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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. So yeah----I figure out my husband had a pill problem. So I; A) Whine about how it effects ME B) Tell him he can smoke weed but not pop pills C) Have him go to the gym because THAT solves addiction D) When he gets "better" gloat about how he makes ME happy-not him E) Take him to bars and clubs where there's plenty of alcohol F) Mention not once but TWICE that I don't want a sober husband because it won't be fun for ME G) Have my friends try to get him a job at a bar. Schena thy name is DELUSIONAL!!!
  2. Well I'm 57 an I love this show! I worked in restaurants for over 45 years (still do from time to time) and YEP everybody smokes and most of the "young" ones are hooking up with each other. And drug use and alcohol is rampant. Always has been, always will be. So this like old home week for me! And I love Sandoval also. More him and less Muppet baby please. Muppet baby is so unlikable I just can not with him. And smug! Mu God. Sleeping with some chick does not make you irresistible you twit,
  3. I don't have to "stretch" to dislike Justin. I've hated him since the first episode when he cried. Really? You haven't even done anything yet! Be a man! Cripes you're girlfriend didn't break down in tears every 3 seconds..you did...pussy.
  4. No More Crop Tops!!! If they had said that in Original Recipe Runway Ashley wouldn't have won because that's all she knew how to make (sorry,I'm still bitter) Thank You all for saying that red dress was a robe because that's all I could think. It's a robe! No wait, it's a gown from Camelot on Once Upon A Time! Anyway--me no likey. I think it was the HUGE belled sleeves that practically covered her hands that mostly bothered me. Chiming in that YES Twiggy wore peter pan collars. Was this supposed to be create something that LOOKS 40's or UPDATE the 40 (60's whatever decade) because that was';t clear. BUT when you look at the Simplicity patterns that are exactly like that era not "updated" so I didn't get Tims comment AT ALL. And that girl (Don't know her name) who INSISTED on making that jacket? Yes, a designer should stand by there work BUT when you're 16 (or whatever age) you TAKE the criticism and make changes. That's called learning and growing. Not digging in your heels and refusing to change. She really bugged me! Lastly-still enjoying no hair salon or makeup minutes. Thanks show !! We KNOW they go to hair and makeup we don't need to see it for 14 seasons!
  5. Here's my take....Stephen Fishbach is a nerd. He's skinny, not in shape, and looks like he spends all his free time playing online games (not that there's anything wrong with that) Joe has a six pac, a great tan and the most gorgeous hair ever. He's athletic and wins at physical challenges. All I've heard this fish guy do is call Joe a "golden boy". Jealous much? It just came off to me as pure and simple jealousy that a good looking, athletic guy was popular and there was poor fishhead with his Flintstone feet and upset tummy. And they say women are bitchy! ETA---Joe doesn't break down in tears every 10 minutes either. In his own words he "sucks it up" or in my words-He acts like a man and not a whiny, sobbing child. Y
  6. Don't know about voting blocks or alliances--that all makes my head hurt. BUT I do know Joes hair? Is EVERYTHING......OMG...Let me run my fingers through that beautiful mass of curls any day!!
  7. If I could trade place with a housewife it would be: A) Kyle- Because she has beautiful homes, and the cutest kids ever plus a smoking hot husband. Not to mention her own business! And I'd really like to be "younger" :) B) Lisa V. because she has a beautiful home, a husband who adores her, and several businesses. Not an either A or B-----This is A and B for me
  8. That is not a medicine cabinet (closet) that is a dam CVS!!!!! Wanna bet the 488,296,375 selfies of her getting "medical" treatment will be used in court for a big divorce payoff? I defended Brooks with every breath in my slightly to big body--I will not be fooled again! :) For someone who "can't think" she puts together a really cogent, grammatically corrected, thought out blog.....It's condescending and stupid but it's still well thought out.
  9. And lets not forget Yo-Yo went after husband no. 1 (Mohammed) for a MUCH bigger divorce settlement then he wanted. She FOUGHT for millions, and got them! David better be shipping his bucks to the Cayman cos she's gonna "find the strength" to fight David for even more millions. She's just a common gold digger....Marry rich men whether you love them or not so you can live a certain lifestyle and be taken care of forever when they divorce ya. David did just what Kelsey Grammer...Get the little woman a tv show to keep her busy...
  10. If Yo has been sooooo sick for soooo long why is she always said to be pushing a reality show for her and her kids? Wouldn't she be to "sick" for that? For that matter where does she get the brain capacity to put together a pitch for a show ? Or to fly to her kids runway shows? Or to attend every BH party? Or have dinner parties at her house whilst harvesting lemons? This woman is NOT SICK....what she is is mentally ill...
  11. Well that Instagram photo of Yo says it all doesn't it ? I'm soooo sick I can't think and I want to die and blah blah blah but WAIT I can unbutton all but 1 button of my silk pjs so everyone can have a good look at my boobs! See how sexy I am??? Good Grief Charlie Brown. I'm still on Team Ken....Here in the South you DO tell everyone how good/great they look! What are you supposed to do?" HI Haven't seen you in forever...Wow you look like shit? " Nope... You may then tell a friend (in confidence) "Well bless her heart she looked just awful". Because....manners. And if I was Ken or Lisa I would never forget her saying Ken "assaulted" her or whatever else garbage she was spewing that night. Fuck off lady.
