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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. And now that I have gotten through all these pages - dam work- I'm going home....after I stop and get a Big Mac...and frys...and a milkshake....
  2. Finally got to watch this last night. Yeah candy girls! I'm happy they won. I do not like Bethany so I was happy "Miss Perfect" didn't win. Didn't like her movie either. Sorry but NO One is that frigging happy all. the.time.......And one more thing-----Buy a BRA..your a grown woman not a kid, harness those puppies. I'm surprised she didn't give herself a black eye as much as her boobs were bouncing up and down! Edited to add--Best part of the night---Robbie "But Phil I really wanted to jump thru the window" Phil-"To Bad" Robbie-(Hanging head) "oh" I swear that kid would have happily given up the million if he had just gotten to jump out that window....He's a cutie...
  3. OMG! O.K. I saw on Reality Tea what she said. How vulgar she is! Why anyone would want anything to do with that low class ho is beyond me...UGH
  4. Oh My Gosh- I haven't seen this yet and I HAVE to know..What the heck does bogus,boring,baffling,bitchy Brandi say next week?????
  5. At the grocery when one of the chefs said he was getting branzinno (sp?) all I could think was--Hey cook it salt encrusted like Logan did on Master Chef Jr. He won!
  6. Honestly the only one you could have looked at and seen the author was Stephen King. And I love me some King! I'll have to chime in with the George being a bad, bad idea. This business of just sticking people in "because" sucks. If someone got sick and had to leave then yes, bring back the last person eliminated to keep the numbers even BUT to just leap frog this idiot because...well I don't know why!! NOT fair to those who have been competing all along. Sigh. I am however totally stealing Padimas line next time I go out "My names Bill what's yours?" "Honey" hahahahahaha....
  7. I just can't with this show...I have the last 3 recorded and watched this one last night..then I deleted the other 2 and took it off my recording list. That "hostess" is the worst and I could care less about a 12 year old blogger (she may be older but she looks 12 to me) I've said it before I do not like kids bossing parents around. Just makes me itchy. And to see parents going "Oh he/she is so smart, so talented, there so wonderful" Ugh No there not. And as if making a dress in one day isn't hard enough those idiotic "twists" just ruin it. Even the real PR doesn't make them stop sewing for that long! How stupid-Look let's watch people sit around and read magazines. Snore. As others have said there is a germ of a really good show in there. Just isn't it.
  8. ETA___Not to mention eating whatever I want! Lucky Charms for dinner? Yes, Thank You
  9. Excuse me? I live alone and I assure you I am perfectly happy. I have a job and friends and I love doing whatever I want, going wherever I want, and spending whatever I please. I've been married (3 times) and I'll take ALONE any day.
  10. OH please let's not not 500 boards for every little thing. I want to discuss stuff without a million "rules". This is one of the very few places you can discuss things and not get slammed by trolls and I think all those boards just give trolls more places to go. We all discuss like adults and I don't see any reason that would change.
  11. Well this show is soooo easy to predict. I like a design--it's out. I love a design--it's out. I hate a design--it wins. Easy.
  12. Bobby Elvis was on the first aftershow. Don't worry you didn't miss anything-It was awful.
  13. I never did like Unser. You're a cop. There criminals. Stay out of the life don't park your dam mobile home in there parking lot and go along with everything then cry at the end "I'm arresting you!" when you've been part of the life all along. (Can a retired cop still arrest people?) Yep that's "all you had" Your choice Unser-You hang around them, you die like them,your choice. I only wih Jax had shot him 4 seasons ago!
  14. Oh how I will miss you show. I didn't see the bread and wine as Jesus imagery at all but rather as Alice in Wonderland- Drink Me, Eat Me. Maybe that just says more about me? I always loved Gemma. Even when she was awful she never thought it was awful. She did what she had to do to protect her family and "her" club. I loved Red Rose and her death in the garden. She had a hard life and she found peace in the end. Good for her. That after show was a hot mess. All Sutter could talk about was how drunk he was and how he "needed a meeting" UH if your drunk and in recovery you need more then a meeting- you need rehab. And for a man who makes his living with words his favorite word is UH. He must say UH 10 times in every sentence. I will agree the CGI of Jax "hitting" the truck was sooooo bad. It was like 1970 level bad. Took me right out of the moment. Not the best ending but not he worst. 6 feet under will always be the gold star winner for that!
