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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. This is fascinating. I encourage you all to read this.....thanks for the link.
  2. Well not everyone has addiction problems BUT for a large segment of the population they were introduced very early to drinking and drugging. It's just not a smart thing to teach your kid....Oh just swig this and the pain will stop. Uh NO...Cold or cough syrup (whatever it is) is not for a sore knee!
  3. Not all of us in the South are Rednecks! That's really a nasty thing to call someone. She is FAR from being a redneck. She's a young girl who was used by an older man and then thrown away like a kleenex.
  4. My apologies. I meant no disrespect. I live in a military town and have great respect for vets. It was meant as a joke with all the initials but it came out all kinds of wrong. So sorry.........slinking off now.
  5. Landon laughing while Kathyrn and Thomas fought over there kids was disgusting. What a THOT Landon is. (That Ho Over There)
  6. I could not believe they left Danny there with a fever of 102!!! That's really dangerous. I don't LIKE Danny but come on.......Just seemed like a crap move to me.
  7. Maybe you could tell us what post you're referring to?
  8. OMG---And here I thought Mega was bad....they come up with someone worse! "here take a swig"----UHHHHHH???? Your telling a 7 year old (!) who you, at the SAME time, are saying is not sick, to drink cold medicine straight out of the bottle? Really? WOW
  9. While I will agree Katherine was high as a kite I also think she's not well mentally. Apparently there was a therapist On Set during the reunion TRav confirmed this in a interview where he said he spoke to the therapist himself. What I saw was a young girl, who was deeply in love and was fed lie after lie after lie about how they would be a "family" and he would "take care of her & the kids". Then he turns around and cheats on her, & she's made out to be the whore of the South by a bunch of people who are not only much older (and should really know better) but by the love of her life. OUCH. This group giggling over women being 2s or 6s was very telling! Because that's all they really care about. That the MEN screw around but God forbid a woman does! Disgusting. Hey you idiots it's 2016! Women are allowed to have sex! With whoever they want! Has nada, nothing,zero to do with whether there a good parent or not.
  10. I'll donate the needle an thread
  11. Was I the only one who caught that poor nannies face? Talk about confused! She doesn't speak English so lets give her a ton of directions and walk away! NYC has pretty strict poop laws and lots of dog parks so no problem for the doggies. I don't think the dogs care what there wearing. They EAT poop and drink out of the toilet. How picky can they be? LOL And Giggy has alapesa and that's why he always has a sweater on. He has no hair and can't be in the sun. Just because you have relatives doesn't mean you have support. I'm an only child. My Mom has dementia and my Dads fading fast. All my relatives live days away and,frankly,I wouldn't know them if they bite me. So nope, having "family" doesn't mean you have support.
  12. Bobby is the ultimate butter face. Banging body but Oh that face! Danny is such a creep UGH..I liked him at first but his head is way to big for his little body..In other words-He thinks very highly of himself-which in and of itself is not a bad thing BUT when you're told by your BOSS not to do something and you KEEP DOING IT!!!!! MVP my ass. He needs to run off with mermaid Rocky and make annoying shrill babies. Ben knows just how to aggravate Hannah.HAHAHAHAHA She's a liar face so I don't care about her either. Happy this show finally got it's own thread! Those "guests" were so low rent they made the Kardashians look klassy.
  13. Thanks for the thread! I've always like Luann What a interesting life! She didn't let anything pass her by and shes' had some one of a kind experiences. I wasn't crazy about the countess but the don't be uncool woman won my heart. That's what I would have said to! But my hay day was in the 70's and sleeping around was no biggie
  14. AHHHHH I floved me the doggie wedding. So frigging cute. With all the ISIS crap and the rest of the scary stuff in the world this is JUST what I want! Fun, relaxing,happy.My escape from reality.Bring on the doggies! Just because they saw it doesn't mean Jules did. The wife is always the last to know. Right Ramona?
