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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. Ya'll remember that fairy tale? The Emperors New Clothes? where everyone kept telling the king how beautiful his clothes are? Only he was naked? BINGO Just because you're plus sized doesn't mean you can sew or design plus size. To keep saying how wonderful that crap was an insult to plus size women (known as the average woman) and a disservice to Ashley. Her stuff was horrible. She was SOOOOO SMUG in those TH's. I really wanted to slap her. Honey the emperor HAS NO CLOTHES.....
  2. Oh well just hold the phone......Candance is 27?????? Seriously?? I would have thought 37. Not trying to be mean but she really looks a LOT older then 27. I missed the visit the house bit. I don't want to visit a beach or a restaurant. I want to see your home and your studio. Kellys looks did look cheap. Very Hot Topic or Forever 21 or wherever the younger kids shop. Butt ugly all of it. Some of Edmunds were beautiful. The black and white with the big bow? to die for. Just stay away from the scissors Edmund! Just because Heidi wants 90% of her body showing doesn't mean the rest of the world does. Candance--UHHH I liked it, It was big and dramatic and good for a runway. I to think she should have gone MORE over the top,not less.Runway shows are not meant to be ready to wear. They are couture ...not meant for every day life unless your every day life is to be on the runway. And lastly Ashley.. I've been saying every week her personal style is ..well...less then flattering. And she's under the impression that plus size is just regular size only cut bigger. Nope. I'm a 12/14 and I wouldn't be caught dead with my tummy sticking out or my bra showing. And you want to ADD a heavy quilted fabric to a plus size waist??? Nope again. She has no idea how to sew, her construction is laughable and her taste is nonexistent. If Micheal Kors were still on she would have been out long,long ago.
  3. Well we don't see every minute so I'm pretty sure he washed his hands! I liked this. The kids weren't snotty, they got along nicely, helped each other out, and were super respectful when they got chopped. Most adults need to take lessons from these kids. Glad the little self professed "weird kid" won.....She's a cutie with a good strong sense of who she is not what people tell her she is. Good job parents!!
  4. Julie learns how to play reality tv. You miss the fur shop, you miss camera time! ETA----Julie NEEDS to learn how to play reality tv. Sorry folks. Hit the button to soon.
  5. Connie does not have dentures. She has a partial plate. Same thing I have. She said some of her teeth never came in and she has the partial fill in the holes. My front tooth broke (on a peanut for gods sake) I had to get a partial or look like a pumpkin. They pulled 4 other teeth that were shot so my partial has 5 teeth in it. You can;t tell! They match them to your existing teeth in color. Rocky, Rocky,Rocky......child you need help! Please see a therapist and get some meds.I was SOOOO hoping she would swim of into the sunset........
  6. ANNNND you beat me to it! I was thinking about this last night. If that had happened we'd have been reading about Ryan beating the crap out of Brooks. But? Not a peep. Hummm. Methinks Brianna lies...a lot. Or Ryan only fights 60 year old women ,not,you know,somebody who could actually hurt him! Jims "tweets" are all Megan. She's a bitter ole (young) hag---just like the rest of them. Don't hold yourself up to be "better" Megs. You're just as messy as they are. And Jim? You signed up wife #2 for this same show so don't be all "I didn't know what it was like" now...BS....When you got tired #2 you hurried up and married trophy wife #3 so you could be on the show! Poser. Of course Vicky is medicated. She ain't Merle Streep and these reunions go on for 5 or 6 hours. Do you really think Vicky could be that good an actress? No way. Plus we've heard she fell asleep and that they had to take a "break" so Vicky could be more with it. Yeah....She's stoned out of her ever loving mind. And frankly I'd be to if I had to go into that knowing I'd be attacked for 6 hours. If CPS took away every kid whose parents acted like idiots on tv, or put on a strap on, or dressed up sexy,there would be a hell of a lot of more kids in the foster system. How parents love there kids has NOTHING to do with putting on a strap on or dressing up!!!! NOTHING.....I know "exotic dancers" who love there kids more then life itself.Heck famous actresses do nude scenes and nobody yells about "the kids"........Tamra is earning a paycheck like everyone else.
  7. Oh Brianna just back that bus up. You're "not your mom's top priority"???? She flew out to see you 14 dam times and gave you a $60,000car!!! What else do you want? A cookie? Spoiled dam brat. And you're still butt hurt over girth Brooks???? Get a grip. If he said that to me I'd just say You Wish....not be carrying on about it years later. Sheesh. If your so worried about your inheritance get it put into an irrevocable trust. I know that's a big word Brianna....look it up. Then you can let your mom live her life and make her own mistakes.
