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Everything posted by CalicoKitty

  1. It makes me happy to hear you say that you have had such a good car experience. I'm sure mine was just a lemon but it has "soured" me on Toyota forever.
  2. I made the huge mistake of buying a first-year Toyota Highlander. Worst car I ever had. Nothing but problems, including having the air conditioner back up and flood the inside of the car. I ended up having to add Freeon every 6 months because there was a leak under the dash that no one could find. Started driving Hondas in 1981, and still do, except for the one Toyota. I started with the 1981 Civic hatchback, moved to the accord wagon (I wish they still made that model), and I'm driving my second CRV now. Never a mechanical problem ever. They just keep going. I also found out how well they are built when I was hit from the side. Crumple zones worked perfectly.
  3. RE: browsers I really like Opera much better than Chrome. It is very stable, uncluttered, and easy to use. It has an ad blocker that is easy to switch off and on when you need to. It also has a VPN which you can turn on. So far, I have never had any trouble. I access Ancestry frequently with no problem. Just my $0.02.
  4. OH, boy!! I will try this as soon as I get home. Thank you @MargeGunderson.
  5. Thanks @lookyloo and @MargeGunderson. I don't usually do any social media, but I will check out your suggestions. As soon as get back into town I will try something. I would like to try a small roast, but I have some chicken quarters in the freezer that I will try, too. I'm looking forward to this adventure. I've heard so much about the Instant Pot, I decided I needed to get in on the "action"! Can you do a corned beef brisket?
  6. OK, so I bought an Instant Pot. Now what do I do with it? I don't know where to start. Are there recipes available somewhere? I would like to do a roast, or chicken, or soup, or----something. Any suggestions?
  7. There have been comments about Jenny's stomach looking bloated in other pictures in the past. It really does look abnormal. I certainly hope someone (anyone?) is paying attention to her.
  8. I highly recommend the Milliard Foam Leg Elevator Pillow available on Amazon for $49.99. It proved to be a lifesaver for me when I had to stay elevated after knee surgery. It has a channel to support your leg, is actually very comfortable, and made lying around with my foot up much easier. It comes with a removable, washable cover. For me, it really was worth every penny. It made following the Dr.'s orders much easier! Good luck, and lots of hugs!!!!!!
  9. Kraft makes it. I use it instead of breadcrumbs when I make meatloaf. The house brand at both markets that I shop at is also in a green-labeled container. It is next to the prepared Ragu-type sauce. I much prefer fresh grated from the deli, but this works well as a filler in gluten-free recipes. Thanks, @AussiesRule. You beat me to it.
  10. I took it to mean a can, or "jar" of the grated stuff in the green container.
  11. I was the Activities Director at a nursing home for one summer while the actual Activities Director was on vacation. I actually loved the job, but it was a lot of hard work. There were specific programs to run, such as arts and crafts, current events discussions, music and singing time, game time with board games and card games, and hosting visiting speakers or performers. I had to help transport a lot of wheelchairs and walkers to said activities, and took time to visit with family members and friends as well as the residents. It is certainly not just a "make time" job if you do it correctly. It is also a job that is greatly appreciated by the residents and other employees. The Activities Director is an important person in a nursing home/assisted living situation, and not everyone can do it well. Good for Amy if this is something that she really loves. I'm sure it is appreciated.
  12. I hear ya, @Christina87. I taught for 38 years. I loved it when I was there, and LOVE it now that I'm not. I know many retirees who rush back to substitute, and just can't give up the job. I, on the other hand, left the last day of school, drove away, and never looked back. And you are correct--it is not a job for just anyone. I'm sorry you had such a hard time. We really need good music teachers in our schools. You are also correct that parents, administrators, and bad student attitudes are making it much harder to teach. Have you ever considered a program like Kindermusik? You could open your own studio and be your own boss.
  13. I just buy gluten-free soy sauce. Problem solved.
  14. This is the same shape as my double sink. Mine is very deep, and I have a roll-up drying "rack" that fits over the narrower side. I really like the roll-up rack/mat thingy, since it can roll up and be kept under the sink until I need it. I have found this to be a very functional sink, but it would not be if it was not nice and deep.
