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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. I've been in many, many hillbilly biker bars and everyone had more class and manners then Moaner! If she walked in she's be laughed out of the joint!
  2. Zoila worked for someone else (Supposedly a friend of Jeffs) Zoila called out ALL the time. So woman who she works for goes to Jeffs house (on one of Zoilas sick days) and she answers the door at Jeffs! Apparently Jeff was poachng her and paying her double to not go into that job but to come to his house.
  3. Chaz sells hair shampoo yet he looks like he's not near a bottle of shampoo in several years. Yuck. If that's what his crap makes your hair look like no wonder the FDA is involved....or he's just not taken a shower...this year.
  4. Even though I don't like Paul he makes me laugh. He's soooooooo ridiculous !! From his screaming TH's, to his ego, to his flailing around to the "music". He just makes me laugh.
  5. If I never have to hear about Jimmys sperm again I will die happy.
  6. I did an honest to God spit take when Megan told Kelly to "Back off and observe. Don't get involved" UHHHHH Excuse me? Miss Megan PI? Because...Justice! Brooks was NONE of her business but she felt free to call his Dr. and hospitals trying to prove something that didn't effect her in the least!!! Gee Hypocrite much?
  7. Maybe she should hook up with Yolanda. They can swap stories of their JOURNEY.
  8. Why does Meghan keep yammering on about Infertility? Does she even know what that means? As in-YOU can't have a baby because of problems with either you or your partner. It does not mean you marry a guy way older then you who's had a vasectomy. That's not infertility, and it's an insult to women (and men) who have a REAL problem. She got preggers the FIRST time she had IVF. No,stupid, your not infertile.
  9. Bryan & Bobby were the worst kind of immature assholes ever."Did you get any titty?" Really? And you're sooooo in love with the stew but "I just wanted to get laid" apparently by anyone! even if wasn't the woman he was "in love" with. Both those guys had NO respect for women-or anyone who wasn't a bro...... Sorry we have a troll.....please don't feed em.....makes em even worse!
  10. No one is saying having wet dreams is deviant behavior. We're saying you don't discuss it in a STORE. That's just good manners.
  11. Well I'm sticking to my guns. Wet dreams are NOT something you need to be discussing in a STORE! And never, in a million years, do I think kids need to know about there parents dreams (wet or otherwise) just...UGH
  12. That curly head wig may remind some of Harpo Marx but for those of us who lived through the 70's as adults it IS pure 70's!!!! One decades styles do not automatically stop at the turn of the decade. In 70-71-72-73-74 it wasn't a bit unusual to see clothes from the 60's i.e. peace symbols, tie dye, knee boots, etc. So anything between around 65 to mid 70's is good. Disco took over in the mid 70's and "new" styles. So, yeah, hippies and disco queens are both correct at Shannons party. And Kelly? It's a 1970's party....looking like Mrs Roper is a GOOD thing. Idiot.
  13. Oh UGH on Shannons kids with the totally inappropriate questions. I believe in honest back and forth with kids about sex. But I don't think that was a question for a public place!! Much less it is NOT a appropriate question.....I just don't see what your sex life has to do with your kids. Whether you jerk off or have wet dreams or like kinky sex,that's all well and good, but you are under no obligation to tell your KIDS about what YOU do. That would have been a good time to have a conversation about appropriate questions and place. Why does everybody keep saying Vicky needs to hire childcare? There not her kids. Brianna should pay for it, there her kids. She left her hubby and traveled across country by choice. I have no sympathy for her....Why is taking those kids away from there father a good idea? And then moving into Vickys THEN into her own house? Stability is important for little ones but,apparently,no one cares about that.
  14. Oh UGH on Shannons kids with the totally inappropriate questions. I believe in honest back and forth with kids about sex. But I don't think that was a question for a public place!! Much less it is NOT a appropriate question.....I just don't see what your sex life has to do with your kids. Whether you jerk off or have wet dreams or like kinky sex,that's all well and good, but you are under no obligation to tell your KIDS about what YOU do. That would have been a good time to have a conversation about appropriate questions and place.
  15. Not defending Vicky and what she did but I'll give her a pass on the phone call. Haven't a lot of us drunk dialed a old boyfriend or ex? I have....no shame. I don't drink anymore (maybe a glass of wine once or twice a year---still love it just can't handle it anymore) but when I did I drunk dialed. Usually at 2 am! And my ex treated me like crap after we broke up (long story) and all I heard was what a piece of shit he was from everybody. It's been 3 years and I still love him. The heart wants what the heart wants.
  16. I was wathcing a movie on E last night and guess what? Seem Dr. Dubrow has ANOTHER new show. Botched by Nature or some such tomfoolery. Apparently he and Paul go around the country? Not sure about that but it is show no. 3 for him. So I'm guessing that he isn't home more! Although I side eye anyone(Heather) who lives a life of luxury and no money worries and then bitches because the person who works there ass off to provide said life of luxury isn't home 24/7 to rub your feet.
  17. Haven't read page 2 yet so apologies if this has been covered. YES there is a huge difference in Tequila. They were probably drinking (top shelf) Patron at Kellys house. It is smooth and shots are good with the smoothness. Cheaper booze burns your throat and is nasty. So,yeah, it was probably not Patron. Yes streakers were HUGE in the 70's. I was a senior in 76 and ever event or party seemed to have a streaker. Remember the song "The Streak"? Pure 70's I truly,madly,deeply detest Kelly. Like Brandi Glanville and Aviva all rolled into one detest. Isn't she the one who was yelling Racist crap while drunk and it got caught on video? Her husband and his smirk while that was going on made me want to go through the tv and punch him. Somethings not right with those two. I read on Radar (I think could have been TMZ) that her brother has been arrested, more then once, for assaulting women. Lovely.
  18. I'm still speechless that anyone could hold there arm up for 6 dam hours! Trust and believe I'd be lucky to last 6 minutes. Paul is sooooo cute......until he hacked off his hair.Just UGH. And Paul and Paulie standing there talking in there matching haircuts and beards? They looked like the 2 guys on the cough drop box.
  19. Well yes there are much bigger things going on in the world. I watch,read,and decide for myself about politics. BUT I sure as hell don't watch Housewives for that! I want Shade, Tea, & Fights!!! Carole lost me at calling people Morons on Twitter. Just...Ugh. She thinks she's all high and mighty but she sure shows up on a reality tv show for her paycheck!
  20. Oh Ok Thanks. I really thought I missed something! I don't watch Stallone movies so.......Thanks!
  21. I'm sorry I'm completely lost. Is she supposed to use seashells to wipe her cootch coo?
  22. I'm seriously late for this party,as in,this is the first season I've watched. (But I watch the Real Housewives like it's my job) any hoo I'm enjoying it. I just wanted to say I really enjoyed the Battle Back. I liked seeing them all in a row and that it was on TV and not "go to our website and watch" or "go to on demand and watch" Uhhhhh.... If you want me to see it put it on the dam show! So thank you BB for one upping Top Chef and every other show that has it's own Battle Back that they seem to delight in making inconvenient for people to see.
  23. Is that a millennial thing? All that "your boy" stuff? Seriously, I'm 58 with no kids or grandkids so I'm really curious.
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