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Everything posted by CalicoKitty

  1. Of course, you're right. I guess I'm too anxious for next week! I guess since it's a "home game", the Giant's announcers are on. I'm always surprised when I hear Kuip's brother on the A's broadcasts. They sound a lot alike to me.
  2. HaHa. Easy to do when it is a game that doesn't count. I still think of this forum whenever Duggar is playing, though. It sort of makes me sad that "our" Duggars won't ever have a chance to excel at anything. (except at being sloths) Giants play the A's tomorrow at 1:05, I think in SF. That's always a good game.
  3. I think of this forum every time he is in the game. (I hope they do better opening day!)
  4. Tonight's cat blanket. This time Lilly is sleeping with her head on my laptop, and Flora is using her for a pillow while totally stretched out on her back. (Lilly always seem to be the pillow). I'm covered in cat from waist to toes. As soon as I took the picture, they started a wrestling match on my lap.
  5. As I remember the picture, it was an attempt to make the crotch area not as noticeable. But she erased so much of the area that she took most of his thighs, too. There was this huge space with about 3 inches of thigh left, with his normal-sized legs attached. It brought more attention to the "area" than if she had just left it alone. It must be exhausting to be so virtuous.
  6. Thanks for the info. I've never spoken to any of these people, so I wasn't sure what info they were trying to get. I just ignore any calls I don't recognize.
  7. I know it is a scam. I wish everyone understood that your statement is correct. I was wondering if anyone knows what scam it is this time. Based on the number of scam calls out there, a lot of people must panic and respond to these calls. This is one of the reasons I'm glad my 94-year-old mother can't manage a phone anymore. She would talk to anyone on the phone--even scam recordings.
  8. I just received a message on my "land line" (my Ooma VOIP that I don't have connected at this time) that I'm being served and if I don't call them RIGHT NOW I will be arrested tomorrow with the press present. I'm in Nevada and the call was from Buffalo, NY. I also had a message from them yesterday. Anyone know what this scam is?
  9. My view from my patio. It is a beautiful, sunny (cold) morning.
  10. If you do send a letter, just remember that there will be a post mark on it showing your location. OOPS. Late to the posting party.
  11. Jessa really does have a narrow outlook, doesn't she. These quotes are just sad.
  12. He also had a wife that could not function alone, and was taking time off for filming. Things may be altogether different now. No filming, and Jill seems much more "together" than she was. We'll see.
  13. Tammy Faye was sort of like a train wreck--you couldn't look away. She always seemed kind, however. I felt sorry for her in her choice of husband. He was just plain creepy.
  14. I wonder how they feel about Forsyth's first wife? I'm guessing that divorce is somehow ok for men, but not for women. It is probably all the wife's fault. Would they associate with her and her new husband?
  15. I am back to the 1500's in my dad's family, and I have no Catholics in my family since the Reformation. None. My French family was Huguenot, my Irish line was protestant from the North, and I have 4 Mayflower lines. My mother's family is German/Polish Lutheran for as far back as I can trace. This has made it more difficult to do research. No Catholic church records to use. I think my fellow researchers here are correct. Based on migration patterns, the chances that Michelle's family were Catholic are pretty slim.
  16. In our (Lutheran) church, there wouldn't even be any flowers in the church on Saturday. That is the day the church is made ready for Easter Sunday. The church ladies usually work most of the day Saturday getting the church ready for Easter Sunday. All the altar linens are changed from dark purple to white that day and the sanctuary changes from dark and drab church of Lent to a joyous, flower-filled church of Easter. A wedding would not be appreciated--or allowed.
  17. I email the picture to myself, also. I send it as "small" and drag it to my desktop. Then I insert it either by dragging it to the post I'm making, or choose the file. So far, this has worked well for me. Good luck.
  18. When I was still teaching classroom music, I was doing a movement activity with my last classroom of the day. I noticed one little boy who's movement was a little different-looking. Then I realized he had on two matching left shoes, one a whole lot larger than the other. Apparently his older brother had on a "matching" pair all day, also. Both boys had new shoes (that were the appropriate size) the next day. It really did look odd to see a kid skipping with two left feet. But the shoes were the same color, and this incident was by accident. And not posted on social media.
  19. I just built a new house, and had the "toilet room" walls and door removed from the plans. It makes for so much more room in the bathroom. I would love to see a house hunter look for a home in Russia and encounter the "hole-in-the-floor" toilets. I was totally amazed when I attended the ballet at the Bolshoi. Here were men in tuxes and women in gowns, and the restroom toilets were holes in the floor. I expected these toilets other places, but not at the Bolshoi theater. People need to travel to appreciate the "conveniences" we have in America, and stop comparing and complaining.
  20. Sweet potatoes in the toaster. Don't tell Christine. She could go into a full blown breakdown. Maybe Christine is right, some people should not own toasters.
  21. So--she just stocked up on Temptations from QVC to resell? My experience with that brand is not good. It chips and cracks very easily ( see Janelle's dishes). At least she is making a good profit on them, I guess. Since I really don't care for the color green, I have an excuse to pass on this offer. It always amazes me when I see who the "sheep" will follow.
  22. I am very allergic to asparagus. I miss not being able to eat it.
  23. It also messes up the time on my antique clock. I've decided it's easier just to let it be an hour off for half the year.
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