  15. I had the TV on yesterday while I was doing some paperwork, and an episode of Say Yes to the Dress was on. I looked up, and there was the mother of the bride wearing the tin man dress. It looked rather nice on her, as she was a tall, fit, lady. The dress actually doesn't look as bad when the neckline is worn as designed, and there is no tee shirt under it. In its natural state, the neck is not at all too low or revealing. Still, probably not a dress I would opt to wear.
  16. Growing up, there were 4 of us in my family. Between my mom, dad, brother and myself, three of us had birthdays in April. Throw in Easter (when it fell in April), and it was always a busy month for us. Date clusters happen even in small families.
  17. I solved this problem by installing a recirculating pump on my water heater. Now I have almost instant hot water any time, anywhere. Almost instant, as I have to wait about 5 seconds. This beats waiting over 5 minutes, which is what I had to do before. Yes, it costs few cents more, but I figure I am saving gallons of good water daily. I bought my pump at Home Depot (since there is one almost on my corner), and it appears it is very easy to install. I had a plumber put it on, but there are UTube videos that make it look pretty simple. I sure wish I had done this sooner. Hope this helps.
  18. Please ignore the posting above. The box was stuck on my screen. I would be most unhappy if I was paying for my classes and someone was bringing a "buddy" with them to attend the classes for no cost. Let alone the distraction. This is just wrong.
  19. Google "cat birth control". There is a group somewhere, maybe PA, that has a formula for a concoction to put in the feral's food that stops conception. It is a real thing.
  20. Thank you @Marigold. I appreciate you post so much. Have you ever looked into a poodle rescue group? I have a friend who adopted a Westie through a rescue group, and was very happy. I know there are breed-specific groups all over. The cost is usually much lower than buying a purebeed from a breeder. It's amazing how many good dogs and cats are homeless.
  21. So today I went to PetsMart to buy cat food for Lilly, and the woman who runs the cat rescue was there. I have known and adopted cats from her for years, and she asked me into the back of the "cat room". Yep, you know the rest. I came home with a gray and white 5-month-old kitten that I have named Flora. She is extremely shy and still has not made any sound as yet. She is closeted in the front bathroom with all the comforts of home, and I think I will just leave her alone for the rest of the night. I hope she decides to come out from under the cabinet and sleeps in the comfy bed I gave her, but she has a lot to figure out. She went from Animal Control to PetsMart to my bathroom in one day. That's a lot of changes. Lilly knows "someone" is in the bathroom, but she is still wondering where her buddy is. I expect it to take a week or more for everyone to feel "at home", so I'm not pushing. I was planning to wait a little while before adopting again, but the situation just presented itself today. Wish us luck; it may not be a smooth ride. I want to say a big "Thank you" to everyone who offered me comfort and support yesterday and today. I really appreciate it. Maisie was such a great cat, and I will miss her for a long time. She is supposed to be on my lap right now. You folks are the very best!
  22. Thanks for this. I have scrubbed out the litter boxes and filled them with clean litter because Maisie had made such a mess in them. Her bed and toys are still here, and I will just leave them out for Lilly and whoever her new friend is to use. Lilly seems a little lost tonight, and I'm sure it will be worse for her tomorrow. I think adopting a new friend for her very soon will help her. I know it will help me.
  23. Today is a sad day for me. My 9-year-old calico cat had to be put down. Her photo is next to my name. It was sort of unexpected; she had been having bad digestive issues for a while, and I had a sonogram done last week. It showed an enlarged spleen, and she was put on antibiotics and and restricted diet, but I still had liquid poop all over my house. Just sleeping in my lap would make me have to change my clothes. I know she was not feeling well, so, after a discussion with the vet, I had her put down. She went easily and peacefully, but I'm still very sad. She was absolutely the smartest cat I have had ever had, and she loved everybody. She was a special girl, and a lot of people will miss her. My other cat, who is NOT smart, was crying when I came home, so I'm sure she knows the score. I guess I will be at the shelter one day next week.
  24. That was my feeling also, but I keep hoping. I do think about her often. The sad part of having cyber friends is not getting closure if something happens. It's funny that you can have "friends" that you never meet, but that you really care about.
  25. "Arwen" was the answer to a crossword clue this morning, and I was thinking----has anyone heard from our Arwen lately?
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