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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. Psych stay is not the same as hospital stay. You don't get visitors any old time or people hanging out all day. There are specific times you can visit and it has to be o.k.ed by the patient. They don't let anyone in if it will upset the patient. There are also very specific times you can call (in or out) and calling in requires a password or code or you don't talk to anyone. These wards are locked and no one goes in or out. You're in therapy most of the day either in group or individual. So no, Kim isn't hanging out at the hospital.
  2. As far as I'm concerned they ALL need to keep their undies on. There's a reason in polite society nudity is limited to special beaches or, you know, strip clubs. No one wants to see your bits....man or woman..just no. Nina wanted to be the "deaf one" no matte what. Hey I can't see well even with glasses (or contacts and glasses, thank you very much) but nobody makes any special accommodations for me nor do I expect them to.I deal.Thats' what you do. I'm not deaf but I am older and I can't hear shit if there's a lot of background noise. Just see mouths moving. So what? You just say Hey I can't hear you. And move closer. It's not rocket science. If you act like an invalid you get trerated like one. Suck it up buttercup and put your big girls panties on. Geesh And sorry but I thought the God and his beard comment was funny as hell. You just know that if someone has to cover their entire back in some bible verse he isn't keeping quiet about his "beliefs". I'm sure it's irritating as all get out and I probably would have said the same thing.
  3. Well I'm on disability and an addiction to alcohol or drugs was NOT in my papers as to what constitutes a disability! Also disability is VERY hard to get. It took me 2 years and I was "fast tracked". Also you CAN work on disability. I got a "cap" as to how much I can earn each month. And I still HAVE to work as my disability doesn't even cover all my rent! I hate Brandi with a passion and I hope she doesn't get the redemption arc. Geesh they got rid of the horror show that was Aviva! Bye Brandi...Have fun being a washed up, never was, has been.
  4. SO of Kim did go into the hospital to detox (or had an od we don't know about)she is trying. I think all the hernia, coughing stuff was a cover for the get Kim to the hospital and get the drugs out of her. Addicts relapse. It happens all the time. And, honestly, I don't think just because we watch her on TV we have any right to know to know if she has a sponsor or works a program. That's her business. Not ours. doesn't matter what we think we see or don't see on TV, in real life it's not any of our business! That's what medical records are sealed. Privacy is not something you sign away just because you agree to be on TV 20 mins. a week. Addicts also aren't the nicest people when they get off there drug of choice. That's natural. Your body craves something it can't have and it can make you mean and nasty .Take a cigarette example: You smoke for years. Your kids want you to quit, your partner wants you to quit, your Dr. tells you to quit or you will die. So you finally try. You may make it a week. Maybe only a few days. Then the nicotine calls you. So you have a few quick drags. Then a few more. Then you buy a pack. Then you're smoking again! Relapse!!!! So are you a horrible, terrible,awful, human being because you can't quit on try 1 or 2 or even 3? Same thing people. How many cranky people have you come across who just quit smoking? How many actually succeed? Drugs,alcohol,nicotine,pills,all addictive
  5. There were white sharecroppers you know. Lot's of them. Cookie has ben in PRISON for 17 years!!! And you all want her to be a calm collected businesswoman? Seriously? It would take quite awhile to get out of prion mode and Cookie hasn't been out that long has she? Is anybody going to test that poor Childs DNA??? And how did they decorate that room for her so dam fast? All frilly and pink and little girl appropriate the minute they brought her home.
  6. OMG! That's what the pillows were for????UGGHHHH. I saw them..thought it weird ...but never put 2 and 2 together. Repeating...UUGGHHH Because it can't be said enough..Shut up Hayley!! What have they done to my beloved classy race? Selfies, blind dates,& pillows! Oh My
  7. May she rest in peace. We will all miss her. And thank you for letting us know what happened. To take the time to post here, to people you don't know, to honor your aunt says a lot about you to. So sorry for your loss.
  8. Amazing Race-The Tindr Edition. The guy that got eliminated--Was HOT when he got rid of the nerdy glasses. Took off at least 10 years!! Hey, you're a doctor ,pretty sure you can afford Lasik. Do it! I love the thinking that she's a "just a nurse". HAHAHAHA Welcome to 2015.... Truck Stop Couple-Go Home- All those bad ass tats and grungy clothes and you cry like a baby. Take a seat poser.
