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Everything posted by CalicoKitty

  1. On a positive note, the flowers are very pretty (that's all I've got).
  2. I have no idea if it was an open casket or not. I was just thinking that Tacky Jill would see nothing wrong with taking a very Tacky Picture. It seems to me that she is really that clueless. I am glad she did not.
  3. I am actually surprised she did not post a photo of Mary in her open casket. I really thought she might.
  4. I have broken a toe on a couple of occasions, and I taped it to the next toe and wore open shoes. I think that's all the doctor would do, unless it is dislocated or is bleeding profusely. There really is not much to do about broken toes. Mine healed in two or three weeks, as I remember. A broken foot is a different story, however.(A two liter Pepsi bottle rolled off the seat of my car and did a direct hit on my little toe the day before a formal dinner dance. I went to a cheap shoe store and bought a pair of wide-width shoes and cut off the strap across the toe, but I didn't do much dancing!)
  5. I have an old video from the 1930's in which my grandfather is shown wearing a tie while on a fishing trip. In the boat fishing, wearing a necktie.
  6. Well, I've had a long day today. My 95-year-old father fell at home last night and tore up his arms and hit his head. When I arrived to see my parents today, he was shaking and totally unresponsive. I called 911 after he threw up all over himself, and my brother and I spent the day with him in ER and the hospital. He has been admitted for the next three days, and will then be transferred to a skilled nursing facility. I'm not sure if he will ever be back home. Scans do not show any brain bleed, but his pupils are not the same size, and I'm quite sure he has had a concussion. He is in a lot of pain because of his open wounds on his arms and shoulders. Meanwhile, my 92-year-old mother has no idea what is going on. Her dementia has been getting noticeably worse lately and she is totally confused. My parents have had 24/7 care at home for the past year, so at least my mom has someone with her all the time, but I think if Dad is not coming home she will go down quickly. I am so blessed to have my brother, who lives in the same town as my parents, since I live an hour away. We are on the same page with everything regarding our parents, and we are doing everything we can. But I doubt this will have a good outcome. Another WWII Navy vet at the end of his life.
  7. I think this is the same one. Thanks for reminding me of the name.
  8. My eye Doc said that he read a new study that about 50% (I think) of people who stop Restasis can't "see" any difference. He told me to stop when my supply runs out, and we'll see how it goes. He recommended a new Sustain product, but I don't remember what it was. He also said never use Visine. Some woman apparently poised he husband by putting it in his coffee. Not something you want in your eyes. All this to say, as I understand it, Restasis is not necessarily a life-long commitment.
  9. I love this show. Does anyone know--is there any way to see the original, unedited version in the US? Does any British TV subscription service show it?
  10. You poured the printing solution into the drum on the machine and the solution would keep a felt-type wick wet. The fluid came in a gallon-sized metal can. The fluid was clear, but it turned purple if it touched your skin. I usually had a purple finger or two (or three) when I made copies. The first machine I used had a crank that you turned to make each copy after you attached the master to the drum. Then our school bought one that had a counter that you could actually set for the number of copies you wanted when you held down the lever. And then the paper would jam and you would have to figure out how to get the stuck piece out. Copies never seemed to run smoothly, and it was sometimes PANICK right before class and the machines were down. I didn't mind the smell, but I don't miss purple smudges on my hands and clothes. I actually had to take--and pass--a class in college where you had to prove you could run the ditto machine and the slide projector, and load film in the movie projector (the one without automatic feed). Oh, and the filmstrip projector. (I loved using filmstrips when I taught). Fun times!
  11. Maybe she changed her look to fly below the radar.
  12. Or a thick-soled filp-flop sandal. That worked very well for me, but you do need to be even or your back and hip will hurt. These people are all so sad (and nuts, in my opinion), but I just can't turn away from the train wreck!
  13. I've had the same situation. I had a stylist cancel an appointment the day before I had to go to a major event-and she knew about the event. After 5 years of being her client, I expected some loyalty. I simply never went back to her. No conversation needed. I ended up going to a walk-in type shop that day, and everything worked out just fine.
  14. I ended up going around the world by myself because no one wanted to go to Siberia with me. I went by myself to Australia and New Zealand. I travel with a group, but no one I know. I did go to Kenya alone, but met up with a group of nurses and we took a nursing class there. (That trip my luggage was lost by the airlines, and I had no clothes for three weeks. They gave me money to buy shoes and teeshirts, but I got to know the people in my group real fast since I had to borrow clothes.) I travel to Iowa every year by myself. I guess I just never think about it, I just go.
  15. Is it common for a "professional" moving company to toss everything in the truck? I would expect a little bit more organization. I wouldn't want my things just thrown in like that.
  16. Coming from a "hair-challenged" family, I see the same thing you do. However, Johanna has so much more hair than the women in our family. My mother is getting seriously bald all over her head, and her sisters were nearly completely bald before they died. I have slightly better hair than my mother, but it is very fine and lightweight. It would be hard to have thin hair and be compared to your sisters who had more than they needed. (I sometimes want to cry when I see women getting their hair cut at the salon. The amount of hair that is swept up is often three times more than I have on my head! It's just not fair.)
  17. I was approached in a parking lot yesterday as I was putting groceries in my car. He was a big man, very polite, and just said he had something to give me if I would take it. It was a devotional book that I'm sure cost much more than dad R's tract. I just said "thank you" and he said "have a nice day". Actually a very pleasant person. No discussion, no strong-arm, just a polite wave as he went off across the parking lot. I actually had quite a bit of respect for him and how he approaches strangers. If it must be done, this is a good way to do it.
  18. My kitten discovered that she likes catsup. She had big orange spots on her white fur for months.
  19. To anyone needing larger font size....I just discovered that my browser (Opera) has the option to increase the font size. I just set mine to large (not even extra large), and now my print is HUGE and easy to read. So if you are wishing that this site (whatever its name is now) has bigger type size, check the options in your browser. I am really amazed. I just discovered that I can make the font larger on my iphone, too. Now I can actually read what I type when I send a message!! I just checked Safari. You can set the font size to 24. Opera will allow font up to 72.
  20. I can add to the doctor party. A certain ortho doc in Tracy CA told me that there was nothing wrong with my knee since a well-known doc in San Francisco had done my replacement. Didn't matter that I was limping and in constant pain--a little PT would work. A month later another, wonderful doctor in Fairfield (thank you Dr. Kronick) actually ordered TESTS on my knee, and found that my hardware was loose and bent. He replaced the replacement, and I am now walking and moving much better. The pain is almost gone. And I could tell stories on how some doctors treat nurses........
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