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Everything posted by bichonblitz

  1. If Ciera is only 24 she hasn't been a nurse for very long. Is she really a nurse?
  2. I was listening to a podcast the other day and the subject of Chuck Lorre sitcoms came up. One of the guests on the podcast said the she interviewed Anna Faris and inferred the reason Anna left Mom was because of money. It always boils down to the money.
  3. I think they will all say "Yes, stay together" on decision day except Haley and Jake of course. I don't think any of them will last to the reunion unless Lifetime offers bonuses if they stay through the reunion. Then they will all splitsville.
  4. Billy is a really good looking guy with a great body. Not my type, I prefer cutie ponytail man bun Michael who is hardly ever shown for what ever reason. Why did we not even see the home visit with Michael and Martha? I know he has parents and a brother, lol. Yeah, I follow him on IG. I won't give away any more than that. Apparently nobody cares anyway. Anyway, back to Billy. Problem with him is that he lacks self confidence. When he opens his mouth he sounds like a scared little boy. That's a turn off. Billy needs to start acting more like a douche with a little bit of conceit thrown in, then the ladies will flock to him.
  5. Drunks also don't talk super fast like that. They slur. I'm thinking Adderall during the day, booze at night. JMO
  6. Bri is a pretty, fit, educated, successful woman. What does she see in Vinny? It can't be his charming personality. She could do sooooo much better. Vinny was chubby before he gained the extra 18 lbs, he's not very attractive and speaks like he hasn't graduated high school. So big fekkin deal Jake ate 8 eggs. That's not a lot for a man if he's not having any pancakes, grits, potato's, bacon, toast or biscuits to go with it, lol! He was the first to arrive, he was obviously starving. It looked like it was going to be a few hours before dinner, the others hadn't even arrived yet. It's not like he rudely ate Haley's precious dinner ingredients or something. Leave the guy alone, ya hag!
  7. I can't with this stupid fake wedding. How old are these people? Also can't with Amanda's high pitched baby cry all the time. I hate all of em' except Danielle's new guy. He looks like a normal guy, not all manscaped and his food looked delicious! Hannah is going to marry Des, have a baby immediately after and divorce in a couple of years. Lindsey will marry someone she's not really suited to because her clock is ticking loudly, have a baby soon after and end in divorce. Paige isn't ready for any of that nonsense yet. Bye Bye Perry. Who the hell knows what will happen with Kyle and Amanda. She said she's ready for a baby now. I think 10 yrs down the road Kyle will be bored with all of that. Ciara is beautiful but doesn't quite fit in with this bunch. She's a little more serious and doesn't get as shitfaced as the rest. Kudo's to Danielle for telling her bestie Lindsey that Yeah, the problem in your failed relationships is YOU! Carl is only bearable when he's sober. Luke has a gorgeous face but looks dirty all the time.
  8. She has a lot of nervous tiks. Including picking at her zits. Looks to me like she may have more going on than just the alcohol abuse. Just to be fair, I think Erik likes his booze a little more than he is letting on. He doesn't want his bosses and peers to know but we have all said that he has appeared to be drunk on several occasions. Ok, I'll agree maybe Bri should not "surprise" Vin ever again with her planned outings without them being Vin approved first. Hopefully she gets it now. Discussing with Vin what they want to do for fun is reasonable except one thing: Vin doesn't want to do anything. It's not just the horse, it's everything. He's a dud. He pissed me off when he said they would be living in his one bedroom apt. because he likes it. Bri has a really nice 2 bedroom in the same neighborhood but he insists they live in his one bedroom. I don't like this guy.
  9. Yeah but Haley herself said she finds fault with every date and relationship she has ever had. She would find fault with Erik, too. I think Clara would be great for Erik. Pilot+Flight attendant. She wants to be married and in love, so does he. She would have his kids with no hesitation. She's a neat freak, Erik would love that. Match made in heaven.
  10. Loved it when VirGinn told Haley "Don't mimic" it's not nice. First and only time I have liked VirGinn. Haley really showed her obnoxious ass at the table. Bri, girl. Go find yourself a real man. Vinny is a whiny puss. Get on the fukin' horse and shut up. Is there anything he's not afraid to do? His fear of looking foolish is paralyzing him from enjoying life and possibly will ruin his relationship with Bri. Jake has a dry sense of humor. He had the couples laughing several times, he can be quite funny when he relaxes a little bit. Erik, you are married to a girl child. It will never work. I would like to see the questionaire these people complete before being matched. Are there no pet related questions such as: Are you allergic to any animals? Are there any pets you don't like? How many pets are acceptable to you to have in your household? Do you allow your pets on the bed and the furniture? Pets are super important to the people that own them and can be a dealbreaker. It is for me.
  11. So Nova forgave him for breaking that boys back? Because he said he was forced to do it by his peers and it was a supposed initiation of some sort? Then her sitting on the sofa all happy like all is well with the world? WTF? My dislike for Nova has no end.... Darla's pregnancy announcement to RA was lovely. I hope they keep that storyline sweet.
