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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. I'm 2 pages in of the 7(!) but really I just dropped in say not only does it look like they NEVER lose weight but they are not even dirty! No dirt under the nails, no bugs bites, no ribs showing. AND I just realize I sound like I enjoy watching people suffer....Oh wait..it's Survivor...I do.
  2. Ok I'm only 6 pages in.....Yikes! Erika Jane-Wear a thong if you don't want panty lines. Sorry this old lady has no sympathy for someone who went out without undies and was FILMED completely naked just to get attention. Should we ALL apologize to Tom because we watched her try to squeeze into a to tight costume? You are responsible for Yourself! If you don't want people seeing your tits--keep em covered. If you don't want people seeing your ho haw wear panties. End of problem. I LOVE Kyle and her crawling into herself every time that sister of her does something makes me so sad. IMHO she has PTSD from all she has seen and heard and it still effects her like it did when she was a kid. I've always defended Kim and I have mental problems of my own so I do feel for her but GIRL! Giving back that bunny was just plain MEAN. Ne reason to do that except to be a BITCH. And I don't even like Rinna but........
  3. Closed Captioning is your friend. I spent 2 seasons not understanding about 50% of what was said. Then I turned on the cc....Bliss! Loving "Bill" but those eyebrows! Get thee to a good waxer..
  4. Thought it was interesting how nasty James got after his vodka at lunch. FI wiping his tears on a poodle handkerchief is everything! I really despise Stassis brother. I hate mouthy kids. I love Jax and Brittany. She's no angel either. There together for a reason.
  5. Found a use for my fast forward beside commercials. Stassis bratty little brother. Not cute.I hit ff as soon as I saw that brat.
  6. A- I Love this show B- Peter Gallager has had a face lift and it looks like crap. Also miss his eyebrows. C- I WANT and NEED that vibrator. D- I hate Buds GF. Just stupid
  7. First Off- It would not be MY choice to spend mucho bucks on one day. BUT if that's what they want....Different strokes. Stassi did look great in those photos. She's kinda fun. Schena-Give it up. You're divorced. Shay was your starter husband. Maybe Toms Dad CAN"T drive all the way across country. Not all of us have disposable income for gas, lodging, food for such a long trip. Heck some days I haven't had gas or $ to go the grocery! Some places don't give you off for weddings. Yes, even your brothers. I worked at one place where if you missed any time in your first 90 days you were fired. If you were sick or your Mom died you still better show up or no job. And we can't all afford to lose jobs. That being said if Tom & Katy could spend 20,000 on flowers they should have paid to get them out there. Lastly I'm a smudge tired of hearing about "crappy" apartments. LOTS of us live in apartments and are dam thankful to have a roof over our heads! Maybe they aren't "new" or "fancy" but it's still our home and beats the hell out of the shelter. Those kids are making big bucks (yes they are big to most of us) and if they live in apartments they may WANT to. Ownership is a LOT of $$$$ when things break or go wrong. I'd rather just pick up the phone and let somebody else worry about it. I rented when I was young, owned when I had a family, and I rent now because I HATE lawn work!
  8. I'm a 58 year old woman and,minus the keg, it sounds great to me!
  9. LVP tilting her head to the side and quaking "own it" ...Priceless!!!!
  10. SOOOOOOO...Brittanys Mom is AOK with her girl working at Hooters, flying across the country to live with a guy she met on the internet, shows her boob enhancement to the entire world, and wears dresses that are so low cut you can see everything BUT she's all bothered by the fact Jax may have kissed a guy?? And church will "cure" that I guess? A- It's NONE of Moms business B- she was attacking jax in HIS OWN HOME C- no you can't take your "baby girl" home she's well over 21! I really dislike people like her. Homophobia is NEVER ok and these guys live and work in the center of LAs gay scene. So glad she went back to her own house. Hope we NEVER see her again.
  11. No I'm American but doctors here used to be easy with the xanax and the Valium. And the percocets. Not so much now. You and I both know AA does NOT consider you sober if your taking any of those things. I never even really abused it. Anywho there are pills you need to take and those you don't. And the "bad"one (Xanax) can usually be done without or replaced with something that is not addictive. I take prozac and mood stabilizers because I'm also bi-polar. Won the lottery didn't i? :)
  12. I just spent forever writing a post and the poof..it was gone! ARRGHHH Not lecturing but I will share my experience with xanax. I took it (prescribed) for over 20 years 3 times a day. Xana is "alcohol in a pill". When I decided to quit I went into full blow withdrawl. Leg cramps, leg twitches, shaking, nauseous, just awful. My hubby called the doctor who said take some Quick because stopping like that can (and will) stop your heart! I had to go into a rehab and be put into a deep sleep for several days to get through the withdrawl. Turns out the only thing harder to kick the xanax is heroin! I stopped for several years. Of course I got another doctor and a new prescription eventually and the whole roller coaster started again. Back to rehab. Back to withdrawl. That time they sent me to AA where I found the support I needed to stay clean. I was a home room mother and a library volunteer not some druggie on the street and I will tell you xanax is no fuckin joke!!! I cringe when I see these women laughing about putting it in a a smoothie. Remember alcohol in a pill? They could put a shot of vodka in there smoothie and get the same effect. So anyone shaming Kim for having issues needs to clean up there own yard first!
