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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. The books great. I read it twice and will read it again a few more times before I die. HAHA.....Like "The Stand" it can be re-read again and again. And back to the show----I was so excited to see they made this into a series. And please let it only be 8 episodes...They ruined Under The Dome by taking it past one season. I want to binge watch!!!! Dam you Hulu...The only good thing about one a week is I can keep up with the message board each week. Harder to do when you binge....but still....I read Stephen King wanted it to ALL come out at once but Hulu said No.. I'd like to see a few re sets but maybe since they only have 8 episodes there just isn't time. I can live with that. I was 2 in 1960 so it was a ball seeing the cars and clothes. I remember all that! Especially the huge red and white car with the even bigger tail fins we had when I was a kid...Good Times...
  2. They are 20 something grad students. They do have sex, they do drink,they do smoke weed. So what? At least I can understand that because that's what you DO in your 20's. You experiment. What I find unrealistic is Star Trek Voyager where they were in that space ship for 7 dam years and only 1 wedding? And one baby? Seriously???? This show is at least realistic....as a show about a magic school can be that is..And I LOVE IT>>>>> That tie was driving me crazy! Such a cool knot. It looked like they took the "short" part and wrapped it around a regular knot and then put the ends under the collar. God I spent way to much time looking at that tie! And because it can't be said enough...CANCER PUPPY.......What a cute little bundle of fluff....and I LMAO when he killed the poor thing and all you heard was the "clunk" when it keeled over....To funny.....and really if the poor thing was 150 and riddled with disease I'm thinking Quentin did the pup a favor! I LOVE THIS SHOW
  3. Since only one person on this show has ever actually won PR shouldn't it be "Project Runway LOSER?
  4. I'm behind in my love for all thing RHOBH and I just watched the cyro freezing thimamajiggy last night. It was WAY worse then I thought! Not talking about the actual freezing (BRRRRR) but Yo's insufferable attitude. "I'll show them how a REAL woman does it" "I'm going back for Round 2" And who is she in this world that she gets to criticize what people wear???? So they had on make up and heels. Big fucking deal Yolanda. There taking off there clothes so what difference does it make? What a self righteous cow. I think we need The Real Self Righteous Housewives. Yolanda can school everybody in fake diseases and quakery cures. Kim Fields can drop in to tell everyone how they don't need make up. Katherine can tell everyone how they should not use any word she finds offensive if they are within 30 miles of her. These women!!!
  5. Can we have Project Runway SENIOR please (I want Survivor Seniors to BYW) Only people over 50 could judge or be contestants.Maybe the "old" wouldn't be the kiss of death. Because apparently once your past 40 you must hid in your house as there are NO clothes for you! ARRRGGGHHHHHH
  6. I love this show......on to the snark. Tom wearing those huge earrings was so funny! Buy a clue Lala. No Muppet baby...Hooray...That kid is insufferable. He thinks he's freaking Brad Pitt..or for you younger ones....Ryan Reynolds.....:) Jax dictating how big his GFs boobs will be because he's paying? To gross for words...Honestly it is.... I've been watching Season 1 which I had never seen. Jax was kind of cute! Much slimmer and no sweat. Still a pig but at least he was a semi cute pig not a sweaty pig. Lay off the blow Jax.... Wish I lived in the land where 50,000 wasn't a lot of money!!!! That's a freaking fortune!! FYI----I'm one of those "losers" who works in a restaurant and lives in a "crappy" apartment. And I'm 57!Oh and my cars an 2004. Know what? My car is completely paid for and my apartment is 3 blocks from the beach. Every one has different priorities. Maybe these kids are banking there money? I don't understand going out and buying big houses and fancy cars when the Bravo money will end....
  7. Wait,wait,wait.....Did Jax say Brittany was working "at the Playboy Mansion" that night????? Girlfriend is NOT that innocent as she makes out. She moved to LA after she met a guy on Instagram who is ON A TV SHOW and moved in with him......now she's on TV and getting brand new big boobies for FREE she doesn't even remotely need.Oh and her boyfriend gets arrested and put in jail and she just goes "Oh it's ok." Yeah...because it gets you airtime. Sit down Felecia.
