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Everything posted by mrsbagnet

  1. I think Gaga's wigs are bad on purpose, meaning she wears them as an over-the-top accessory. IRL it seems like a wigs have gone from "an imitation of real hair" to something worn as an accessory, kind of like it is for Queen Charlotte on the show. Maybe we're getting back to that, fashion-wise. Though not with wigs that huge, I hope. πŸ˜„
  2. Which makes it interesting that the Bridgertons have so many children. It's a testament to Violet and Edmund's affection and randiness for each other, but with that many sons with inherited wealth, you're kind of setting them up to not do much in life.
  3. I'm feeling a bit pleased with myself. I nominated Lady Danbury's walking stick for the Primetimer "Best performance by inanimate object award," and it came in 2nd 😁.
  4. Yes, this! How many times did she insist that they spend time together? At least 1/4 of their interactions were set up by Edwina. The more I watch this episode, the more annoyed I get by Anthony's proposal to Edwina. It was a pretty shitty thing to do. I get why he did; I know his issues. I know that Kate has been totally resistant. But the last interaction he has with Kate is "tell me you feel nothing, and I will walk away." She doesn't get a chance to answer before Daphne interrupts. Anthony says nothing, NOTHING to Kate after that. Not to mention that minutes after saying those words, he tells Daphne he has every intention of proposing to Edwina. Um, what, sir? We don't know what Kate would have said. But he could have given her a chance to respond, or at the very least, warned her that he's going to propose to Edwina. Of course, if he'd done that, she'd have a chance to voice an even bigger reason to object. He avoided her and his own objections by proposing on the spot like that. Plus, he left Kate high and dry and horny. Just disrespectful. Re: Eloise's boorish behavior. Despite all her bravado, I think she's acting mainly out of fear and insecurity. She's afraid of being married, she's afraid of growing up, and she feels inadequate compared to Daphne. So instead of facing her fears, she attacks and disdains everyone. There were no doubt other women during that time who bristled against the limits that society put on them but who found ways to fight the power effectively. Eloise just asks like a rude battering ram. Remember that S1 scene with all the wives at the gambling party at Lady Danbury's? A woman who was clever could find ways to have power and take control of her own life.
  5. I'm rewatching season 1 and man, it would great if someone did a sketch comedy series of therapy sessions with Bridgerton characters. The Duke's daddy issues, Anthony's fear of love, Kate thinking she doesn't deserve love, Benedict's insecurity, Eloise just being extra all the time -- the show could write itself.
  6. Seriously. Between he and Kate, I've never seen two people so hell-bent on being unhappy.
  7. I've been thinking about this a lot (too much even). Anthony implied, though not directly enough, that he'd drop Edwina for Kate. When they were dancing, right before the fight/almost kiss at the Bridgerton country ball, he asks her "Do you want me reconsider (my declaration to Edwina)? She deflects, saying it doesn't matter what she wants. He says, "I do not think that is true." She starts in with the "I'm returning to India," which cues Anthony's meltdown. I think if Kate had said the word, had indicated that she was open to staying, and admitted her attraction to him, he would have proposed to her. But she was so insistent that she was leaving and that she wasn't going to marry and that it was all about Edwina. She didn't give him much hope that she wanted to be with him, other than the obvious attraction, which she kept fighting.
  8. My favorite moment was Anthony look of shock at Kate's enthusiastic whistling. I was little annoyed that he took Lumley's lemonade for himself and didn't pass it on to Kate.
  9. Benedict is my favorite Bridgerton. Between the nude modeling and that crack he made about Eloise overcounting the number of intelligent women in the house, I just love the character. He's humble, he's very funny, he's always smiling, and he's down for whatever. Poor Violet, she looked like she was wavering between crying and smacking Anthony in the head when she was talking to him before the dinner with the Sheffields.