  12. I don't think Robyn cares all that much for Kody. I think Robyn is a very lazy woman that wants a man in the house full time to help take care of the kids. Once she has him all to herself will she be happy? I don't think so. I'm not even sure Kody will be happy after the "honeymoon phase" wears off and he realizes he's with this manipulative wench 24/7 with no other women fighting over him. Christine should try to get in as another sister wife with the Darger family. She seems to admire and love them! Maybe she's too old for Darger, though. Don't these polygs want to marry women that still have plenty of child bearing capabilities?
  13. Toya is just an unlikeable asshole. Also, I'm sick of people saying "anybody can be a dentist" like it's some kind of second class medical profession. It's not. It's a highly skilled profession and I don't see any other Dr's saying that, only their wives that have done nothing with their lives except marry a Dr., learn to play tennis, go shopping and continuously seek that bigger and better house. Yeah, I'm looking at you, Blondie.
  14. Oh, that Janelle. So there they all are ready for this big pow wow that Janelle has been driving around talking to everybody about: So Janelle, you want to start? Uhhh, I don't know. Janelle, why are we here? Uhhhh, I don't know what to say. I've never done this before. What a dimwitted dolt.
  15. This is what I'm thinking, too. If Christine stays it will only be for the TLC money. Once the show is over she will go her separate way.
  16. What a complete and utter mess this family is. I'm shocked that Meri doesn't jump at the thought of moving to Utah. Her B&B is there, her only child is living there now, she has no life with Kody, she seems to be doing ok financially with Luluroe. She was more than willing to leave the family when she thought she was in love with the catfish king so what's holding her now? Christine, after seeing the way Kody handled Ysabel's surgery discussion I don't know how she could ever come back from that conversation and have any relationship with the sperm donor of her kids. She needs to leave him and never look back. When did Janelle become so pathetic and when did she become so concerned with the family dynamic? She and Meri hated each other for years. They could barely be in the same room together. Now TLC has nominated her to be the peace maker, traveling from wife to wife to try to mend the farce of a family. Her convo with Kody was painful. He was mocking her and had a sly grin on his face when she was talking about leaving for a few weeks. Will we be ok? Will this damage our relationship? I don't want to ruin what we have. Oh, girl. He could care less about you. Robyn. She has aged rapidly. I could not help but think how unattractive she is now. What the hell does moving her 2 youngest have to do with anything? If you are going to move that is the best time to do it. Before they are deep in to school and making friends.
  17. I'm dying to know. In my mind it has to be Steve Perry (Journey's first and best front man) because she said on WWHL the guy had better hair than she did and Steve had that gorgeous long, shiny black hair!
  18. Erik's sister in law was so right. Your husband should be your ride or die. Your PERSON. Doesn't mean you can't have friends or a job or any hobbies outside of your marriage. But...the marriage comes first. Gin has no clue. She needs another 10 years before she gets it. I still don't care for Vinny. When Bri was explaining to him her difficulties when she was younger and feeling alone because of being "too dark skinned" he really didn't give a crap. She was looking for some kind of comfort from him but she didn't get any. Sometimes he has no compassion for her. Sure, he does some nice things but when you get down to caring if your wife is hurting I don't see him doing that. Clara's mom was really nice with Ryan. What is his deal, anyway? If he was in a previous relationship for 2 years without having sex or telling his girl he loved her then this is not at all about Clara. This is all about Ryan. Haley's mom is as obnoxious just like Haley. One minute of that phone conversation tells us all we need to know about why Haley is the way she is. Dr. Pep doesn't care for Haley. Haley kept biting her lips when Pep was talking to her. So distracting.
  19. I know that if I took a close up pic like that of myself and looked at it before posting it on SM I would say "Oh, hell no"! and delete it. I have some modicum of self respect (and maybe a bit of insecurity) regarding the way I look. Then again, if she doesn't care which apparently she doesn't then good for her. She is the complete opposite of the face tuning and filtering that celebs are doing to the point they are unrecognizable on SM.
  20. That and she has no class when it comes to hosting people in her home. Or on vacation.
  21. Wondering what he is going to do with that car? Drive to a JOB? Is he working now? Now he has the freedom to meet hot, young women. Rebecca what have you done, lol ? She bought him that car but has to put in 60 hrs. at the chicken place and had to live with her daughter before Zied came to town? She is such a dolt. Regarding Rebecca's new look- she stopped wearing that awful matte red lipstick with the gross dark lipliner and she also finally trimmed and conditioned that scraggly awful hair and touched up her roots. Someone gave her a hair and makeup lesson. It wasn't only the botox and fillers.
  22. https://www.instagram.com/p/CNqEkuOqk_i/ Yikes! Back the camera up, Amy. Does she not see how bad she looks? More power to her for not caring what people think.
  23. Oh jeez, now that she got lip injections she's selling lip gloss on Insta. I think her lips look the same. The top one is still thin and the bottom one is a bit fuller. Same as before she had it done.
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