  12. So throwing shade means you are rude? Because that's what I'm getting here. On what planet are you rude to an (un)invited guest? You suck it up, smile,and act like a human being. And you don't go around fighting with everybody. No manners this group. AT ALL. Oh and if your GUEST has then nerve to bring a little something to snack on you must throw it out!! Because that's not rude at all! How does she know if Kim has allergies or low blood sugar and NEEDS something to snack on and she wasn't taking a chance that there wouldn't be food available? Somebody threw my food and my dam Tupperware away we'd have a problem. I probably wouldn't say anything right then and there-Just because there rude doesn't mean I have to be! But I surely wouldn't forget it either..... Love Kims hair! It suits her complexion and I think she looks GREAT. Library book! Come sit by me Kim...... One last thing-Is Phedra not supposed to have any friends because her dumb ass husband went to prison? I thought Kim going over to her house was a CLASSY move. She's not judging Phaedra because Phaedra didn't do anything wrong! She needs girlfriends and support also.
  13. This always bugs me. And not just on this board. There are a LOT of us who live in "White boxes" because we can't afford a house. Or we don't want one-yes it's true,not every one wants the expense and worry of a home. I love that when my appliances break or my HAVAC goes out it doesn't cost me a penny. Yes I know, my rent pays for it, I mean out of pocket right then bill. Anywhoo I live in an apartment and it's hardly a "shit box". I also have furniture that's NOT solid oak so side eye all you want! It just strikes me as classist that if you don't have a big house and expensive furniture you're not doing well! I have a great apartment and hand me down furniture and I'n long past my 20's or even my 30's. I'm almost 60! If Shena can't live with a sober person then SHE has a drinking problem.
  14. Granted I've never given birth. (I got my son when he was 4) But is it even possible to BREAK YOUR BACK while giving birth????? In 57 years I've never heard of such a thing. And if you did break it wouldn't you be in bed not chasing robbers down the driveway? This woman makes Brooks look good! E.T.A. ---- For someone who's got no brain function she sure can slap on the makeup and costly clothes and run around Beverly Hills, or wherever her vacas take her. Or dance around a fire pit at a dinner she's hosting. Sick my ass.
  15. Picked up Bethannys book at the library. Skinnydipping....is the name....GREAT read!!! It's a "fictional" behind the scenes of a Martha Stewart apprentice "type" of show and her experiences. Could not put it down.....Highly recommend....
  16. Take Dallas mix it with Falcon Crest and add a large scoop of Glee.
  17. Thanks walnut queen!! Hopping right over to snark..
  18. Happy Thanksgiving to all the wonderful PTV posters on the housewives boards.....Now can somebody pretty please open a thread for the Season 1 special that was just on? I'm a dying to dish!
  19. OMG..This show is great. As everyone else has already said...much better then original PR which is just a sad parody of what it used to be.
  20. I'm on disability. VERY hard to get. It takes years and tons of paperwork. After 2 years of trying and 6 hospitalizations I finally hired a lawyer. As soon as I got disability I got Medicare. NOT medicaid but medicare. Everyone on my type of disability gets medicare. Doesn't matter how old you are. The other thing is you CAN work when you get disability. Mine doesn't even cover my rent! I HAVE to work to eat and keep the lights on. That being said I also have a cap on how much I am allowed to earn every month. It's a tricky line.
  21. WOW...When have there ever been 5 pages on Below Deck? I read somewhere...and sorry I have no idea where..that the interweb can put all kinds all labels on reality stars behavior..pathological,bi-polar,paranoid, etc. but the fact is some people are just assholes. Hello Rocky and Eddie. Assholes...both of them. The difference between Ben and Kate and Eddie and Rocky is that Kate is a grown WOMAN whol knows how to handle herself while Rocky is a CHILD who pouts and stamps her feet. I still think those lanterns are bad for the sea. The paper may burn away but wire does not disintegrate and sea creatures can and do swim into them and get hurt.
  22. WTF??? Color me confused. I'm not even going to try to figure that mess out. I just want the "cats take over the earth and have to orbit if forever" storylines. Or the Girl in the Fireplace. Or any story that does not involve weird thinghys becoming monsters.
  23. Here's hoping at the reunion everyone has an adult beverage. Except Rocky. She should get a juice box and some cut up celery. And a medal. Because she showed up. isn't that how it works for that generation?
  24. Yes,yes,yes to the "not mean girl" posts. How the hell are they mean girls??? Somebody had to be last in a schoolyard pick. That's how it works. I don't see the people on Survivor being all butt hurt and crying when there picked last. . Just not you easter egg? Get over yourself. She's a shit designer and a worse seamstress who thinks she's queen of the world and a special snowflake. Can Not Stand Her......I loved the last show where Kelly was glittering her shoes and the easter egg says"It's just to much". I laughed so hard the cat ran out of the room. "Just to much" said by a woman in purple hair with a giant yellow skirt on that's more fitted to a circus clown and wearing 5 layers of pancake on her face!!! UGH Overwhelmed? We all get that way. Grown ups go to the ladies room and cry in the stall. Then they wipe there faces and come out acting like..grown ups...they don't cry constantly to get attention and "poor you's" like the smug egg does.
  25. Welcome back JennyMominFL ! Hope you had a great trip. I so enjoy the boards.....see you all on Vanderpump Rules, and RHOBH...I hope.
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