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Everything posted by mrsbagnet

  1. I'm loving how eager Dr. Transplant's daughter is to get Crockett naked. She's all "Shall we shag now or shag later?" Brian Tee's neck seems thicker than it was before. Why didn't Crockett or Archer just do the procedure when they saw that Ethan needed to take off his brace? Was Ethan the only one who knew how to do it?
  2. No way Crockett would go there with Vanessa -- he actually has principles. I did like how he brushed off her advance last week without embarrassing her. Looks like Vanessa is headed for a crash. I was hoping Crockett and/or Maggie would do more to get her to slow down (have her talk to Dr. Charles or tip off Goodwin maybe). I just realized that nurse Doris is gone. They really cleaned house with the cast. Thank goodness Paramedic Courtney is still there, otherwise I wouldn't recognize the show. Dr. Scott's dad was a hottie.
  3. I also appreciate how they've included several storylines about poor people and minorities getting substandard care without being too preachy or too obvious. They build enough sympathy for the character that the audience feels wronged on the patient's behalf. I was relieved that they didn't go the route of having the police shoot the patient. It would have been easy to do that. They are really cutting down on the melodrama. I was actually disappointed that the episode ended so quickly. I can't even hate-watch this show anymore! Kudos to them for turning things around.
  4. He's off somewhere recovering from his gunshot. I think the actor was working on another project while they were filming these episodes, but he'll be back. It's kind of jarring that most of the original ED docs are gone. Can't say that I miss them though.
  5. The podcast Still Processing did an entire episode about "Before I Let Go," and how irresistible it is to Black people. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/20/podcasts/still-processing-before-I-let-go-frankie-beverly-maze.html
  6. It feels like they got new writers for the show. They haven't been throwing around the typical bingo card terms (pneumothorax, hemothorax, intubate, "push 2 of epi" (or sux or whatever drug)) as much this season. The storylines seem more thoughtful and complex. Also, no budding romances so far -- the preview for next week notwithstanding.
  7. I want to know what she's playing at. Dating coworkers is shaky enough. Openly dating two coworkers who are in conflict with each other is shady AF. Does she want to cause a fight?
  8. I've been wondering that myself. I'm bingeing and I can't stop. I think it's because the actors are very talented, and they are doing their best with the crappy material they've been given. They all embody their characters well. Also I really like Goodwin's character. Or maybe I just like getting righteously annoyed over people doing the same stupid shit over and over. 😄
  9. It was really surprising to see how Med is shot differently from Fire and PD. The Med set looked totally different on the other two shows; it was brightly lit and spacious. At first I thought they were shooting in a different space. I understand why Med would be shot at a closer angle due the more intimate interaction between doctors and patients, but why is it so dark? Watching part III. When the CDC lab people show Will the antibiotic cocktail that is working, he says "It's attacking the virus." No.
  10. As annoying as this storyline is, there's a strong degree of truth to it. Nurses are THE WORST patients. I've had to take care of my mom after surgery and during a serious illness. She did take sick leave, but her refusal to stay in bed bordered on pathological. She'd get up and try to do things, then she'd have to practically crawl back to bed when she got tired or had pain. I jokingly threatened to sit on her or tie her to the bed. While her attitude is pretty realistic for medical professionals, I do agree that Maggie is being unprofessional, and I would think that as a nurse, she'd feel some responsibility to not to work when she can't be 100 percent there for her patients. I'm kind of surprised that no one notices her not feeling well, but Maggie is one of those people who have it so together that friends don't know when they're in trouble, and they don't like to ask for help. I thought the portrayal of the late-millennial/Gen Z trainee was surprisingly accurate, both her (over)confidence and her refusal to take shit from Maggie. I wish she'd stuck around, as she had a good attitude and was eager to do a good job, but I am glad she stood up for herself.
  11. So, Connor just quit on the spot and walked out. No two-weeks notice or anything (it was the same day as Ava's death, right?)? No good-byes other than to Latham and Goodwin. That's such an insult to both the character and the actor.
  12. So a nebbish like Bernie has two whole families and is living in one house with both of them? Nice one, show. It's good that they're making the best out of a bad situation, but I feel so bad for the teen daughter. How is she supposed to talk about her family with her friends? They better not be making her babysit for free.
  13. He was trying so hard not to react with disgust 🤣 Best scene of the episode.
  14. I think I need an intervention. I can't stop hate watching this show on Netflix. I stopped watching it on NBC a couple of years ago, but I just started watching again from Season 1. It's so much worse bingeing it. The crappy repetitiveness of the writing is much more apparent.
  15. I love that Stacie got more screentime and story this season. I was stunned when she showed up at Kimchee's reunion. That was gold.
  16. I'm halfway through S5. Jung is kind of a crappy boyfriend. He made the lunch with Umma unnecessarily awkward, and that thing with the dinner party was incredibly thoughtless of him.
  17. This was my favorite episode all season. I haven't been really feeling this season; the sketches have been hit or miss. I actually forgot to watch it last night. I just watched the finale, and all the sketches were really good this time. Doesn't it? That sketch was hilarious because it was so true. I don't like it either, and sometimes it doesn't even seem to fit the setting of the sketch. It felt very out of place in the Split the Check sketch, even though I understand it was a callback to an earlier sketch.
  18. Laci was the lead in the twerking sketch with Miguel. I agree about Gabrielle being the MVP. Not only is her acting on point, but she's nearly age 40 and out here doing handstands, roundoffs, and splits. I'm jealous.
  19. I thought I saw this here, but I guess not. This was fun to watch. I just re-watched the Purgatory Soul Food sketch and saw that the waitress is one of the writers.
  20. Yes, that was her. I was really glad to see Erica Ash in that scene, too. I recognized Ryan Michelle Bathe's face, but I couldn't tell who she was until the credits. I was so excited to see Miguel! They are doing Ashley no favors with her wardrobe this season. I remember her clothes looking better last year. I Wheel Survive, lol.
  21. Pattu Hogg is not saying "I've said too much, I've said too much" as often. My new favorite quotable lines from her are in the Baby episode: "Amy Lou, you are without child and you are without wits," and "Oh my sweet Jesus!"
  22. I'm just now watching Season 3 on HBO Max. Was the knife guy always so creepy? The writers are really spot on with the film references, so far there's Picnic and Lady in a Cage. There are probably some others that I'm missing.
  23. Courtroom Kiki Part 2 was my favorite sketch, esp. Gabrielle's dance moves and YNB as the judge. Laz Alonso was funny, too. The line about having them "seasick with these waves" sent me flashing back to my uncle with his Murray's and his wave cap saying "My hair is more wavy than the ships in the Navy." This show continues to kill it with the guest stars.
  24. I'll be with you behind that tree because Blue has irritated me since Season 1, Episode 1. I love that viewers are holding Nova accountable even if the show's writers aren't. #neverforget
  25. I'm so glad we got to see Chen on last time. He's been my favorite character throughout the series. He's so delightfully petulant, but he's a good guy underneath.
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