  8. On WWL Phedra said we'd see the mercial on the last episode of the season .Mercial as a word doesn't bother me. I think it's cute. WHY is it so shocking a 28 year old, who has been in the military, has NO kids?????? Didn't he say he was a Marine? They do not look kindly on there service men knocking up girls. My step son got married while he was in the Marines and they were not a bit happy with him.....He got divorced in less then a year.No kids. Thank God. "I don't eat seafood" Of course you don't. You're special as always. And leave your dam kids at home!!! Newsflash---Kids do not need to be dragged to every work event or job you have.Kids need routine. Not being shoved on jets to fly to different time zones. Leave them home with family or hire a dam sitter. Like every other person in the world. Her "specialness" just grates with me.
  9. When Alysso came out in those denim gaucho pants, and big bow on the blouse all I could think was--"Good Lord I owned that outfit in 1976". I remember buying it at a mall in NJ....Only mine had a cute denim vest with leather laces on the front. I loved that outfit.....40 years ago!!!!! The accesory wall is by ..huh?? Baubles r us? Bauble Basement? Dollar Tree? Shoes by...Chinese Laundry....what was payless taken?
  10. Congratulations Maya. I really wanted peytie to win but I'm happy with maya. Samantha should have been last not second. As others have said it's the same thing over and over again. Boring,shapeless,ugly colors. I love Zach. I so would wear the pink and black outfit. Just gorgeous. What the flippity frog was up with that guest judge? That thing? I don't know what you call it....uh huh...... a bodice? That and The one with the big sleeves.....yeah,those are called bell sleeves. Shouldn't you have some idea or knowledge about what your judging?????sheesh.
  11. I don't get the hate for Hooters either. The girls wear tight clothes? UH Whatever. And there wings are awesome. Jax is a idiot. Schena is a idiot. Basically there all idiots. But there MY idiots and I live to watch them BE idiots! Lala--5 years from now.....Hard Core Porn......Bet on it,
  12. Can we talk about Max? That kid was STONED out of his gourd. And I don't mean a little weed smoking. I mean serious drugs. He was sitting there with his sunglasses on and his mouth 1/2 open. Muppet Baby was talking to him and there was NO response. Like he didn't even hear it. I've seen people on heroin and that's actually what they look like. Then when they left for dinner--no Max. Watch the dinner---you do not see Max anywhere, not even a glimpse. Looks like he was to wasted to get up and go to dinner. I fear Max is more then a little "naughty". He's had drug problems all his life and restaurant work is notorious for drugs and alcohol.
  13. After watching again Kim F is even worse......"Call me when you have 300 hours of directing" That may be true but man does it come off as snotty and holier then thou. She does not belong!She does remind me of Aviva-RHOBH (shudder) who also started out ok, seemed like she might be fun, then turned into the holy bitch from hell. That's the vibe I get from Kim. "It's ok if I'm late. I have children!" Like there are no nannies or sitters in America! I half expected her to ask where her banner was for making it there! Then having a no make up party and being SO RUDE to the women who just weren't comfortable being without it "Would you like to clean your face?" No. But I'd like to punch yours you cow.A hostess NEVER makes her guests uncomfortable. KIM? HUGE FAIL....
  14. I'm officially over Kim fields. You're not Oprah honey. Ill run to the grocery makeup less but dammed if I'd be filmed without makeup. Who the heck does she think she is anyway???? Write a poem about being natural? Get lost. I'd never go to her house if that's what she considers"fun". But I guess being superior is fun for her.
  15. There surely is a star trek channel. It's called netflix.
  16. Can not stop laughing at Mckenzies "allergic" knees. LOVE IT! All those colors in the Crayola box and you pick...yellow? So he can be a yield sign? Worst makeup....
  17. This is just the poor little show that couldn't. 4 comments? Poor ole show can't even be litsted by it's proper name. Workout NEW YORK. I wonder how many people look for it and don't click on just Workout? It's good trashy reality. Hot guys and girls with killer bodies. Lot's of back stabbing and DRAMA...
