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Everything posted by CalicoKitty

  1. Wanderwoman, I am so sorry to hear your news. You are in my prayers. Thanks to everyone for the thoughts about the loss of my big boy cat Elliot. Yesterday I took a trip to the shelter and brought home a very small white and black kitty. I thought that she was just about a year old. Then I found out that she was actually brought to Animal Control with HER litter of kittens. She looks so young and small that I was surprised that she already had had kittens of her own. She is very friendly, and I hope she and my calico (whose name is Maisie!) will work things out. Today is the first day they have met each other, and there is some hissing and a little "talking" going on, but so far just what I expected. My Maisie is extremely friendly, so I hope they are a good match. Thanks to everyone again for your good thoughts.
  2. Thank you, everyone, for your kind thoughts and hugs. I appreciate it very much.
  3. I'm having a tough day. My big boy kitty had an apparent stroke early this morning. He was on the floor unresponsive with just his tail twitching when I found him. After about 30 minutes, he started to walk, but could only go 10 steps at a time without lying down. The drive to the vet was not fun, and leaving him behind was very hard. He was a shelter cat with a tough kittenhood, and he has been my snuggly bed buddy for eleven years. I'm not sure what my other cat is thinking, but she knows he is gone. I foresee a trip to the shelter next week.
  4. I have to add my 2 cents on the soda discussion. My favorite "bubbly drink" is anything that I make in my Soda Stream machine. Their caffeine-free diet soda is pretty good, as is the lemon-lime (think 7-UP) and root beer. Mostly I just make bubbly water, which I really like. No cans or bottles to deal with, and the drinks stay fizzy for several days.
  5. RE: Jill staying the baby was not ugly---I have a letter written by my father to my grandmother to announce my birth. He writes about what a very ugly baby I was. It gets a good laugh now.........
  6. Wanderwoman, I have been following your posts with great interest. I am a recently retired NICU nurse, and it gives me such great joy to read about the care your Maise is getting. You have given me a whole new perspective from a parent's point of view. I wish you all the best, and look forward to following your progress. On another note: I just finished reading GML's A MIDWIFE'S TALE. I really enjoyed this book. It is very well written and tells a very interesting story. I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for an interesting read.
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