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Everything posted by wonderwoman

  1. yes, that was my one real disappointment, as well. there’s was a lot more to explore between rebecca and her mother. would have loved to see tovah feldshul again.
  2. i'm callling it now: ava was behind the robin scam. oh yes,: choi was beyond insufferable.
  3. according to tood vanderwerff @ vox we should all buckle our seatbelts: "To say literally anything about the first few episodes of the final season of Jane the Virgin (The CW, Wednesdays at 9 pm Eastern) would be spoiling a pretty big plot twist."
  4. was so excited to come across miranda hart's bbc show on amazon prime. unfortunately, it's that that very broad british humor with an unbearably loud laugh track. couldn't make it past the 2nd episode.
  5. hadn't realized that tim o'brien, who wrote the classic, 'the things they carried,' was writing for the show this season. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/03/20/magazine/tim-obrien-this-is-us-vietnam.html?action=click&module=Features&pgtype=Homepage
  6. yup! the bravermans redux. unfortunately, the bravermans got on my last nerve and with one exception, never made me cry. sad to say, after the first season, the same has been largely true for the persons.
  7. one would think... look for pope francis to issue a papal dispensation from 1pp.
  8. just saw emily kuroda (mrs. kim) in a new play, 'endlings,' at the american repertory theater in cambrige. also caught her in a recent episode of 'the good doctor.'
  9. according to matt zollar seitz at vulture: "With a host eating up anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes of telecast time, would Spike Lee, co-winner for Best Original Screenplay for BlacKkKlansman, have been able to warn the producers, “Do not turn the motherfucking (my italics) clock on,” and then (seemingly) be permitted to give a heartfelt, informal-sounding, very Spike-ish speech putting his own family’s history within the context of four centuries of American discrimination?" https://www.vulture.com/2019/02/2019-oscars-review.html#_ga=2.213911508.2104341480.1551237997-2082165475.1491450891
  10. vox's todd vander werff's take on the larger historical context behind 'the green book's' best picture win. https://www.vox.com/culture/2019/2/25/18239309/oscars-2019-green-book-best-picture
  11. exactly! however, eliminating the nonsense that usually bloats the oscars -- presenters' bla bla bla, endless montages, pizza deliveries -- exposes the ridiculous number of commercials.
  12. my only quibble with the in memorium was the music. john williams music all sounds the same to me and leaves me cold. however, i very much liked that they kept the camera steady so we could actually see the name. so, next year, keep the camera the same, replace the music -- yo yo ma playing bach would work for me -- and i'll be a happy camper.
  13. rhetorical question: did maya look in the mirror before she left the house? maybe the dress was intended as some kind of spoof; but those earrings! really?!
  14. got rid of cable a while back, but really miss watching the baftas and independent spirit awards. wish the oscars would take a peek.
  15. "I like Greg, and even Greg and Rebecca together, but stuff like in this episode is why I don't think they wouldn't make it as a couple, long-term. Best case scenario for me is that Rebecca doesn't end up with any of these dudes." still having trouble using the quote function. anyhoo... agreed that rebecca shouldn't end up with any of these guys. i would actually take it a step further and say that the show should end with rebecca realizing that before she's ready for a real relationship she must confront her issues head on -- something she must do on her own.
  16. "I haven't been enjoying Blue Bloods very much this season so I was pleasantly surprised that I liked this episode. I'm assuming Jamie and Eddie's wedding will be the season finale in May. That's something to look forward to this season. I do enjoy seeing Jack. I normally dislike Erin but I find that I like her when she's with Jack. " quote function doesn't seem to be working. what i really liked about the exchange between jack and erin is that when he called her on her shit she didn't get all defensive, as is the reagan's wont, but actually considered what jack said and took it to heart.
  17. well, i've been hate watching for a while -- round the time the randall starting his campaign. now that he's won, i'm offically out. can't stand more of his pontificating.
  18. note to jamie lee curtis: love that you keep your natural hair color. but white hair need contrast to pop. so, no more whte dresses.
  19. conversation with amy and dan re how they use the camera. https://www.vulture.com/2018/12/mrs-maisel-season-2-palladino-interview.html?_ga=2.266054991.1585824150.1545973844-2082165475.1491450891
  20. every year, there's always one segment that feels thin compared to the others. this year it was reba's, which was nothing more than singers coming out and talking about how wonderful she is before singing one her songs. no overview of her career, no cohesion among the the performance, no context of how she fits into country music, all in striking contrast to both wayne shorter and phillips glass. i learned a lot about their music from the comments of their fellow musicians. and reba's segment just looked cheap: nothing visually interesting; no set design beyond some album covers . the lighting was perfunctory, the graphics or backup musicians nonexistant; another striking difference from the shorter and glass segments, both of which were visually, as well musically, stunning. wonder if it was simply a lack of imagination on the part of the segment producer.
  21. todd vanderwerff creates a larger context: https://slate.com/culture/2018/12/tv-club-superstore-lodge-49.html
  22. two years ago, all i wanted for christmas was for him to read the damn constitution before he to the oath of office promising to 'uphold, protect and defend' it. read the fucking 1st amendment!
  23. just came across an insightful interview with jtv show runner, jennie snyder urman. https://www.vulture.com/2018/09/jane-the-virgin-jennie-snyder-urman-profile.html?_ga=2.66603885.2120600125.1544567451-2082165475.1491450891
  24. from salon: https://www.salon.com/2018/12/01/smart-watch-shes-still-the-marvelous-mrs-maisel-and-season-2-dazzles/
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