  9. OHHHHH......And here I was thinking Elizabeth killed the husband.....see, this is why I have to read the forums. I didn't find the weed bag that big. Having been a grown ass woman in those days weed was only about 25 bucks an oz so a bag that big wouldn't be unusual. Now you'd pay 200 or more....not that I have first hand knowledge or anything (cough, cough) Phillip and the teenager is extra squicky seen through a 2015 lens. Older guys and (much) younger girls wasn't that uncommon. I went to high school (in the 70's) with girls who were having affairs with older married men and nobody got to upset about it. We all just shrugged and went "Cool" Times change.
  10. I love Eileens house. Love the lush vines outside. Love the cozy furniture and the walls are hung with stuff she loves and that means something to her as opposed to stuff that is just there for decoration. Go Eileen!!!
  11. I don't understand why you shouldn't participate in all stars if you won all stars? I personally think all stars should be all winners, isn't that the definition of all stars? I have yet to see a sports team or an athlete say, well I can't compete because I won ONCE. Or an actor turn down an award be because they won ONCE. I compete in quilt shows and if I won first prize I would sure be back the next year. Makes my resume that much better. It's a competition not a special snow flake game like in elementary school where everybody wins. Getting off my soapbox now.
  12. Don't know if it's been mentioned but I'm warning you you will need need brain bleach if you watch the skank on bravo.com show off her (rented) house. I swear to God the woman is in her underwear! Including a garter belt and...shudder....a thong..just unbelievable.....whores have more class then this low life bitch
  13. So I could have won all stars if I sent down the runway all the clothes I wore 30 years ago? Good to know..
  14. Why do people put rings in their noses? Were they bulls in another life? I honestly don't get it.....
  15. Seeing as Bobby flay won the last two seasons and it's Anne's show maybe she didn't want him back instead of the other way around....
  16. Xanax is highly addictive. It has a 3 day half life which means it stays in your system for 3 days..more then any other drug. It's also known as "liquor in a pill" so taking Xanax is the same as drinking. Often when you are detoxed off it you are required to go to AA because it so closely related to alcohol addiction. Lastly Xanax withdrawal is second only to herion in the hell of withdrawal and stopping cold turkey can cause a heart attack. It is a nasty nasty drugand Brandi laughing about taking it makes me ill. On a lighter note---Does YoYo have a closet in her in her house she keeps those kids in? All we heard for so long was gigi,gigi,gigi, I didn't even know she had other kids. Then gigi leaves ands its all bella,bela,bella. then bella leaves and its' all anwar.anwar,anwar. She have any more kids we don't know about? If anwar becomes a model will threre will be another kid we never heard about before??
  17. I just want Kate to win be because she has awesome hair...that is all
  18. Well I had 3 weeks worth on my DVR before I was n the mood .I still love my housewives BUT I can't handle that lowlife slut Brandi and her low class mouth and actions. Take out the trash and the show may become watchable again.
  19. LOVE this show. Especially because the people on it are real, wrinkles, bad teeth and all. Beans for breakfast? WelI do know there beans are nowhere near as sweet as ours but still yuck. The only Stromboli I'm familiar with is the chees, pepperoni, and sausage one from the pizza place. Never would have occurred to me to bake "stuffed" savory brad but I don't cook so there's that. I haven't been counting the squirrels, duckies, and horsies but I smile every time I see somebody drinking tea in a china (!) cup .So civilized. Carry on show....
  20. Oh my little heart sank when I heard "returning champions" and "working in teams with a mentor" Like a lot of you I got an Under The Gunn shiver up my spine.NOOOOOO..BUT Face Off, once again, showed reality tv how to do it with grace and class. Welcome back Face Of..You've been missed.
  21. Yes well you have one working brain cell! That's a full house more then those idiots have.
  22. Or one who can't use a potato peeler. Get real!
  23. Good golly Miss Molly what out of work actors bar did they find all these people in?? Horrible. Everyone is so FAKE it's not even fun to watch. And the Jerry Lewis guy gives me the creeps. The Julia Childs chick can shut it, it's not funny after you do it once so just stop. I like the new host but I never watched his other show so I have no preconceived ideas about him. Anne Burrell (and I posted this on Cuthroat Kitchen also) needs a new hairstyle asap. I loved her hair when it was short and fluffy and even spiked. Even the pink she put in it didn't bother me but good gravy this Ace Ventura look is bad, bad, bad. She just looks lop sided with that mess of hair on one side only. OK rant over.
  24. Well I'm so far behind I just saw a Superstar Episode from October. It was the one with Anne Burrell and I honest to God had a nightmare about her hair!!! Usually I like her hair-It's fun and I give props to anyone who dyes there hair pink BUT what was with the Ace Ventura hair??? That was horrible and girlfriend either had a bad facelift or had just had a chemical peel because she looked tight and shiny and scary.
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