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Everything posted by CalicoKitty

  1. I just watched my first episode of House Hunters Family, and it will absolutely be my last!! Totally obnoxious.
  2. My mother's eldest sister was only 5 years younger than my dad's mother. Mom is the youngest of 10 (not fundie--Lutheran) and she was 20 years younger than her oldest sister. Mom is the last of her generation at 90. And, strangely, there were only 5 grandchildren on this side of my family.
  3. I was able to find it on the PBS web site. It was listed in the PBS program guide, so I have no idea why it wasn't on. Anyway, I was able to see the episode, I'm happy Andrew won star baker, and I will hope the program shows on time next week. At least now I know where to watch if it is not on the tv.
  4. Where can I watch this episode? My PBS station just decided to skip it tonight, and I don't see where it is being repeated anytime this week. And only "tudor week" next week. I wonder why the station would just skip it? (I'm on the west coast)
  5. Sew Sumi, I've been wondering if you were near the big fire this week. The traffic reports sounded horrible. I heard that the smoke was visible from Livermore.
  6. I can remember an incident were we had an Asian mom who needed a C-section for failure to progress. Mom and Dad were both ok with it, since it was a necessity, but the mom's mother was fighting against it. She was wailing and crying, and actually on her knees holding onto the doctor's leg begging not to do the surgery. Grandma was willing to let her daughter and grandchild die rather than have an incision made. Fortunately, the mom and dad were both much more Americanized, and had no problem understanding the importance and need for surgery, and they had a healthy baby. Grandma was giving all of us, and the baby, the "evil look" after it was all over, and did not seem happy with her grandchild at all. I've always wondered if Grandma finally accepted the situation, or if she held a grudge against the grandchild forever. Another interesting night in our unit at the hospital.
  7. In California each county has its own rules. They are definitely legal in my county. Lots of charities and non-profits have booth to sell fireworks. The organization must send people to take a safety class, and a "safety officer" (someone who has taken the class) must be on site at the booth during sale hours. Other nearby counties do not allow fire works. It just depends. I was just remembering a funny incident. Several years ago our county did not allow fire works. One night a house a couple of blocks away caught on fire, and it tuned out that the occupants had been storing illegal fireworks in the garage. The neighborhood was treated to a great fireworks show.......
  8. I use a folding drying rack on a regular basis for items that I do not want to put in the dryer. My grandmother never had a washing machine (and had 10 children). When I was litte, I can remember everyone gathering their dirty clothes on a large tarp-type thing from the laundry. When you pulled the drawstring it formed a "bag" for all the laundry. The laundry truck would pick it up and take it to the laundry to be washed. Then it came home wet. This was called a "wet wash". The clean wet laundry was hung on racks to dry. My aunt continued to use this service until she finally bought a washer and dryer in the 1990's. This was in a larger town in Iowa, not an impoverished area.
  9. If I remember correctly, the church women gave Jill a "pounding" before her wedding. A pounding is a sort of housewarming/shower where the bride is given things for her pantry, ie: a pound of sugar, a pound of flour, etc. I'm guessing that the "pounding" term is loosely used as a gifting, so a diaper pounding sort of makes sense. They way these folks like to "joke" around, I'm surprised that they don't do charivaris--where people show up at the newlywed's house during the night and pound pans and make noise to "welcome" them to their new house. But I think the newlyweds are supposed to invite the noisemakers in and give them food and drink, so I guess this custom would not fly with this bunch.
  10. This is exactly why I now make my yearly trip to Iowa in late September. I have learned the hard way!
  11. The vineyards were covered in white (hail), and a funnel cloud was spotted. And we had LOTS of lightening and thunder. It was really strange, considering we don't get rain from June through September.
  12. Sew Sumi, Its down to 101 right now (7:45 pm) in Stockton, and should ONLY be 103 tomorrow. This has been a terrible weather week, and only last weekend we had hail and a lightening and thunder storm. Go figure!
  13. We had a large Hershey plant near me in California, and it was a great trip for school classes and out-of-town visitors. No amusements, but there were samples! It was nowhere near as big as the plant in PA, but it was a good sized plant. The area was hard hit when they relocated to Mexico.
  14. FYI - According to the announcement at the the top of the page next to the little horn, the Large size is the same as the old font.
  15. Thanks for showing me where to increase the print size. Why did change on its own, anyway?
  16. Arwen, Thank you so much. This is what I was hoping to hear! I wish there was a way to brush her teeth, but I need all my fingers.
  17. Two years ago, after my cat had a stroke, I adopted a year-old cat from Animal Control (and I never want to go there again! Too sad...) Lilly had had a rough first year of life, and she had developed gingivitis. At her yearly exam last week, the vet recommended a tooth cleaning. I picked her up Monday afternoon, and found out that they had had to pull 9 teeth. And still, the first thing she wanted to eat was crunchy cat treats. Since the "chewing" teeth are now missing, I think she swallows most of them, but she keeps trying to chew them. She seems so happy now, so I'm thinking her mouth must have really been giving her constant pain. Unfortunately, her buddy cat knows her from a distance, but not by smell. No more trench breath!
  18. This floor thing is so out of my range of thinking. I do not even have one single pair of shoes in my house. I have a shoe shelf in my garage right by the door, and shoes stay outside the door, and slippers are inside the door. The thought of "shoe germs" in my house drives me nuts. Why would anyone want all that stuff on their floors and rugs? Especially since "spitting" on the ground has become so "acceptable". YUCK!
  19. I am a retired NICU nurse, so watching Jill's "care" is interesting (and frightening) to me. I seem to remember back when Jubilee's death was announced to the family, Jill had said that she was monitoring her mom's care, and had heard a heartbeat just the day before. But later in the episode, it was said that the death had happened several days earlier. I remember wondering what she had been listening to. Does anyone else remember this?
  20. This wedding picture looks "off" to me. The bridesmaids on the right seem bigger and out of scale. They appear to be taller than most of the men, and almost as big as the groom.
  21. YIKES! My grandparents were married at the Little Brown Church, and that song has always meant a lot to our family. This is truly------(at a loss for words)
  22. I'm a retired RN who worked at a Catholic hospital. Easter was NOT a holiday. Go figure.
  23. Whenever I get "charity" calls, I tell them that I don't respond to any phone soliciting, and to please send me something in the mail. It is amazing how many "charities" have no brochures. However, I have found the best way to never receive these calls. I gave up my ATT phone line and hooked up Ooma. It is connected to my wireless modem. They contract out with a company that blocks telemarketers and scam calls. You can set the level of blocking you want. I have had NO political calls, and I get a scam maybe once a month (I've had the IRS call, too). The best thing is the price--$99 per year plus about $5 a month tax. It is so nice not to have my phone ring all day with sales calls. My elderly parents do not even have caller ID, and my mom keeps trying to talk to the recordings to tell them not to call. The "grandson is in jail and needs money" really upset my mom, even though she knew it wasn't true. Their phone rings many times a day, often with no one there when the phone is answered. But they are too old and confuse too easily to change phones on them now. But I am enjoying my quiet phone.
  24. I had something new happen when I had my teeth cleaned. The hygienist now wears an EXTREMELY bright light on her head in addition to the light already on her goggles. Even closing my eyes is not enough protection. And then, when it reflects in the dental mirror, it is like a laser right in the eyes. It really hurts! The first time with the new light I was wearing a knitted scarf, which I immediately put over my face. That helped some, but not enough. Last week I showed up at the dentist's office with a sleep black-out mask. That worked pretty well, but I need to find one that doesn't let the light come in around the nose. She said some patients complain that the light gives them migraines. I guess I'm lucky that I only have pain........
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