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Everything posted by CalicoKitty

  1. It's not just high school athletes that get special attention, it is "special" sports. My nephew is a high school soccer coach (championship team), and he has to beg for equipment. A couple of years ago his equipment trailer was vandalized and all his equipment and uniforms stolen. The administration gave him a couple of new balls, and when the public started fundraising for him, he was told to put a stop to it. But football and basketball get all the financial support they need, as well as equipment. So there is a "pecking order" in high school sports. Football, especially.
  2. There is no charge for the Covid vaccine that I am aware of. They just ask for your medicare card. Walgreens is not a preferred provider for my new supplement, either. There were no questions asked.
  3. I'm scheduled for my second dose through Walgreens. I just happened to see that they were giving the first dose, but I have an account with them, so it was easy to register. No lines, no waiting. I encourage people to get loyality accounts with pharamacies because you never know when vaccine will arrive. My experience is that you have to act fast to get an appointment.
  4. I have very, very fine, soft hair, and I keep it short because it is not heavy enough for any length. I usually have it trimmed every month. But since I moved over 3 months ago, I haven't found a hair salon yet. I'm hunkering down and not going may public places. Finally yesterday I just couldn't stand it any more. I had hair sticking up on top and out at the sides. So, I went into the bathroom, got out the scissors, and gave myself a haircut. I cut off at least an inch all over (and my hair is usually only about 2 inches long). I do not know how to cut hair, but I was desperate. It actually came out pretty good. My neckline isn't quite right, but I'm not ashamed to go out of the house, so I consider it a win. It really does look so much better than it did. I figured I could wear a hat if the cutting went bad, but, I must say, I did a pretty descent job. Desperate times call for desperate measurers, I guess.
  5. I have two cats, and they were actually hurting me starting at 4:30 every morning. I bought an automatic feeder, and set it to feed a small amount 4 times a day. It saved my life. They knew food was coming, and they didn't have to jump on me while I was sleeping. They got to know the motor sound and would run to eat. It was great. Then, Lilly had to have all of her teeth pulled. No more kibble, and no more automatic feeder. They are actually pretty good about food now. They wait until I get up to run to the bowl for food. I found that I need to feed three times a day because Miss Toothless can't chew well, and would throw up if she ate too fast. By feeding that third feeding, she knows food is coming and she doesn't have to gobble. She still throws up sometimes, but she is getting better. Flora, on the other hand, sits on the counter while I open the can of food, and tries to get a mouthful while I divide it into the dishes. Then she licks out the can until the food is down on the floor. She has this routine down to a science. I miss the automatic feeder. It was great. I knew exactly how much and when they were was eating. The one I bought had a dog setting and a cat setting, but you could customize the schedule and amount. Since I couldn't use soft food in it, I donated it to the local Animal Shelter.
  6. I would want to go into the store with Daddy if I was her age. Maybe he told her she was his "helper". This is least strange thing about this picture as far as I can see.
  7. There is a book available called something like "A Grandmother Remembers", which asks questions to fill out. Things like childhood memories, family tree information, where she met her husband, information about your parent, etc. It includes things like favorite recipes and room for photos. I gave one to my grandmother over 40 years ago. I don't think she wanted to work on it, but she said once she started it was a lot of fun. I treasure that book. She mentions the first time she heard a radio when she was in college, and how all the students in her elementary class (whole school--only one room) were allowed to go outside to watch whenever a car drove by. The book asks leading questions to make it very easy to fill out. I just checked. It is still available, and there a 30th anniversary edition available on Amazon for around $15.
  8. I don't know about Quinn's situation, but in CA, there MUST be a name on the birth certificate for the MOTHER. The father's space can be blank. If two guys are the parents, one of them MUST be listed as the mother. Usually there are papers from their attorney stating which one will be listed as MOTHER, and papers signing away parental rights from the surrogate. The space for naming the father can be left blank. As nurses, we would encourage a young mom to put the baby's father on the form so she could get some child support. I have seen a boyfriend signing that he was the father when he knew he wasn't. The situations can get interesting. But by law there does not need to be a father listed on the birth certificate. It can be left blank.
  9. Enumeration is a term used in genealogy which means there is information about someone. A person is enumerated on the census, which means he is listed with his information that is being collected.
  10. My g-g-grandfather was listed twice on one census--one time with his family, and once with his aunt and uncle, who he happened to be visiting that day. A lot of babies are listed as "No Name", and it is always fun to see the next census to see who No Name became. Sometimes nicknames were used on one census year and not others. Sometimes middle names. One of my family names, SARGEANT, is misspelled several different ways--sometimes on the same document. You have to be very "open" to spelling when doing research.
  11. You can also use basically the same recipe with Cheerios instead of Rice Krispies.
  12. We had over a foot of snow yesterday and more last night. I woke up about 1:00 AM wondering why there was light coming in the top of my drapes. I got up, and it looked like it was 4:00 in the afternoon. Much too bright for 1 AM. Then I realized it was a full moon, and the moonlight was reflecting off all the snow. It was pretty, but kind or eerie, too.
  13. I would have appreciated one of those ice wraps when I had my wisdom teeth out. I had all four pulled at one time, and I remember trying to hold bags of peas on both sides of my face
  14. You and I are searching in the same area. My family is Lutheran, and I have not been able to find anything for even my grandparents. They were from the Posen area, which is Polish/German. I even have pictures of my grandmother's half-sisters who stayed in Germany. But no records seem to be available. And no one seems to be researching them, either. No information on Ancestry. I have my info out there and keep checking, so I guess that is all I can do. Sometimes I find a new listing, only to find that it is someone who has copied my information for their tree. Nothing new.
  15. I think you are right. There are ways now to search that were not available years ago. I have a good handle on my father's family, but I'm stuck on my mother's side. So many church records were lost during WWII. I have had no luck finding anyone so far. I have not heard if my friend's brother has had any luck.
  16. A friend's brother was the genealogist of the family. Hours of research over many years. Then he did the Ancestry test. Turns out he is not biologically related to his family. Both parents are dead, and he has no idea who his birth family is. Unfortunately, he and my friend hardly speak, so he really has no family. It was quite a shock.
  17. I have noticed my computer is much slower on this site. This has been happening for the past couple of days.
  18. I would feel terrible for Tim if Momma wrote and posted it and he had nothing to do with it. I think that is a good possibility. Poor Tim. No education and no future.
  19. I was able to get my first dose yesterday. We have Walgreens pharmacies here, and because I have a loyal card. they sent me an email Tuesday saying that they had limited quantities available. I replied immediately and got a spot for the next morning. I immediately called my friend, but she had trouble logging on. She kept at it, and her husband got an appointment yesterday, also. Turns out they post the schedule in the morning for the following day, and take it down when the slots are full. Another local pharmacy chain is doing the same thing. If it hadn't been for having my loyalty card I may not have known about the availability. Based on my experience, you might what to make sure you have a loyalty card at all the pharmacies near you. You have to act fast! I heard a discussion today about an oral vaccine that looks promising and that may be available in a few months.
  20. I arrange most things by color in my closet. I leaned that tip in a workshop once, and it does make it easier to find what I'm looking for.
  21. I remember Jana was very embarrassed about getting dressed up. But she did as she was forced to do.
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