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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. How sad is it I taped this on Sunday and didn't even bother to watch till Thursday night? Oh how the mighty have fallen. This season was a mess it was stupid and the people are totally obnoxious and not in a good fun to watch way but a stomach turning way. If they come back I'm out. I've watched since season 1 and it was fun to snark at and laugh at but now it's just disgusting. Get rid of all the new people...there all disgusting and Marcrazy leads the pack in stomach turning. What the hell Jim?? You cry like a little girl and on bended knee, for Gods sake! Drama Queen.
  2. Did anyone else think Caros sister looked like Caro in a DIana wig?
  3. I can't stand women (or men) who leave there kids. Especially that young. Believe me I raised 3 boys whose mother left and it do an incredible amount of damage to those kids. There all adults now but one,,in particular, had a hell of a time because his birth mother left. So this woman? No. Why oh why does the tv show look all unicorns and rainbows when we know, and see, different? Honestly if they would put on tv the truth,from the feeds all of America would be watching. I was surprised they brought up bri and her lack of animal care but they still glossed over it. And here I was thinking at least the nudity had died down...anneddddd we're back with booby woman. Yech
  4. So let's recap little Miss Bri shall we? At the oh so advanced age of 20 she is-A vet assistant - A rich girl with a Mercedes - An abused child - Can deliver babies - Parties in Compton (!) Which , as far as I know, is where ALL the rich kids party - Watched someone die and didn't care - Can "break" people- Is a marketing genius - WOW. All by 20! Quite the busy bee that one.
  5. If you've Watched utopia on tv....There's a show 3 times a week that shows what's happening in the compound 15 people live in. On the show its all sunny and happy BUT there's a live feed 24/7 you can watch. There's the real story. It is far from sunny. Anyway my point is this is the opposite. We're only seeing the drama. I've love/hated this show from season 1, episode 1 and this year is the worst. The screeching obnoxious twins are stomach turning. They have succeeded in making the Gorgas look good. Jim the crazy is more front and center then other reality stars because of Twitter. While others claim "it's an act" they don't take to Twitter and insult people all dam day long. If Jim is"acting" he's one hell of a method actor who never breaks character. He's always nasty and he's always right. Don't ever correct him or he will threaten you. Even if you mention his name he will threaten you. I have nevseen anything like it. I tried to tell him board and bored we're 2 different things and WAM "I will block you" uh..o.k. apparently Jim the crazy thinks a 56 year old woman on disability is a big deal, especially if she's correcting your spelling. What a loser. Way to win fans. Then he tweets Excuse no. 1- I'm on my cell Excuse no.2- I have 8000 followers and I answer them all so I can't worry about spelling. Whatever If I was Bobby I would have locked myself in the bathroom to. I couldn't strangle the creep from in there. Sorry this was long I just can't believe this guy.....
  6. I just have to share. I told little Jim on Twitter there is a difference between bored and board. (He said he was board by someone) he immediately threatened to block me ! Seriously. What a tool. Uses the wrong word but came admit he's wrong.
  7. Best scene of the night--Juicy Joe and Rosie doing "homework" with Gia. What? You didn't know Rhode Island is a road??
  8. I love this show. Did anyone else get a very controlling vibe from the husband who "supposedly" threatened to kill Lynne? His wife seems almost afraid of hm. Putting her hand on his leg when he's messing with the knife during an arguments- Kept saying "Yes I understand" when he was going off and on the boat she asked "Should I leave now?" Uh your how old lady? If your mad enough to leave, leave. Why ask him? I just get a creepy vibe between those two. My opinion only. Boy Lynn sure likes to be the center of the world doesn't she? The way to young for her blue hair and can we discuss the boobs???? Lord I thought we'd have nipple gate and minute in her talking heads. Not digging her-to fake, to phony, to many lies. And that other one (I can not for the life of me, remember any of there names) Peace pipe? Your offended? Sit it down bitch-your just looking for screen time and we all know it.
  9. Ambers husband? Just no.. So he's going to sue you, put you on the stand, make your life miserable...but he's not a lawyer?? Yeah, sure. Your a 3rd tier mortgage guy with tacky as hell local commercials. You're on a reality tv show with your shrieking low class wife and your robo kids. Nobody made you go on tv with the Guidices you choose to and now you can't be around the criminals? Oh please. Your there to be famous---in your own head. I actually, and for the first time, saw Theresa look mad at Milinia and her hell mouth. Tre looked tired and fed up. Joe Guidice for the win. Forget about it......Love him The "twins" make me miss Caroline Manzo--God I can't believe I just typed that....Even the Gorgas are better them those 2. First Responders? Uh,o.k. There wonderful people but it's a pretty limiting costume party idea-Fireman-Nurse-Emt-Doc---That's it. Oh and sniper! How could I forget? I'm liking Gino (Is that his name? The bald guy?) "Take your hands out of your pockets" Was that for respect? Or fear of a gun? Or a badge? Liking him. Kathy who? Oh and what kind of "friend" sets you up---without telling you???? Seriously give a girl a chance to get fixed up. Although I thought Diana looked great in her scrubs. Cute and NOT slutty. Ladies, take a lesson, that is how it's done.