  10. I'm so happy to hear this. I just re-watched the entire season. Can't wait for the new one.
  11. Really surprised that the baby story went nowhere. It's like they didn't even hear me yelling "That ain't his baby, bitch!" at my TV. I wonder if it got edited out or if they'll follow up later. They should have had either that plot line or the one with Maggie's classmate. Both were sort of half-stories.
  12. I was so confused by her anatomy. These two had plenty of shadiness to go around, but Charity was not believable at all. I wonder how they book the subjects for this show. Presumably the two parties are fighting with each other and probably not on speaking terms. How did they get them to be on the show? I assume they pay them something.
  13. The man in the first story is a walking red flag. He moves way too fast, and he's a fool for love.
  14. Seeing Tony in his DEA uniform was the most satisfying thing I've seen on television in a while. I was waiting for it. Desna has always overestimated her abilities. Calling yourself a boss does not make it so. She is sloppy.
  15. It was a just side line, but I chuckled that both Melissa's uncles were named Anthony (Uncle Anthony and Uncle Tony). Many years ago, I was getting my hair done and the stylist's boyfriend, who was a police officer, stopped by to see her, with his partner in tow. The partner was Italian American. The stylist addressed the partner as "Tony," and he said, "That's not my name. You think 'cause I'm Italian my name is Tony?" I died πŸ˜‚
  16. Didn't Archer and Asher do the hysterectomy on the donor sister? I don't know how it works in the real world, but for TV purposes, I assumed that it was a relatively standard hysterectomy that an OB/GYN surgeon and a general surgeon could handle. I imagine you'd have to treat the whole process more delicately and preserve the blood vessels, but Asher should be able to do that. For me, their presence was the least implausible thing in a plotline full of WTFery.
  17. The bane of 3rd grade parents' existence. πŸ˜† I still have my recorder from almost 40 years ago. It's in a box in my closet.
  18. I didn't even know uterus transplants were a thing. This storyline really bugged me. It would have been more plausible to get the woman counseling so she can accept the fact that she can't give birth to children. The fact that they allowed the sister to make a last minute decision to remove a major organ with no counseling was outrageous. I'm sure she loves her sister, but she has just put her body into major turmoil unnecessarily. That's A LOT, and it could have life long effects. The transplant might not even work! Also, would it have been possible to have her up and out of bed just after a hysterectomy?
  19. I learned the phrase, "I paid it dust." I had to rewind it twice, and then put on the captions because I thought I was mis-hearing. There were so many good lines in this episode, but that was my favorite. I loved the janitor dropping knowledge on Gregory. He needs a supportive older man in his life.
  20. Ryan's proposal is BS. Even when he and Helen were dating last season, he was barely around. He travels for work. So now he's going to settle down in small town Serenity and have a family? He's going to do a 180 for his high school/college gf whom he's only spoken to for a few months in the past 20 years? Please. He needs to get his head out of the clouds and move on.
  21. It feels like they don't know what do with Nicole Byer. The times when Nicky is serious (doing real estate, befriending Faye, talking with Noah about their relationship) her character is really good, but her comedy comes off as sillier than the other characters.
  22. I was kind of appalled, but not altogether surprised, that they actually pressured Will to give up the money. It was especially galling since the lawyer didn't want them pursuing the case in the first place. Will put in the most work and put himself into several compromisig situations. He deserved to get something for his trouble. If I were him, I'd take the money, pay off my loans, and go on my merry way for a long vacation. For me, the most satisfying moment was finding out the woman with diverticulits had dumped her fiancΓ©. Oh, as the heart doctor, WTF? You threaten to report someone for disciplinary action and in the next second, you're headbutting them? Buh-bye.
  23. This made me think of Mapleworth Murders. Nicole Byer has a guest spot that show, and her character has a wine-induced orgasm in the middle of a party. Way over the top. I guess that's her thing.
  24. They weren't meant to be orgasming. They were doing impressions of James Brown. He made funk music and the wine was "funky." Kind of a silly pun, but also kind of clever. I didn't know it was the finale, either. I hope it gets renewed. I wonder what's going in that time slot next.
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