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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. As far as the designers and the glue guns (and yes years ago glue guns were frowned upon but now there okey dokey) they are HOT as holy hell and you will get burned. I keep a glass of water by me for sticking burnt fingers into. Maybe the poster who didn't get burned on hers was using a low temp gun? And yet another year of blind judges. Seriously he glittered a painted muslin and you all fall all over it??? Sheesh
  2. Am I the only one who kept staring at Meghan in her TH and thinking "Eating Disorder Big Time". Good Lord her arms are like sticks and you can see her bones! Something is wrong there. Why was Shannons hair all disheveled when she got out of the golf cart? They don't go that fast! It looked like she'd been pulling at her hair while she yelled-excuse me-corrected David. That poor man. I'd cheat to if I had to listen to that shrew. Hey David come on down to ole Virginny...I'll fix you all the steak and potatoes you want. #Freedavid.
  3. And for an absolutely STUNNING surprise......none of you donkeys win! Not one of you is capable of running a hot dog stand much less a real professional kitchen so I hearby declare this.....the season that should never have been. (Which you really could say about every season since about year 5 but whatever)
  4. Everyone named Blair needs a ring tone that screeches blai,Blair,listen to me!!!!!!!
  5. Somebody's is giving me a million bucks to film.....I will pee in a ditch...no problem. Bring on the cameras and that check. If I looked like Carole I would NEVER shut up about it. Didn't look that good at 50 sure don't look that good at 57. Go Carole!!!
  6. RIP Forever...you were a good show and you will be missed.
  7. Should we draw and quarter Carole for having the nerve to date someone who's younger? This is so funny to me because my mom was 41 when I was born. My dad was 29. They've been married 60 years now.....
  8. Wait wait Jessica's 25? Seriously? Bitch looks 40. Just say no to plastic surgery. That cake was gorgeous. It was a work of art and I just cringed when they started throwing it around like pre schoolers
  9. Did ya'll notice during the interview she started saying she was "almost" 3 years sober. Then 3 years sober. Then it was 3 1/2 years! 7/8/9 days indeed kimmy. Rehab is a waste of time. She doesn't want to get sober.
  10. Is it bad I wake up Wed. happy for coffee and previously tv to read?
  11. I seriously do not think anyone wishes Kim ill. We would all love her to sober up, make amends, become self aware and live a happy productive life. BUT she is a vile, mean person in her addiction and I think that's what turns people off. I've defended her in the past but since then I have seen her nastiness and hate and jealousy. When a person is that nasty it is kind of human nature to say Ha-Serves you right for being so nasty. So what comes first-the addiction or the personality? Like the chicken or the egg. I've had my fair share of therapy, and rehab and I feel for her I really do....but at some point you have to say "My life is unmanageable and I have to change". I don't know her personally, maybe this will be her wake up call, maybe not. But I wish the best for her and for every addict who suffers. But I feel the most sorry for her kids and for Kyle.
  12. If I stand on the side on the side of the road and put my fist on my waist and stick my other arm out like a friggin superhero someone will stop and translate for me. Right? Right? Oh maybe not.
  13. Well now I'm in 100% pain because I couldn't find Part Two. Goddammit.....
  14. Oh sorry---I try to proof read but sometimes......yes, it was HW shows.
  15. I love me some housewives but I agree with bichonblitz these women are just "off". I can't explain it or even put my finger on it. Maybe it's just a difference in America and Australia. They just seem to all be trying TO HARD. Like they watched all the HF shows and now there being "characters" instead of people. Our Housewives are characters all right but I still buy that there real people. These women are like actors that at the end of the day go home and are completely different people.
  16. I'm so confused. I think I need the 12 monkeys primer or something....
  17. So Quick Reply ate my post from last night soooo....I'm to lazy to o back 9 pages to find the quote but it was something like "When Brandi gets cornered she's not the truth cannon. She just shoots off her cannon". Which made me think of the discussion in Amsterdam about sex show.....and I has a horrible mental image of BG in a corner, legs spread, shooting ping pong balls out her hohaw machine gun style. And hitting Kyle in the head with one. While she drinks vodka....out of the bottle.
  18. Oh my gosh.....my last season love for T-Rav is fading. You knocked her up you ass! Now freaking marry her...because SC voters will LOVE an ex convict who's living with his baby mamma and illegitimate child.....I've lived in the south since 1969 and, yes, I lived in Charleston for awhile to (15 years ago but still) and SC is extremely conservative about that stuff. More so then the rest of the country. And whoever said they won't like Shep because he's southern? You don't know what your missing! Southern guys are great...I'm strictly blue collar (a long way from Southern Charm territory) and the men I meet are polite, gentle, hold the door, say please and than you and never ever ever kiss and tell. P.S.--Patricia and Whitney are no more southern then Donald Trump. Their Yankees from NYC. P.P.S.-If Landon keeps laughing in that highly annoying nervous giggle AND keeps saying LIKE ever other dang word I may have to mute her....Bless her heart.
  19. Oh I can barely wait.....I'm living only to see those women go off on the trash that is Brandi. Side note-We may all be sick of tampon-gate but it will be news to a lot of people. My god daughter watches BH every week but she doesn't read the tabs or the message boards. A few weeks ago I mentioned the tampon string and she didn't believe me! Swore it was photo shopped.HAHAHA... Brandi I'm almost 58 years old and I haven't had the "flow" since I was 29. People sometimes have surgery due to illness, that makes that a memory. I never missed it nor did I ever feel less "womanly". I was thrilled to not have to worry about pregnancy or cramps. Or..you know...being sick anymore....Brandis is a idiot. I've defended Kim in the past but she really is a vile human being. Maybe Brandi is so in love with the "Love Boat" she's trying to look like it's most frequent guest star...Charo. Winner of the reunion dresses-LisaR. Classy, well fitting, flattering.And her hair is perfection. Losers-Sorry Eileen-I love you but that dress is awful and of course the gold standard of tacky is good ole BG. Girl can not dress can she??.
  20. I love this show BUT when you tell them "super HERO" and they come up with some creature with blood running out his mouth???? They should be eliminated for not following the guidelines of the challenge. And don't say "Oh I'm doing an anti-hero" They said Superhero not anti-hero. Just bugs the shit out of me when people do whatever they dam well please and not what there told to do. If there working on a movie or tv show and the boss says make me a superhero and you show up with something that in no way resembles what you were told to do....fired.
  21. O.K. so I just got an email from Famewhorga website . It's saying they are casting now for the new season and that Caroline is coming back and Jim and the twins are most probably gone unless they can't find anyone else. Mostly because of Jims aggressive twitter wars with fans. Hell he even threatened to block me! Ass. Un-hum...anyway I know it's just rumor but they have been advertising for women in NJ to apply for the show so some of it must be true.
  22. WOW....I thought out American housewives were phony...these women have them al beat. They are SOSOSOS aware of the camera and are all trying to be amusing and get their camera time. They all come off as so fake...I don't think they were that bad last season. The 2 new ones are the worst....Look at me, Look at me...bleech
  23. Psych wards in 2015 are not the snake pits or warehouses. They are great places for those who are ill and have no where else to turn. They don't care if you have insurance or not. They just want you to get well.
  24. Nope not private. State run for people with no insurance .I've been in 5 and they were all the same. Great staff...really tried hard...lot's of help....I was lucky enough to come out the other side and haven't seen the inside of a hospital or psych ward in 18 months. I can only imagine how wonderful a private facility must be!
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