  8. Just have to add-I didn't think anything about the bullet at the cabin. From all the heads on the walls and the fact it's (apparently) deep in the woods I'm assuming it's a hunting cabin also as well as a vacay spot. Nothing weird about a stray bullet that may have rolled under some furniture and no one saw. Now if it was a stray gun left out it would have been something to be excited about but a bullet? Nope. Mellissa needs to shut it. What a phony. I wouldn't put that hag on my visitors list either. And her and her simian husband both said about a million times "I hope we can still be family when she gets out" like it's 100% Theresas fault the family was at war. Joe and Messy had NOTHING to do with that HAHAHAHAHAHA As another poster said, and I love.......There is no shame in my game! I've always liked Theresa and Joe. I found this last show to be more real then any reality show....the family in pain, the effect on the kids, and on the parents. So real. Loved it and felt for them at the same time. Excellent comic relief also! Lastly-when I lived in NC and you lost your licence for any reason you could legally drive a slow ass moped anywhere you wanted to go. They only go about 25 miles an hour. No license required. We always called them "Liquor cycles" as they were the main transport for people with DUIS. SO I don't think Joe riding one is a violation anymore then riding a bike would be.
  9. Yep that's how short shorts are these days.....I work in a clothing/tourist store at the beach at our short are SOOOOO short. But the kids love them and wear them. UH...Doesn't bother me. Kids are always going to wear what they wear and adults are always going to be shocked because it's not what we wore...which my mother found shocking when I wore our clothes in the 70's!
  10. Just had to chime in that I'm not a bit offended by anything said on the internet by people I don't even know:) My point would be that they need to dress to flatter their figures not because they are are some pie in the sky age. And I bet if Helen Mirren wore that dress on RHOC we'd be hearing how she :needs to put those puppies away" because NO ONE wants to see cleavage on a woman over (GASP) 50!!!
  11. Oh Good Grief Charlle Brown.........I'm off to dress my 57 year old self in whatever I dam well please. As soon as I brush my (dyed) LOOOONG hair!
  12. I have no idea who this Ellen C. person is or why she's even on TV. She seems like someone who couldn't make it out of 3rd grade! Her sloooow talk and bad wigs and just general stupidity leave me cold. Thank heavens for fast forward....
  13. Any designer who utters the words "I can't work with color" should be sent home right then and there. Does not matter what dam color your fabric is it will cut the sew the same as the black! Now if you say "I've never worked with silk, or taffeta, or even (god forbid) polyester" THAT would make a difference. Color? Oh, hell no. Stupid excuse for mediocre work.
  14. Lord yes, please bring Edmund back......I started out not liking Kelly and her 80's style but I have grown to really like her..Go Kelly! Not everyone can afford to go Parsons or FIT or some other school. I sew and that girl has talent. The easter egg should have gone home! Anybody else notice she wears the same dam thing every week?? T shirt, circle skirt, jeans jacket. Every. Single. Week. I always enjoy seeing what the designers wear but she is BORING and the clothes she designs are nothing special.
  15. Meeting my BF tonight to go a movie. Should I ask her to come an hour early so we can take a bath together? As,apparently,You do.
  16. Wasn't Jim married 3 times? So Hayley DOES have another (step) mother in her life that she has known way longer then the gurgling giraffe As a step parent who has custody of the kids I find her ......well.....just shut up Megan..... ETA----Step parent who HAD custody...There all grown now...
  17. Amen and Thank You!!! I got up all excited to settle in with my coffee and read about,you know,the reunion. NOT 3 pages of does Brooks have cancer or not. Brooks cancer was not even brought up on the show last night! Is it to much to ask for the reunion to be about,you know,the actual reunion?
  18. So what exactly is "appropriate" for a woman over 50? This always puzzles me. Not trying to start a fight I just don't get it. I'm 57-I wear skinny jeans, tank tops,flip flops,shorts,etc. I'm not going to stop wearing them because I'm over 55! But yes, I do agree her clothes are to tight....I keep reading about about what you "should wear" after 50 like it's a law! Heck my Mom always told me women over 30 have no business having long hair! 30!!! SOOOOOO my hair is half way down my back! Good thing I'm not on TV....You guys would have a field day...:) Love you ALL and the conversations here. Just my opinion...
  19. Well I knew full well people would be mad that anyone said anything except hate for Theresa and ,frankly, I don't get it. Yes they are criminals, never once said they weren't. Yes, they deserve to go to prison. No doubt. But she IS in prison, she is paying for her crimes. That's how it works. I even stated "You do the crime,you do the time". Doesn't mean I don't feel for her as a mother separated from her children. Should they have "thought it out" first? Of course! But most criminals don't "think it through". If they did they wouldn't be criminals!! And while your in prison the government takes 1/2 of what you "earn" to payback debts. Of course that's about 20 cents an hour. So she is "paying back debts". And they WILL take a huge hunk out of her book sales to pay back debts. So the debt is being repaid. They will (eventually) lose the house. Why people are so thrilled with the idea of 4 kids living in a apartment because there parents are idiots is beyond me. They don;t owe the entire world a apology. There paying for there crimes. In my book that's good enough. I'm not IN ANY WAY defending what they did. I'm saying there paying and that's good enough. If Theresa makes some bucks off her books she's just earning a living like she always has. Should I be banned from any way I used to make money (legally) just because I screwed up? Should I take my kids and live on the street or in a shelter? NOPE....Most people I know who have been in prison for any number of years come out all saying the same thing "Thank God that's over. I am never being that stupid again." And they do go on to live perfectly legal, normal lives. They DO learn a lesson. As for boycotting or signing a petition? Geesh....You don't like it don't watch! I enjoy the show, always have.Guess if you don't like it I can't watch it? #Getalife.
