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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. ANNNNNDDDD you have 1 day to design.....minus the hair salon,the visit the makeup ,the visit for TH, lunch, AND now you must design a stupid tee shirt and print it out.....How much actual time to they get? I'll just echo everyone else and say FREE THE DESIGNERS!!! Give them a real time day or 2 or even 3. This is why Face Off is sooooo much better....because there forms have to dry and you can't change that they get 3 days...They often say there stuck but after a nights sleep they come back with a solution......and a vastly better show. Heidi looking at the crop top (that was to short) "It's dangerous and I like dangerous" yep---because the rest of the world want everyone to see there bra.....uh huh
  2. Quick-- Call Megan......Defender of truth, justice and the american way! Because inn her entire 30 years she's NEVER heard of someone using alternative or natural medicine therefore it's a scam. And WHEN did they say they cleanse cures cancer? Oh right, never. Lord Yolanda on RHOBH is constantly doing cleanses and she has something or other and no ones screaming bloody murder about that. Whether you accept eastern medicine or not it's still a persons right to choose whatever treatment they want and no one else s business how they choose to treat or nor not treat their disease. E.T.A. Even if they are on TV!
  3. I can't stop laughing. Thank you so much! This this just so absurd I can't wrap my head around it. And yes, when you're appendix bursts (or did it?) you barf....a lot
  4. My ex had cancer (prostrate) I went to one Dr. visit. He didn't want "company" he just wanted to be left alone. Last March my appendix burst. Surprisingly I din't take one picture of me barfing off the side of the gurney.
  5. UMMMMM. Never knew you were REQUIRED to take pics of yourself while getting chemo...or going to the doc. Just because "all" the reality people take pics doesn't mean you have to! Brooks asked for privacy. Maybe, just maybe it's his choice. Just because dude on tv doesn't mean he owes us every single minute of his life. As for Vicky---all I can figure is people who criticize how someone handles the death of their MOTHER has more issues then I care to address.
  6. Quick Megan....there's a guy on RHOBC who used to be married to one of the housewives. He "says" he has cancer but he he had the unmitigated gall to not only NOT look sick he went to Vegas! Vegas! Obviously he can not in any way shape or form have cancer if he doesn't look sick and actually (gasp) decided to enjoy his life! Start dialing megan..... And while your at it, check up on the ex wife. She SAYS she's an alcoholic ...but is she??? Maybe she's just making it up for a storyline...Hummm??? Because personal privacy be dammed I want PROOF and MEDICAL RECORDS........
  7. Talua OHHHHH thank you a million times for the giraffe gif. I'll be chuckling all day. All it needs is a headband!
  8. Could someone please call Megan and ask her to get the proof that Kim Z. is faking? HMMMMMMM Kim Z. is a way better grifter then Brooks! Yes I am KIDDING. But you know.Justice. If Brooks dies I swear these harpys will say its his identical cousin in the coffin and it' all a scam.
  9. Well much as I hate to mention this there were other story lines besides Brooks....Shannons hair was gorgeous at the dinner out but Jesus woman, be a buzz kill about everything why don't you? She is NEVER happy.....she has to exercise, the meatballs aren't low fat, her kids pulled a kids prank, Vickie told her a million times to DROP IT and she's all butt hurt because she didn't drop it and now Vickys upset? But it's all about Shannon! Shan can be funny as hell as even fun at times but she is such a downer. No wonder David said he could talk to the affair and not to Shan. Bet the affair doesn't give a big sigh when ordering meatballs (yummy) at a beautiful dinner out! What the holy hell was part time housewife wearing? See I can't even remember her name....oh, Lizzie. She dresses like she's going to a pageant just to go watch tv? Hon, try jeans or even slacks not every event is life calls for frilly dresses. I can not stand this church story line.....ugh. Jesus Jugs Tamara.
  10. Apologies if this has been said already I'm only on page one of the boards. If Brooks had his report emailed it could just be the program on his computer couldn't transfer from the program it was written in and part of it is messed up. I'd had this happen! Or it could be sloppy transcribing. It happens! So now the guy has shown his medical report and everyone's going to pick on that for being fake? Good God. Also I have zilch idea the difference between a pet or a ct. To expect someone whos ill to get everything pin point correct is just stupid.I frequently mis speak. Doesn't mean I'm lying! Is that horrid Megan wearing those asinine headbands because she thinks she's freaking wonder woman? I hate her as much as I hated Brandi. SO so so much hate. Shut up you stupid troll! No they don't do pet/ct scans there. They do them at another location and they (the dr.) gets the report from there! Lord that child is STUPID.and that smug look on her face makes me want to scream.
  11. Well I thought last season was bad with all the obvious acting going on but this is just...much...much...worse. Z list celebs in it to get back on tv for a few. Just horrible all around. And I do not now, nor did I ever, need to hear a woman who is out of the closet pretend to be gaga over some some man! UGH
  12. On the good side- No glue guns....they actually went to Mood.....and now I'm out of good things..oh wait, Swatch! Ok now I'm done. Was that porno skating outfit really inspired from Neverland? Really? Because I was not aware Neverland had a strip club...or hookers....