  18. I can handle man-buns quiting high school. That has nothing to do with how good a chef you are. Not everyone's cut out for school. However quiting culinary school?? Dude you HAVE to pick some kind of school. If not HS o.k. but go to mechanic school, or beauty school, or something.....You do not know everything! And that;s how he comes off. As someone who knows better then EVERYBODY how to cook. Now go learn how to make real mashed potatoes. Glad Eyeore is gone. Another gloomy day in the kitchen. WaWaWa...Nobody likes me Wawawa....I don't fit in....Wawawawawa. Go home already.
  19. Nope, nothing,not one dang thing has Peytie ever worn have I ever raised an eyebrow at. I live at the beach and I see more body parts then I want to BUT Peytie is not one of them. I've said before she's the best. Her parents should be proud as heck with her. I really hope she wins. Zachary is fabulous. Yes his dress this week was,well,weak. But he knows his stuff and he has a wonderful personality. I cringed on original recipe when Tim referenced Coco Chanel and the so called "designer" didn't have a clue who that was. So sad. Know the history of your art! And Zac does. Maya is talented also but I like Peyties designs better. MMV Samatha? Ugh. Not her she seems nice enough but I just don't like her style at all. As someone else mentioned her sister had that jacket in the 80's. Pretty sure I did to! When it came down all the runway all I could down groan and start praying the 80's weren't coming back. Blech. Her sewing is wonky as all get it (yes,I know they only get 1 day) And I;m still trying to figure out how cargo pants were "innovative", They've been around forever. Kelly-PLEASE in the name of all that's holy step away from the blue lipstick!!! With the weird purple hair and the blue lipstick she looks like Effie Trinket from the Hunger Games.
  20. Tim has rosacea. He talks about it in one of his books. It makes your skin very red. Makeup would make it ten times worse. I love these kids so much talent. So much.....nice. I really hope peytie wins. I've wanted every single thing she's made. And I love her personal style
  21. Well I'll defend Lisr I keep reading she "repeated" a 2 live crew lyric. I'm not certain who 2 live crew are but I think there some singing group? I don't know. So maybe Lisa doesn't know either. I'm certainly not being disrespectful by inadvertently sayng what some group I've never heard in my life says. Also,as someone else mentioned, why is it bad to say something with a asian accent but not a french, german, or dutch one???? Everybody gets way to butt hurt about this crap.JMO.. Well I'll defend Lisr I keep reading she "repeated" a 2 live crew lyric. I'm not certain who 2 live crew are but I think there some singing group? I don't know. So maybe Lisa doesn't know either. I'm certainly not being disrespectful by inadvertently sayng what some group I've never heard in my life says. Also,as someone else mentioned, why is it bad to say something with a asian accent but not a french, german, or dutch one???? Everybody gets way to butt hurt about this crap.JMO.. Don't know why that posted twice. Sorry.
  22. If BG hateful, hate filled, childish, stupid tweets don't keep her off tv then nothing will! I could not stand her and seeing she's coming back (in any capacity) makes me sick.
  23. Why do ya'll keep saying Kendra doesn't have a job? She looks like she does to me. She's on my tv every week and I'm assuming she doesn't do if for free....so yeah she has a job. One of the woman on either Ladies of London or RH of Melbourne cracked me up when someone said to them "Well you don't have a job" and she replied "You see those cameras? I'm on tv. It's a JOB" LMAO
  24. Poor,poor Yo-Yo of the Lemons...she's just so sick she can barely crawl onto that yacht and she has to bravely hold onto the railing with the last of her remaining strength. She can barely croak out a yipee over the water. And how very,very sad she can't go out with hubby Croaking voice-"You always ask and I can't". Yep. So sad she's been so ill for the last however many seasons she could barely crawl up those stairs to her lemon grove....or fly overseas.....or host parties.....or get into arguments.....or hold grudges....or go to Holland.....or Korea.....SO SO SO SAD...........(Massive sarcasm)
  25. I loved Padamas pashima when they were judging outdoors. Or I just like saying Padmas Pashima......
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