  15. I ask someone to make a winter coat-I love the front, then I see the back-or lack of back- I will never in a million years understand how a winter coat with NO BACK is a great coat! These people really live in la la land. Sit your butt down in a freezing cold car some early morning and tell me being fashionable is more important then being WARM. Jeesh. And why, why, why do these women think shaving the sides of there heads is cute or sexy or edgy or whatever the hell they think? Looks more like whoever was cutting there hair was in there first day of beauty school and they screwed up-Bad. Now all you kids get off my lawn!
  16. Warning-Do not read commercials that annoy or Christmas commercial threads while at work. Will cause you to lower your head as your shaking with silent laughter so that your co workers will ask you if your all right? Are you crying? Nope just laughing my fool head off...Thanks guys..I swear your the funniest people on the internet.
  17. OMG- "I speak Pandora" YECHHHHHH I want to punch her right in the throat.
  18. AANNNDDD I officially like absolutely like no one! Just a bad season all around. Mistake 1-Giving those idiots flint when they "lost" it & were apparently to stupid to look for the dam thing. Mistake 2-Giving them so more food when they scarfed down what they had. Tough. Go look for more food! Have we even seen anyone try to fish or find berries? Mistake 3- "I want KFC, Coke, And wings before I quit this challenge" Probst- "Oh o.k." Brings it out. Correct answer "People in hell want ice water. If you want to quit, quit. No skin off my nose" Mistake 4- Stopping the challenge because the idiots kept discussing who would win. Probst should have stopped the challenge all right-and sent the directly to tribal for being so stupid and eliminate 2 people as punishment. \Mistake 5- How dam many immunity idols are there????? Good Lord. One a season is fine! We son't need a million of those things. Basically I think they have coddled this group with flint, food, and anything else there little hearts desired instead of, I don't know, playing the game! It's called SURVIVOR not 4 star hotel with room service. Sigh. I miss Richard Hatch and the days when Survivor meant really surviving.
  19. I do temp work (banquets) here in Va. Beach and it's a the place Bryant used to work. He was probably there at some point when I was working but there's a lot of people in that kitchen. Anyway the point is-I asked the other chefs about Bryant and they say he is exactly like you see him on tv. I don't know what that adds but there you go.. Sterling would have driven me c-r-a-z-y. But I loved his exit. He really does have a positive attitude but dude can't cook. Sorry but every time that hag Jennifer talked about "sucking the heads out" I laughed so loud the cat ran out of the room. Seriously??? And I knew as soon as she she started her "It's up to me to save the team" she'd fall and fall hard. Nothing like a predictable show! She's to young and to full of herself. You aren't all that girl. Take a seat.
  20. So,if Brandi (blech) says her ex is an "unemployed actor" who's money is she living off? If she gets spousal support it would be coming from the singer ole Eddie ran off with (Having seen Brandi for several years Eddie didn't run fast or far enough to get away from her) SO she's "living" off the $ her ex husbands WIFE makes? Inquiring minds want to know. Lisa R. and Eileen D. have so much more class then Brandi it's obvious who doesn't fit in and needs to be let go. Bye Brandi! See ya in a bar in 10 years when you're downing rum and cokes at 10 am and telling the bartender how your hubby left you and you used to be a "reality" star. Couldn't happen to a nicer person (GAG>GAG)
  21. I wasn't sure about Jim but he really won me this week first with his pulling out the whistle-to dam funny!!! Just gave it right back to them! And mostly for the steel balls of falling on that tightrope and just being ..so..dam..calm. Not even a million dollars would have gotten me on that rope..not even 2 million..2 steps up on a ladder and I get shaky and anything over 3 steps I turn sheet white and look (and feel) like I'm going to pass out. Good job Jim..If they lived near me I'd go to him for my teeth! I am sick of the Bethany is super woman edit. Nobody is that perfect..seems like anything that would make her look bad got cut. We all know by now what the editing can do.
  22. I'm sorry Brandi-Hell has closed and there is nowhere else for you to go. Please pack your tampons and leave. (Said in my best Padma voice)
  23. What a great show. Love the flashbacks and the relationship between Abe and Henry. And the music "noise"...HA Keep it up show......
  24. I will defend Theresa on not knowing how to put gas in her car. In NJ they don't have self service gas stations you get your gas pumped for you. It creates jobs--My son did it for 2 summers--Unless it's changed I can see not knowing how to do something she's never done.
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