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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. Well I LOVED this! Lots of snark, lot's of shade and lot's of screaming. It was everything a Reunion should be. THIS is my super bowl! Leanne-Honey-I used to act like you. Screaming. Blaming shit on everybody else.Not making any sense. Then I was diagnosed as bi-polar and put on mood stabilizers. BIG difference. Get thee to a mental health professional. asap Cary-DEFEND yourself! Stop crying and just say Yeah? So what? How does this effect you? You owe nobody not ONE word...... All in all a good reunion. I look forward to season 2. If there is one. Marks socks!!!!!
  2. I don't really care for Cary BUT I'm at a loss as to how her being a "husband stealer" has ANY bearing on Leanne threatening someone about something that has NOTHING to do with Cary.....It's like little kids--Mom he hit me---Why did you hit your brother?--Because the kid down the street is in trouble....Yeah...Make NO SENSE. She just kept saying Oh well yes I lost it and had a meltdown but it's all ok because I don't like how Gary met her hubby? Geesh lady. Grow the fuck up. That and I'll kill you means something different then you think...OK...I didn't know there were varying degrees of killing! Someone tells me there going to kill me they'll be looking at a restraining order -asap. Trust and believe. And these dopes sign contracts that say they can't take legal action!
  3. I just saw that TWOP has been bought and they are planning to resurrect it. Hummm. Much as I loved TWOP I now love PTV and I, for one, won't be leaving. Sorry TWOP you had your chance!
  4. This was just FULL of shade and tea and I loved every freaking moment. I had to watch it again at the "second showing". LOL that Vickis "threesome" was her with her sister !!! Wow Lauri you really were thirsty to make THAT a three some...... Loved the behind the scenes stuff about standing in front of another HW and blocking the camera. Or Vickis planned trip to Andales.......
  5. Loved this last night. It was like the producers all got sick of these harpies and put all there crap on blast. It was wonderful!!!! They weren't afraid to make Vicki look bad that's for sure!
  6. I'm assuming LaToya was there because Asa has lived with Jeramine Jackson Jr. for years. Something she never mentions on the show nor has he ever been on the show. Asas' caftans are gorgeous. I was following Twitter and it seemed everyone wanted to know where to buy them at. Mike harassing Jessica as she got in the car and making HER feel guilty for leaving and for TELLING THE TRUTH about his cheating? Classic abuser. Then his No I never cheated. HAHAHAHA Like we'd believe you after you spent an entire season saying you never slept with GG. Then admitting you did? OK then Mikey. Keep spinning those stories. Good for MJs boyfriend for booking it the hell out of there. MJ is just Vida lite and that's not good. At least we can say he wasn't a fame whore.....putting up with her just to be on TV......He LEFT! Reza I hope GG comes after you and comes after you HARD. You're really a piece of shit. You just want RHOBH ratings with this garbage and it's not going to happen.
  7. Climb in the way back machine with me-----Carols 1st season----the Occupy Wall Street movement was going on. She filmed with someone(?) having lunch and they were discussing the movement . Carol chats, blah,blah,blah, then she looks up and says "OH___I guess we're part of the one percent". She has been DEAD to me since then. Like you don't know how much money you have???? So you're going to humble brag about it on tv? O.K. I liked Luanns curly hair. It looked young and fresh.
  8. I've always liked and defended Bethanny but I just can't after this shit show. Yes, producers wind them up so she came in loaded for bear over something or other. And I GET that people coming after your company is a no no. BUT calling Louann a whore and a slut? Really? Welcome to 2016 bitch. Where women are free to sleep with whoever they wish anytime they wish. Kind of like you do Bethanny! Oh wait, when you do it it's ok but anyone else is a whore? GTFOH. Luanne-I love you baby but red lace jumpsuits are no ones friend. And it looked cheap. Like Kmart cheap. I'm kind of liking Dorinda--Lasagna, twister, Kraft paremasan (my fave), and Law and Order. Love it Carol- I loved you at first but now? You're turning into a bitter hag (kind of like your buddy Beth) You look busted as hell and your clothes look one step above I live on the street. You have money..girl go get a facial and some new clothes. Even if B. was a bitch I still liked the gray onesie! So warm and cute...... You ALWAYS say Goodbye and Thanks. That was BEYOND rude. And no, you weren't going to go back and say it but you got busted. It wasn't cute at Jules and it's not cute now.
  9. This is 100%, hands down, the stupidest show on TV. (and yet,I watch) What was the show a few years back on syfy ,or maybe fox, where they lost all electricity and had to figure out how to survive? It made sense at least. People rode horses (try freezing a horse...ha) There yards were planted with vegetables, they had wells and made candles. THAT show made sense. This is just stupid. I saw a interview with the writers (?) maybe producers..I don't know...about how they had to scramble to make season two. Well no you didn't. It was supposed to be one season. ONE....Greedy to make another season when there's no rhyme or reason to it.
  10. Well I was going to ask what a SAE was also so thanks! ,Bryan where to even start? Sit on my thumb was the most disgusting stuff ever...Just..No And who wants to bet if he had dropped the GLASS bottle while he was drunk as fuck and trying to climb into a hot tub and got cut it would have been everybody elses' fault? He was a disgusting tool and maybe the captain should ream his ass like he so enjoys doing to everyone else? No glass around or in the pool.Douche. Tiff handled herself well but like others I shudder to think what would have happened if she had been as drunk as he was...... Head stew lost all her good points with me. I heard Ben say TWO courses. Regardless of the terminology two is two. After you served the SECOND course you should have known it was all there was. I hate liars and I hate liars who lie to cover up there own mistakes. Just say Opps I screwed up. Ben could have fixed that in minutes and the guest would have none nothing. Instead she stands at the table and babbles about are they full or or do they want there next course???WTF??? 45 years I've waited tables and run restaurants and NEVER have I EVER seen anyone do something as unprofessional as that shit.
