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Everything posted by CalicoKitty

  1. Yep, I had my feet in one of those machines many, many times. You went to the machine wearing the shoes you were thinking of buying and stepped up and put your feet in with the toes of the shoes touching a metal bar. Then you would push the button, and you could see your toe bones, and the metal showed the end of the shoes. That way your mother could tell if the shoes were big enough or if you had room to grow. You did this same routine until you found the shoes you wanted. Then, when your mom was trying on shoes, you went back to the machine just to watch your toe bones wiggle. If you had a buddy with you, one would get on the ground and put his hand inside while the other pushed the button and saw the hand bones. No one thought anything about it. This was just the way kids bought shoes. The same machine is now in the local museum. This was in the mid to late 1950's.
  2. When I was teaching Kindergarten I used to have a Teddy Bears' Picnic with my class every year. They would bring their bears to school, and I would supply other "attendees" from my teddy bear collection. I would also do a Three Bear's party and serve oatmeal and bear claws. It was always a lot of fun.
  3. I had terribly bad dreams while taking Nexium, Aciphex or Prilosec. Also total body rash. The reactions started while taking the first med, became worse when I tried the second, and became outrageous when I tried the third. Never again!
  4. I'm not sure how to send pictures, so here goes. These are my two girls. The Tuxedo is Lilly. She is 4 years old and not very smart. She will be minus the rest of her back teeth this time next week. I'm guessing everything behind her front teeth. She will not be happy, but I know she is in pain now. The kitten is Flora, who is a silver tabby and white. Almost the perfect cat; unfortunately she is insane when it comes to food. She is now on a diet, as she weights more than the "big" cat. Both are rescues from a local shelter, and, thankfully, Lilly was very accepting when Flora moved in. They really get along well.
  5. I actually went to customer service at Kohl's to point out that the sign in the PETITES department should not be spelled PETITES' (in foot-high letters, I might add). They dropped the apostrophe when they remodeled.
  6. I wonder if Michelle speaks in her TV baby voice when her daughters-in-law are at the TTH, or if they get to hear "for real" voice.
  7. I hope they don't "feature" Jinger and Jeremy in Los Angeles. I remember how utterly boring it was to watch when Josh and Anna lived in DC. --See Anna cook a turkey.--See Anna on the subway--See Anna pretend to go to the library. Not that I would actually watch, but I find it hard to believe any sane person would find this interesting in LA.
  8. I really like our Mods here. And Howard has made me appreciate them sooo much. Thank you, Mods.
  9. But I don't think I ever posted the same thing on two different sites. And I certainly never made fun of anyone. I do know I was "snipped" sometimes, and that was the explanation. I just never understood what I had done. Nope, don't miss Howard at all.
  10. Ah, TWoP Howard. I never understood what "boards on boards" meant.
  11. I use Opera as my browser on my Mac, and it has a great ad blocker as one of its Preferences.
  12. Maybe animal shelter blankets? I know my cats don't pay any attention to what they sleep on (unfortunately).
  13. Ah, Thank you. I'm glad it is just greasy chicken water, which is better than chicken grease. When I make chicken broth (in my InstantPot), I add some carrots, onion and celery to give it some flavor. Then I strain it and cool it and skim the fat. But that is just me. I won't be making Jill's recipe in any case!!
  14. Just last week I found a letter that my dad wrote to his parents when I was born. He wrote how ugly I was, and that I would probably get cuter, but it would take a long time. My parents and I had a good laugh, but, I guess, not all parents think their babies are cute!
  15. Since there is no mention of chicken broth in the list of ingredients, does she mean to save the grease from broiling the chicken to mix with the rest of the recipe? Grease does not equal broth in my mind--or my cooking.
  16. My dad enlisted in the navy Dec. 7, 1944; the first anniversary of Pearl Harbor. He was 18. We were looking at pictures of his ships and reading letters he had sent to his parents just this week, and although he is 98% nonverbal now, he still shows great pride of his time in service both in the Pacific in WWII and Korea. I asked him once where he was on VJ Day, and he said he was in the Philippians and his ship was loaded with underwear. They had to change their destination and ended up taking the cargo to Japan. I thought that was pretty funny.
  17. I have good luck untangling chains with pins and patience. Putting the chain "knot" in a little puddle of water also helps. The knot seems to become looser and easier to separate with the pins.
  18. Finland is NOT a "cheap" place. I was shocked at the price of food and hotels. But is so beautiful. Just plain gorgeous. I would love to go back, but I would have to save up for a long time to afford it. I would say a package deal would be the best bet. You would run low on funds very quickly just eating on your own.
  19. This has always been a grip of mine--fold marks. I hate it on "decorating" shows, also. How many times have I seen new curtains hung, complete with the fold lines from the package. Irons don't bite--really! At least run items through the dryer with a damp cloth. Or use a steamer.
  20. Is anyone else getting kicked off this site with a "temporary technical problem" message? I have received this message several times this afternoon, after which the the site closes. I cannot log in as I usually do, but can get in if I go back to my browser and open the Previously TV site. However, I do not have to log in again as my login info is still in place and active.. This has happened several times and I have not had this happen before. Is this just a glitch in the new set-up?? The above was written yesterday, and for some reason did not post. Today I have not received the "technical problem" message, but all of my topic pages have reset back to page 1 instead of coming up on the last-read post. Is anyone else having this experience? (Now to see if this will post today...)
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