  20. Well I seem to always be defending the under dog so here goes......Joe and Theresa did not get away with anything. She is in prison (not jail). He's going to prison. For years! They are paying for their crimes. That's how it works. You do the crime you do the time. And they are. Say what you like but they love there kids and being separated from them must be agony. I've had a "few" friends who spent some time in prison. Not fun, believe me. Not even a low security one is a walk in the park. Oh , it's a pretty day and you want to go outside? Tough, you can't. You don't want to work in the laundry? Tough. You have no choice. Want a cup of tea? Tough. You can't.You have NO personal freedom and it is HARD......and there's nothing wrong with calling a friend and saying lease pick up "insert whatever" for my daughters special occasion. Do you seriously not think Bravo paid for that present and the make up artist? Really? I swear it's like no way will be satisfied until they find a dungeon and chain them to the walls while covering them in tar and feathers. All I know is I was married to a crook (white collar ) after we got divorced the IRS came after me. Turns out all I had to do was sign an "Innocent Spouse" form (yes it's really a thing) It basically said I was an idiot who never read what was put in front of her. (True) I signed it. Much to my exs displeasure. I didn;t even know 1/2 of what he was up to.....So yes, I feel for Theresa. She can never apply for a job without explaining her felony. She can never vote. She can;t even see her husband every week because she's a felon , just as he can't see her every week. That,s hard! So yes, they are paying for there crimes. And lastly, it has been explained that the only person who is not aware Theresa is prison is her 5 year old. The other girls all know where she is.
  21. I'm not upset at Tim losing it. Sometimes a mentor has to kick ass and take names. There is so so so so much we don't see. I watched a lot of Tim Gunn interviews on you tube and he even admits he's fought with the judges, doesn't like EVERY contestant and ,like with Kenly, there is ton we don't know or see. And why is everyone surprised a gay man who's been in fashion for over 30 years can be bitchy? Seriously????? He's also said he does not always agree with the judges and referred to them "smoking crack" over some decisions. LOL Why are there no Bravo years available to stream? I don't want to buy a dam DVD! Lastly (and then I'll shut up) on original recipe PR that Merline (and her stupid hat) would have been aufed long ago. The FIRST thing I saw on the runway was that the lining of the vest was hanging out! Zach even mentioned "Despite the lining being tacked in" Man she would have been toast on the first (good) 5 seasons.
  22. Of course they had to get rid of Swapnil...do you really think this low budget (Sally and Mary Kay anyone?) is going to put out the big bucks to fly Tim to INDIA for a look at his runway collection. HA..When pigs fly. Please auf the easter egg.....any more tears and that workroom is going to have a indoor pool....and really I can handle the hair but PURPLE lipstick? That girl dresses herself horribly and unflatteringly (is that a word?) She had on a T shirt, a gathered(!!!!) skirt and a jeans jacket. If that's her design outlook I'll pass. Do not like Kelly from the delis clothes either. The 80's have come and gone . Thank the Lord. I do not want to see fanny packs or ratty hair or neon jackets. Ugh
  23. WOW...Don't know how I missed that little gem.......that guy has ISSUES
  24. Wait a minute-----When did Ryan put up cameras to spy on Vicky? Really? I would, under no circumstances, allow my kids to dictate who I can date OR who I live with. You don't like my boyfriend? Tough. You put up cameras to spy on me? Get the fuck out......I don't understand putting up wiith that at all. And for the love of all that's holy can we PLEASE stop referring to Lydias mom as elderly????? She's 60! She's not 96!!!! She's not even old enough to retire! I'm 57 and hardly think in 21/2 years Ill be "elderly" . Guess I better stop biking 48 blocks to work every day because I'm "to old" LOL
  25. Annnnnnd that right there is Shannons problem...she does not understand, or can't read people, when they ask her to STFU. The same thing happened at Vickys lunch. Vicky-Please don't talk about this. It's upsetting and I'm sick of it" Shannon-" But But But I have to TALK about it!"Rinse, Repeat. (Not an actual transcript) I like Shannon about 1/2 the time. The rest of the time she's just a rich ding dong who needs to learn to shut up. Oh and Shan???? Way to rekindle the romance with hubby! YUCK I do not care that Brianna is a nurse or her ragey husband is in the military..and I leave in a HUGE military town and have great respect for the military....doesn't mean some people aren't assholes no matter what their job is . Same with Brianna. Be a nurse! Terrific.Doesn't mean she isn't still an asshole. I never cared for Brianna and watching her bad mouth her MOTHER on tv made me sick. Maybe I'm just touchy because my Mom has dementia. Wait till your Mom doesn't know who you are Brianna! You will regret every nasty thing you ever said. Lastly- Ryan does make good money. And he would still receive a paycheck and free medical. Brianna makes good money also. Nurses make big bucks. They get Bravo bucks every year.They live in a HUGE house and she drives a Mercedes! Wish my life was that horrible! Oh wait---both her kids are alive and healthy. Rough life ya got there.
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