  11. That was just sad....Reza never get near a stage again. I would be more then pissed off if I opened my door and some guy shot silly string all over me. I loved Mike and his "Take that shit with you" and making him take the silly string off his floor. (Although it's really Reza who should have come over and cleaned it) and I loved GG with the knife (!) at the door. Notice she didn't get covered in that crap? HAHAHAHA STOP throwing cake and spraying champagne. Low class. MJ it's NONE of your business who's splitting up. Yeah we all gossip but not 5 feet from the person we're talking about! Clueless they name is MJ. I swear to heaven if Reza starts with the RA that GG has is fake I will scream so loud they will hear me on the west coast. Just......NO. That's been done to death of shows way more popular then your little show and nobody wants to hear it. GG has an actual disease not some made up crap like Yolanda and her kiddies. And she's had TH's where she (quite eloquently) explains the pain and WHY she trys alternative treatments like the salt baths. And didn't I hear her say the RA has moved to her heart? Serious crap.
  12. AMEN! As soon as she said "There embarrassed by it" I started shrieking at the tv........What a idiot. Just because you have HIV does make you "ashamed" any more then cancer or bi-polar or any other disease. What a ignorant bitch. Go learn how to put blush on and SHUT UP!
  13. Second time I've asked WHY this show doesn't get it's own thread on the Forum page? Spin offs of every show get there own thread except for this one. I've been "in service" all my life. Sometimes in very informal places and sometimes in 5 star places. Danny (in the real world) would be fired in a New York minute. You do NOT speak to the guests unless they ask you a question "Where's the bathroom" or something along those lines. When you do encounter them you just smile politely and say Hello. But this is REEL life........
  14. Sorry but if Jules father is so sick, in the hospital, and not sounding coherent WHY is she staying there?????? Go see your fucking father!
  15. RE-I said it was a blind item. Didn't say it's true. Not hard to fake a website though. I don't trust any reality tv people to be honest. I was more interested in his missing the birth of his kid because he was out partying.
  16. There's a blind item on the Tamara tattles site that is obviously j.d. he's not from the south he's from Colorado. He missed his second child's birth because he was out partying...probably with Thomas.....and his business is not real. Interesting.
  17. OttoBbusdriver.......i think I love you! Thank You SO much......someone,somewhere needs to hire you to write recaps ala Ronnie K at Trashtalk. His housewives recaps are loved by all on that board. Looking forward to reading you.
  18. Could you, pretty please, recap this every week? You are so funny I burst out laughing! And you made some sense of this trainwreck...or, pointed out the lack of sense. I skipped Million Dollar Listing for this. Won't happen again.....I'll catch it on demand......when I'm really bored..
  19. I admit to posting before watching before.....hanging head in shame......BUT now I have seen it and i'm kind of puzzled as to what Beth did that was SO nasty and SO bad ?????? Luann said she was "mentoring" Sonja and B. burst out laughing. I would have to ! That's the funniest line ever......pot mentoring Kettle..hahahahahaha Dorinda needs to just move to RHONJ and get it over with. She's so low class.....and so am I but I'm not pretending to be some high class born to the manor rich bitch either. Dorinda....try being who you are and not who you think you should be....that's the path to happiness right there. My Mom had a horrible habit of taking her little Yorkie on trips. My Aunts HATED that nasty little dog but did that stop Mom? Nope. She took it and it pooped all over there floors. Shades of Ramona...Sorry Mom but you were wrong. Love you! I hope Luann finds happiness and a good hubby to keep her warm and secure. Carol-You're a drag. Get over it and grow the fuck up. This is not a good look. Jules can go away anytime. The most exciting thing she's done is lick some caviar. Pitiful. And I will never like her husband. People who promote porn are trash. Pure and simple (to me) LOVING this season. There all awful and SO much fun to watch!
  20. They weren't invited because they were holding out for for more money on there contracts. Also why we have the FAKE Luann living with Sonja. It's all about the Benjamin's.
  21. I got way behind and attempted to watch o Demand last night. BIG mistake. They show 1 commercial. Over and over and over......I quit after a show and a half.
  22. Thank you Satchels of gold! I'm 58 and I never want to hear this discussion again. Just yech. Personal info should stay personal......for a reason.LaLaLaLaLa And I love your "new" name. Congrats on changing it!
  23. Sex talk while operating? Very professional. NOT. And YUCK. Nobody wants to hear that. NOBODY.... I'd rather have the money spent on all those stupid dresses and invest it so when creepy hubby finds wife no 3 I'd have some money! Dresses don't pay bills or buy food. Idiots.
  24. I will NEVER understand how a woman is a slut of she gets pregnant but the guy is a just excused. Only one person I ever heard of got pregnant by herself and she was named Mary! TRav wanting to go to LA when his child is about to be born was all kinds of selfish and tacky. He's not in the NBA or the military. He wanted to go play while the mother of his children stayed behind to,you know,give birth!!! Cameron can shut her nasty mouth any time now. Just because YOU don't want kids doesn't mean you have to hate on women who do have kids. I grew up when getting married right out of high school (or college) was normal so Kathryns age doesn't bother me. I'm glad I had kids at 23 and had the frickin energy to deal with them.
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