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Everything posted by wonderwoman

  1. I've always liked Ingo Rademacher as Jax on General Hospital. Since the online listing for the movie, "Ray," was wrong, I decided to take a look at the ION movie, "A Royal Holiday Ball" instead. Now, I'm not a big holiday movie fan, so my frame of reference is limited. But, sweet baby Jesus... When you can tell EXACTLY what will happen within the first ten minutes, never mind all the exposition and stilted dialogue... All I can say is there's two hours of my life I'll never get back.
  2. Silly me. I was so excited when I read that Baker gets a job offer. But alas, Saint Francis, always the hero, had to save her from what a smart, savvy detective ought to have been able to figure out for herself. Of course, there is the possibility that the commissoner picks his staff from those he regards as dim bulbs, lest they cast a shadow on his halo or, horrors, seriously question his decision-making.
  3. another 'world turns reunion on tonight's "mom." steven weber guests as william fichtner's brother.
  4. try to cancel this post, but can't figure out how. please ignore. And MH said as much in an interview not too long ago. Clearly, she doesn't have a clue. But I wonder if anyone has had to balls to even try to tell her that THIS IS NOT A GOOD THING!
  5. Random thoughts: I don't remember the woman being read her rights. Did I miss this? Given her mental state, wouldn't even a competent defense attorney be able to get the confession tossed? Imagine this episode with George Huang instead of MH. "We gotta stop this:" As always, Fin speaks truth to power. And Barba continues to kneel at the altar of Saint Olivia. And, why, in the name of all that's holy, when Liv realized that the guy the perp killed was a surrogate for her father, did Liv keep rattling on about her father instead of pushing her to confess?
  6. I know, I know... Since I first heard about this episode, I've been swearing up, down and sideways that I wouldn't watch. However, after spending the first 10 minutes of tonight's episode of This is Us, shouting "Fuck You!" at Randall and Beth, I may watch just to see how many times I can shout FU at Saint Olivia in an hour. Might crack open a bottle of wine and make it a drinking contest.
  7. He has some interesting thoughts about the challenges of writing for binge watchers. Alan Sepinwall
  8. was just coming to post... Todd V is a kindred spirit about so many things.
  9. I have been know to shed a tear or two, and did when Rebecca arrived. I also found the scenes beteen Rebecca and teenaged Kate revealing. But, with the exception of Randall and William's road trip to Memphis, these single-focus episodes leave me cold. I much prefer seeing all of the characters interact, which is why having Randall on the East Coast with Kevin and Kate in LA disrupts the flow and makes the show feel disjointed. ≈
  10. Just saw the promo, and if anything, it looks even worse than anticipated.
  11. Gaby Hoffman's on tonight's "Finfing Your Roots." Anthony Herrera (James Stenbeck) was her biological father, and the investigation reveals a great deal about his early life. They showed a few ATWT clips, unfortunately noT "Hello Barbars." But, still worth tracking down.
  12. and when might that have been? i have always found the writing heavy-handed.
  13. Agreed! This was the first time that they actually sounded like a real family.
  14. Yes they are! Even though for many people the word "soap opera" are shorthand for cheesy, melodramatic and over-the-top, there are times when soaps have been subtle and nuanced, particularly in the genre's early years (pre Luke and Laura).
  15. I take television as seriously as anyone. But folks (and by folks, I mean Dan Fogelman) these are television characters. Let's get a grip. Is Kate losing the baby sad? Sure. But so devastatingly sad that the show needs to defend its decision (when so many of us already had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen)? I think not.
  16. Well, now it would, but I suspect in 1973 it would still would have been considered romantic even if the genders were reversed. I actually saw The Way We Were when it came out (yes, I'm that old:). And yes, initially, I thought it was sort of romantic -- the ugly duckling gets the golden boy. But, even then, there was something about that scene that bothered me. And long before -- decades before -- the Weinstein, et al revelations, I was aware while Katie may have though she was seducing Hubbell, she was, in fact, violating him, and that had the genders been reversed, it would have been considered rape.
  17. Does anyone know when this is supposed to air (so I can make other plans:)? It's not on tonight's schedule (The Voice is listed @ 9).
  18. Remembered the incident, but had to Google to confirm the date. I love when writers take the time to make sure the details are accurate.
  19. Agree. If Charlotte had been a male surgeon hitting on a drugged out female version of Kevin, I think viewers would a lot less concerned about the doctor's ensuing hurt/anger. Which is an interesting thing to think about, because (if my theory is correct) should gender matter in this kind of situation Exactly. This situation reminded me of a scene from one of my favorite movies, The Way We Were. Barbra Steisand (ugly duckling, Katie) runs into her college crush Robert Redford (golden boy, Hubbell), blind drunk in a nightclub. She brings him home and while she's making coffee, he falls asleep in her bed. She undresses and climbs into bed with him. At the time (1973) a lot of people described the scene as romantic. But how romantic could it be when the guy's has been puking his brains out, hasn't brushed his teeth and is so drunk he could have been fucking a goat. But I found most disturbing is that had the genders been reversed, it would have been rightly considered rape. And I always thought this incident, though never mentioned again, contributed to the failure of Katie and Hubbell's marriage, but I digress. I'm just glad thie issue was raised, particularly in light recent events.
  20. So wish readers could comment on this piece on the site. Think the author might be surprised.
  21. Noah having a bad day? Were that it be. I'd pay to see that! And if Olivia were in the room... Please, oh pretty please.
  22. A lot to absorb in this episode. But it did occur to me that not very much time could have passed since the previous episode when Jane's leg was still in a cast. So I was suprised to see Jane running a full speed with no apparent pain or limp.
  23. The always insightful Todd Van Der Werff @ Vox. Suspected the show would do well, but closing in on The Big Bang Theory. WOW! Vox
  24. Can't say the promos enticed me. But my sister said I should take a look and I really liked it. Can't believe that silly Matt Leblanc show, Man with a Plan is what will replace MMI. Of course, I've never seen an episode of Man... Those promos were so awful, I doubt my sister would have been able to convince me to watch.
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