  13. That cranky chef makes me crazy because she looks sooo different when her hair is pulled back and when it's hanging down. Like two different people different. Weird.
  14. Different strokes for different folks.
  15. I'm getting on the unpopular train here...I'm not as enamored of Stassis brother as everyone seems to be. I think kids should be kids not mouthing off to adults about what they do wrong! He may be right but..respect....but here in the South we don't let kids talk to us like that! Jax..dear, dear Jax, steroids will give you boobs but you have to STOP taking them or you're going to be on that operating table every time you turn around. Holy hell when did Shay get hot? And he SPEAKS.....First Peter then Shay....My heart can't take it! So glad Shay is fleeing from that mess. Schena and Stassis moms are both desperate.....just sad.....
  16. I was a food and beverage manager/server/cook/dishwasher/prep/hostess for over 45 years...I've worked in the highest end places as well as hole in the wall places when I needed a few bucks. This show just KILLS me! I would fire that bitch ass cook in 2 seconds flat. However I wasn't on TV and I didn't have contracts with TV companies to stand in my way. In real life she would be GONE. I'll grill ya some burgers on the bbq grill while we fly in a replacement! Handsy guy needs to back off but girl friend there needs to speak up to more then a camera and say Hey asshole. I'm a human being with a mind not your play toy. Hands off when I'm working!! The first person who told me they were equal to me (!) or didn't have to listen to me would also see the other side of the door. Uh NO. Welcome to the real world where there are RULES and you have to FOLLOW them. His entitlement that he could do anything, say anything, go anywhere was so special snowflake behavior I wanted to scream! This is a show I love to hate!! Glad to see the LA Princess stating to take some pride in her work instead of figuring out out how to not do any work....
  17. Have I mentioned River Song is my spirit animal? I got a Dr. Who Yahtzee game for Christmas! The Cup for the dice is a Tardis and the dice have weeping angels, daleks, etc. Lots of fun!
  18. Happy. happy, happy!!! Loved it.. Does anyone know when the series comes on in America? Can't wait!!
  19. Regardless of who I like or don't like the list of "Rules" was just rude and NOT a gracious hostess! A good hostess makes her guests feel Welcome and makes arrangements for special things like a gluten allergy or people who smoke. I would have been pissed if I went to someones house and they rounded me up like a class of 10 year olds and told me what I COULDN'T do! Someone send that woman a copy of Emily Post so she can learn how to be a hostess not a bitch.
  20. Well what's funny to me isn't to you and vice versa. Wouldn't life be boring if we ALL liked the same stuff?
  21. I thought it was funny! The poor pup sneezed he didn't throw up on the the counter...Like Lisa would ever hurt a dog..Really? It was a JOKE and I enjoyed it.
  22. Panties, No Panties. Kids who don't talk (he's 2 for God sake. Give him a chance) Celebrity Models. Yadda Yadda Yadda. The burning question is WHO in there right mind, leaves 2 teenagers in NYC with a pile of credit cards and no supervision? If she wasn't "Lisa Rinna" Child protective services would have thrown her ass in jail for neglect. She's REALLY lucky nothing bad happened. QVC is a few hours away in West Chester, PA. No reason the girls couldn't have gone with her! I love LVP. I love her dogs. I love Ken. I adore Jiggy and Harrison is the cutest!! If I could be fiends with anyone though it would be Kyle. She's got her head on straight and did a killer job bringing up her girls to work and go to college. NOT troll older men on dating apps while there "modeling"
  23. I really love LVP but I'll join in that she REALLY needs to update her look. I just cut my waist length hair to a shoulder length bob, and calmed down the "smokey eye" so it's more natural. I'm 58 and I hung onto that hair forever! Now all I hear is how I look so much younger! DO it Lisa Do it!!!
  24. Boy George did a concert 3 blocks from me. I has week end tickets to all the concerts (there were 5) I skipped Boy George. YAWN.
  25. When did Peter get hot? DAMMMMM Big change!
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