  15. WOW. I know ya'll don't like Bethanny but seriously, you have to tear her apart because she has a female problem and she's scared? REALLY? I had a complete hysterectomy when I was 29 years old I bled everywhere and all the dam time but I couldn't stay home and cry about it. I still had to go to the grocery, run errands, take care of the the kids. I had great insurance and I still had to get 2 drs. to say ok before I could get the surgery. It took weeks! When I finally had my surgery it hurt like HELL for a month afterward. And, no, I couldn't have kids after that. Luckily I already had my son (adopted) because I sure couldn't carry with my female problems. Now all this was 30 years ago but she's still a woman and she's still scared. I had not endometriosis. Not to sound like Yolanda but the Doctor who did the surgery said it was the worst he had seen. And I STILL had to function before the surgery.I I give her credit for still doing her job and not pulling a Yolanda and staying home. If even one woman gets help because of this it's a good thing.
  16. Oh I'm an OLD BAT myself! Not a heck of a lot younger the Miss Pat. But I try not to go all scorched earth on young women who are 40 years younger then me. Unless there directly hurting me or my family. Then it's game on!
  17. Oh no argument addiction is a horrible disease. I have up close and personal knowledge of that. And of kids who break your heart. BUT he SHOT someone! Maybe he did get lucky and the victim didn't die but he still SHOT him. That's where my understanding ends. My sympathy is 100% with the parents.
  18. Why wasn't Miss Patricia at the ball? Not important enough? Was she doing product placement for that H2o thing? It sounded like a commercial "I'm just lying here enjoying my NEW WONDERFUL RELAXING oxygen. Look it has ambient sounds! Would you like one for a gift!" Ugh And speaking of Miss Pat---Leave Kathryn alone you old bat. It's not becoming for an older woman to go all scorched earth on a young pregnant woman. Bet if it had been Whitneys baby it would have been a different story! Trav was coked to the GILLS at that party. Trust and believe. There was surely alcohol to aid him along but he was stoned out of his gourd. Can't wait till next season......Minus Landon please. Dolphin giggles has to GO.
  19. It's back, it's back---Happy dance ensues....Ah-hum, anyway, Vickys hair and her face are spectacular. THAT is surgery done right. And she looks miles better and I never thought she was ugly to begin with. Her kitchen is gorgeous TM Heather Don't like New Girl. But I never do like newbies so there's that...... Meg you will never survive childbirth.(Not literally) Hope your Mommy is there to hold your hand because hubby will be nowhere to be found. On a sad note Lori Petersons son was arrested for murder. So sad. I don't feel for the son but I do feel for the parents. NO parent deserves this heartbreak.
  20. If Heather thinks she's "to New York" I hope they put her in the ring with a REAL New York businesswoman. Namely Bethenny.....Heather would be mince in meat in 34 seconds flat!
  21. Yes we drink out of red plastic cups at picnics, by the pool, or most outdoor activities. No glass to break, no cuts, no mess. There called solo cups and there is even a country song about "My solo cup, I love my red solo cup" LOL It's an American thing!" Eileen looked like shit in those overalls and she STILL gets best dressed compared to these guys. Except Asas' caftans. There beautiful
  22. Where does MJ shop? Because she must be buying her clothes in some store that has no lights or mirrors. Wear your correct size!!!! And stick those boobies back in. With the boobies hanging out and the fried blond hair she looks like a washed up hooker (or stripper). No offense to strippers or hookers I'm sure they dress better.
  23. Leave GG alone!!! I DO NOT want another show about fake illness ......even though I believe GG really does have RA. (Of course I believed Brooks to so what do I know) Was Reza throwing water??? What is it with this crew and throwing shit? I to was surprised to hear Adam had a job. I thought he was a house husband. Hum Mikes going to end up a used car salesman when he's 50 longing for his big life in Vegas and his hot wife that he threw away. I give GG a pass for smoking and drinking. Obviously she's self medicating with the liquor and smokig is wicked hard to quit especilly when your under pressure. 9th person watching here......
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