What button?????) She gets him out. Today I found out the the staff gets Dad up and dressed in the morning, and then Mom changes his clothes and put him back to bed. He sleeps a lot, so being in bed isn't too bad, but she is not to be lifting him or helping him walk. Also, when she changes his clothes, she is dressing him in HER clothes. She keeps taking all the clothes from both of their dressers and moving them around the apartment, so the staff is never sure where to look for clothing. I have no idea---sometimes you just have to laugh.
  17. I've never found a tetanus shot to be any big deal. Just give me the shot, and I'll go on with my business. I certainly never had it interfere with anything I was doing. I don't remember even having much pain at all. Now, pain from the reason I had the tetanus shot, maybe, but even routine boosters have not caused me a second thought.
  18. Is this her "Laundry room breakdown"? They only have two children, for goodness sake. Imagine what three will do to her.
  19. I seem to remember that it was said that Michelle had once worked in a vet's office--maybe when she was in high school? Maybe she cleaned the cages and fed the animals. But she was the one who said that baby kittens like to in the pitcher, and I'm pretty sure she said she learned that at her job at the vet's office. In that episode, Boob kept finding litters of kittens in the walls of the property they were working on, and he kept bringing them home. I also remember the boys who were small at the time scooping out the litter box with their bare hands. This was when the howlers were in "school".
  20. "Happy Birthday" is now Public Domain. Until just a few years ago, it was still under copyright and could not be used on TV, but the copyright has run out now.
  21. At one period in my life I led bus tours in San Francisco, and I really enjoyed all the history. I don't seem to have any reason to get there now, and I do miss those days. I had a lot of fun showing out-of-towners the sights!
  22. I love Sears Fine Food, but haven't been there for several years. Glad to know it is still there.
  23. I'm pretty sure it worked with ATT when I still had a regular land line. I know it works with Ooma (VOIP). I was going to add my parent's ATT line before they moved. I know you can add more than one number to the account, so I don't think it is just for VOIP lines. I could be wrong, but I think this is what I remember.
  24. We've had ours for almost 2 years, and I am still very happy with the equipment and the service. It is serving as their phone service in the assisted living apartment, and it works very well. But it can be carried around and used anywhere since it works like a cell phone. It has a lot of different games of different types. Just no internet, which is fine with me since it keeps them from answering scams or being hacked. No one can get into their bank accounts, or anything like that. And no passwords to forget!
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