  10. I remember reading, before Aviva was on the show, that her sister in law (Fran Drescher) had said it wasn't a good idea for Veevs to be on TV. At the time I thought it was because reality tv can be horrible for families and kids who are on it. But now? Apparently Fran knew Veevs was a fruit loop and a nasty one at that..Should have listened Veevs. I'm Team Left Couch! Go LuAnne...You rock.... The right couch is like the Land of Misfit Toys..They were cute and fun when they were new but now the tarnish is showing and there left in the toy box and no one wants to play with them.
  11. OK Shannon-You're telling your 12 year old (!!!) to take a pill to relax? Seriously? How about if you get stressed take a walk - write in your journal - talk to your Dad - Call home - or a million other things? Nope. Take a pill. Way to go Shannon.
  12. Hanging head in shame because I can't tell Heather (RHNY) from Amber (RHNJ) Sorry folks....But she still HAD CANCER - In case you forgot.
  13. Oh Shannon. As soon as she started slamming the mid west women I knew she was in for a huge helping of humble pie. I like her but this really turned me off. And I don't even live in the Midwest! Hey Shannon I'm 56 And I look 10 years younger then you....Probably because I don't spend my days on quacks and other crazy crap I actually ride a bike everywhere and go boogie boarding every day. It's called exercise. Try it. And David? I'm single and you're gorgeous---Come on out to the East coast and I'll make you chips and dip every day and join you in that big ole potato---oddly, if you exercise you CAN eat anything!!!! Yes we "older" woman talk about sex---but not at dinner---ugh. No Klass these people. Why is Eddie always cracking up? Methinks the boy needs acting lessons stat. And pageant girl? She brings nothing to the party at all. Heck even her coworkers couldn't be bothered to have the oh so valuable screen time if t meant going out with her-on her birthday no less. Sad. She isn't pretty either. Way to much make up on such a young woman. Makes her look hard.
  14. Aviva makes me shiver. What a sociopath. That woman is EVIL and I hope she's done. Caroline-Blond is not your friend. Sorry Moving on now
  15. Heaven forbid I would defend Joe Gorga but--my ex worked for Shred-It. They have trucks that go to businesses and shred sensitive documents. Most companies use a service like this. Dentists, Doctors, retail stores, offices, HR Departments, all have papers with sensitive info on them. You can make a good living going from office to office. Now do I think it cost millions and millions? Uh, no. Milina needs a spanking a.s.a.p. If any kid of mine had acted like that she'd be holding her own butthole because it just got spanked. Yikes. Theresa I do love you girl but a mirror is your friend and clown blush is not. #Tragicblushaccident. Kathy and Ritchie were on last night?? I totally missed them. Thank you Jesus I thought it was great Rosie went bowling. Personally I'd rather bowl with the guys then be with those hags. Hey did you know Heather had cancer? Me either! She's so stoic never talking about it and all. The twins? Blech...Those 2 make Theresa look like a Mensa scholar. Can I get a Namaste Bitches t shirt? Because I really, really want one.
  16. I don't find it "implausible" that a "mature" person would become addicted. Maybe you don't see older addicts because when you start young you die young? Life is pretty hard in Defiance and if my sister disappeared, I lost my job, AND I ended up running a brothel I'd be smoking my head off also! That said, I love this show and the bathing scene was priceless....
  17. Long time TWOP lurker. I may be in the minority but I loved the episode When Ms. A. threw her leg I laughed so hard I almost fell off the couch. And way to go Heather "I want to go home tonight" Priceless. I thought they broke down the 4th wall pretty well and Miss Andy let Heather break it all down on WWL-that is was all planned by Aviva and that they had all left the table and had to go back to see the ceremonial throwing of the leg. Everything else I could say has been said-Heather looks and acts like the Grinch-her hubby is a big bitch .Caroline's apartment is beautiful. Sonja is as crazy as Aviva in her own way. I so wish Aviva had thrown the leg before the Hot Wives of Miami was on! I would have loved to see there take on it! Also just learned Rader Online is the sister station of the National Enquirer!
  18. O.K. Ramona is a kook but I really felt sorry for her. She was well aware Mario was cheating and she looked beat up. She has my sympathy. Heather- I love ya but mind you're own business and quit trying to make Aviva and Carole happen. LuAnn- Love Love Love She is sooo different then she was with the Count. Now she's fun! Carole- Just get a restraining order already. Drescher is nuts. Sonja- Just sad. And that outfit at the beach party? Really? All she needed was a pole. Kristen-Seems nice. Stands up well to the others. Her husbands an idiot. Aviva- Ugh. She is, hands down, the worst person on any reality show. Methinks she has mental problems or drinks a lot (in secret) What an over privileged ass. She can take her leg and GO AWAY.
  19. How sad is this show? I watch pretty with bated breath but this mess? I walked the dog rather than watch all of it. Acha is a bad designer and they looooooovvvveeee her? Dresses that look like sacks are applauded. Hot mess indeed. That and the shifting "rules" give me a headache. Oscar for win...unless it's a night the judges decide they don't want to..you know..judge.
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