  13. OK so this a quote from Gotham talking about baby batman BUT all I could think of was MEGHAN! This is why we harp on her age. It's not that she's 30 (big friggin deal) it's that she acts like a dam teenager. She is gawky, mean, hormonal, dismissive of "adults" and DUMB!!! I find this whole "show us your medical records" SO nasty I just don't have words for it.. What your medical records say are no bodies business. In real life (and not reel life) people would get restraining orders for people like Megan...Psyco
  14. If we can pick at every little thing everyone says and pull apart every outfit they wear and makeup they put on we can "fat" shame Brianna. She's on tv by her own choice. No one if forcing her. I just don't have any sympathy for someone who tears their Mom apart and bitches constantly abut a man that no else in Vickys real life has a problem with. If your Mom and you son are good with your boyfriend then daughter needs to get a grip. I never liked her but she totally lost me when she said she wouldn't stay at her Moms house even if Brooks wasn't there. WTF?? Are his cooties floating in the air? Grow the hell up. Not everyone gets along or likes each other. Just smile and be polite you idgit. Her Mom obviously loves her and she returns that love by making her Moms life hell. If I was Brooks I'd break up with the Vickster just to get away from that bitch Brianna. Who needs that garbage? So now her Mom has lost the guy she loves....good work Brianna...
  15. Didn't this used to be a SEWING show?? Now it's just glue gun and putting crap on top of other crap. And didn't they use to go to go an actual fabric store and not the local dump? And there are no words to describe the atrocious hair on all the models? It just looks like greasy hair pulled into an "I don't care" ponytail. I will never buy Sally products-they look like crap!
  16. I loved SOA so I was really looking forward to this show. Loved Katey as Gemma. What a disappointment! Bloody I didn't like but could handle BUT I could not understand one dam thing anyone was saying!!! Quit after 1/2 hour. Not worth it.
  17. So here;s my question...WHY is Brooks a grifter? Has he ever been arrested for a con? Does he have a long line of wealthy (and dead) exs that he got money from? And who is Eddie to be throwing stones? Seems to me Eddie married Tamra for her Bravo money, a place on a tv show, and a business she owns that he works at. And wasn't there something about Eddie being "adopted" by a much older man when Eddie himself was a grown man?? So who's the grifter? Brianna can shut it with "Stage 3 cancer patients curl up and die" NICE. Somebody should pull her license just for being a bitch.
  18. EH (shrugging shoulders) I like Bethanny. She's funny and her clothes are to die for. Girlfriend looks great also. That's how you do plastic surgery ladies! Curious as to why they had that witch Aviva on the show. She was just as nasty now as she was then. Now there's a woman I can not stand.
  19. Alex lives in Australia now. Kind of a long way to fly to be on tv for 4 seconds. (LOL)
  20. SO...let me get this straight.....in order to prove someone doesn't have cancer you call his doctor and LIE about having cancer? WTF??? I've caught heat for calling Megan a child but this is some childish f'ed up behavior. Reminds me of kids who call the school pretending to be Mom or Dad and saying their kid is sick so they can skip school. CHILDISH....Then she calls and ex??? WOW NO boundaries on that one. Seriously, this should be on Hot Wives of Vegas that's how stupid it is. And because I say i every dam week...SHUT UP MEGAN.
  21. OK Now I have to go rent Soapdish.....Haven't seen that in years
  22. I stand by what I said. If some little snit who I had asked over and over and over again to leave a personal matter alone and she kept it up AND called me a bitter old woman I sure as shit would slap her and I don't care what age you are you treat me disrespectfully your getting it right back. And then she calls Vicky a bitch! Vicky only asked her several times to drop up. You act like a child you get treated like a child.MEgan acts like a snotty 18 year old and then is shocked (!) when people don't flock to her to tell her how right she is.
  23. Heather is so over it she couldn't be bothered to get dressed. Just threw a robe on over her undies and headed out.
  24. Is it time for my weekly STFU Megan? What a bitch. She is a CHILD...I'm almost 60 therfore I have lived twice as long as Megan and have twice as much life experience. Just like a 15 year old would be a child to Megan she is a child to me. If anyone called me a "Bitter old woman" they would still be waiting for the hand print to fade where I slapped the disrespectful child. Maybe because I'm from the south but we believe in RESPECT for our elders. Does Brooks have cancer???? I DO NOT CARE....If he says he does, he does. It's just plain WRONG to doubt someone who's sick just because they don't eat or drink what we think they should. He's an adult.He can handle his illness as he sees fit. Vicky...what is this OTT reference??? Is there a certain level of sad you should be if your Mom dies? My son died 6 years ago and I gaurentee I was on the floor just like Vicki and I still cry when I think about it. No one has the right to say I am to sad or not sad enough. Leeches? Ugh.
  25. All righty I'll chime in. Tamara paid the deposit for HER sons house so HER grandchild would be near her. Why does this involve Eddie? He's the third husband not the father or grandfather. He works at a gym his wife owns and he takes money from a tv show is wife is on. He has NO SAY in how she spends HER money on HER children. I would crawl over broken glass to have my son be happy, healthy, and alive. I would crawl over even more glass to have a grandchild I could love and help take care of. I don't like Ryan either but he's not my kid. It's her choice. No one would raise an eyebrow if Jim Edmonds (ugh) paid for his kids and Megan objected. She's just the third wife like Eddie is the third husband. You don't get to come between parent and child. Not your place. Not your money. And because it can't be said enough--Shut the fuck up Megan!! You may be 30 but you act like a 19 year old with your stupid snarky remarks and your "age shaming". I don't hate her because she's 30 I hate her because she's an ignorant little thing that thinks she's special. And Megan? Pink is for BREAST CANCER! Maybe you could have noticed that before you dyed you dam stupid hair the WRONG COLOR!!! What an idiot. Shannon needs to get a clue. Spilling every dam detail of your husbands affair on tv? Really? Your poor kids are going to be mortified if they aren't already. I'll never forget Shannon swigging vodka straight from the bottle so she could make whoppee with her hubby. Yeah that would make me not stray--someone who had to be half in the bag to sleep with me. Then to have to live with someone who bitches about every little thing? NO ONE could make her happy. She has buckets of money--move on Shannon! He doesn't want you and frankly, I don't blame him. Your a sad, sad alcoholic nut bag. Run David, run.
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