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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. I gave up and got CBS all access just so I could watch the monkeys! WOW What a bunch of potty mouths! There are a ton of ways to express yourself without cussing like a sailor every 2 mins. They censor NOTHING on all access so you hear it all! And you can get it with a no commercial option. Watching ALL the past seasons now. This is only my 3rd BB so I'm working my way backwards. FUN!!!!
  2. So sad this was the last one ever. We got gypped in the US with no "wrap up" bit at the end. Just another cruise line commercial. Remember when PBS didn't have commercials? This show was so civil and FUN! No one with the "I came here to beat everybody by lying and cheating and getting the million". Just lovely people trying there best to win and helping each other. No big prize. No TV show to star on. No money. Just a cake plate!!!! I LOVE that! Loved watching the tea sipping also!! SO British! Hoping the "new" one is on PBS but I know it won't be the same. Poor Andrew. If I was the only 1 out of 3 who didn't get a handshake I would have felt bad too~ Congrats Candice!
  3. Also fan girlie out here!!!! KC!!! OMG>>>>>How cool! I love it when the contestants come on the boards! I really, really hope we NEVER have teams again. Not being able too see what the contestants could do was BORING... First time I've had to re watch the shows because I fell asleep!
  4. I was in Food & Beverage for 45 years. NO ONE who lives off tips gives one dang about you. It's all about the money! If you got paid every day according to what your boss "felt you deserved" you'd be grinning like a fool also! Yes, you are a means to an end. You are how we pay we pay our electric bills, heating, ac, food, etc., etc. That's the system. Now most of us DO want you to have a great time and a great meal..not because we give a hoot about you but because your money is our paycheck. Never worked on a yacht but I have a ton of experience in this! ALL cooks hate making breakfast. It's really hard to get eggs out as they "die" after 3 minutes. However when you are on a yacht and paying big bucks and there are only a few people? GTFO. We used to churn out 100's of breakfasts every day. What this idiot is cooking is a piece of cake! I'm woefully behind as it's August and I just saw this one last night .......
  5. Well I'm still the only person who LOVES Paul ! That guy is playing the GAME and it the other nitwits let him??? Good for him! I just watched a re-run of Survivor (the one with Woo and Stephen) and NO ONE liked the guy they all voted for to win. But he won for 1 reason---He played the game-he manipulated, he lied, he was sneaky, and he's a million bucks richer. Now in REAL life I wouldn't want to be around someone like that but in a GAME?? Hell Yeah! Bring it on! I'd be bored out of my mind if was all Kumbaya and we all love each other and Oh I can't vote my friends out. This is the 3 times a week, highlight of my day! The scheming, manipulation, etc. Big Fun for Me! Full Disclosure-Last year was my first BB experience and I'm so sad I missed this before! Know I'll on Amazon looking for past seasons to watch.... I like Mark. Such a big teddy bear. I just want to make him cookies with a big glass of milk..(I'm Grandma age so....just think he's a cute kid) Still hating Cody the Robot. There's something wrong with him. I HATE the dam cat ears. All I could think watching that little girl in her cat ears, boobs falling out, hanging on some guy she barely knows...Shudder....Not what we fought for equal rights for! She just looks like a little girl pretending to be a playboy bunny...UGH Josh is HOH??? Oh Lord. Not a fan of that kid...he really needs therapy.
  6. 100 X THIS!!! That guy is just the BEST. He is officially my new TV BF....If only we saw him more!! Veto medals make great brass knuckles....LOL
  7. When it looked like Josh and Mark were going to go fisty cuffs on each other did anybody else hear a voice (Big Brother?) saying "Opposite Sides of the House" Or was I that stoned??? LOL
  8. Anyone offended by Honey doesn't want to meet me! I live in the South and I was a waitress much of my life. Trust and believe I call everybody Honey, Dear, Sweetie. Just what we do! EVERY pizza place here has wings on the menu. They also have chicken pizza. Not that "new" guys.
  9. I LOVE Paul (ducking the rotten tomatoes) That dude KNOWS how to play the game and he is a Master at it. Like him or not, he's smart and he has a plan. Josh needs to G.O. He's annoying, and dangerous! That pot banging has to stop. He did that to me he's have a pot somewhere he would need a Doctor to get out! Codys creepy. That is all. Kevin!!! Where is my Kevin??? We see him in tiny little pieces. Often separating the idiots from hitting each other. He's always so calm and so cool. I LOVE that someone "older" has lasted without the normal bull of "Get the old guy out" He is SUCH a good sport! Dresses up and participates. What a doll baby. His girls should be super proud of their Dad. I loved his "advice" to Ramses (?) about passing fake bills right before they close so they don't look too close. Classic.
  10. WHYYYYYYYY can't the OC be as great as NY? At these women are watchable. Oc is just CRAP this year!!!
  11. There is a difference in being able to "manage" your depression and having a true mental illness. I'm wired badly and I need meds and therapy to make it. I'm 59 and I will be battling this until I die. Just to be clear, I was NOT looking for sympathy for the loss of my son. 8 years ago he sat it in a car and drank a bottle of booze and swallowed an entire bottle of pills. He was 31 years old. That was NOT something you can "manage" . Your lucky.
  12. Yes it is! Lot's of people who have depression suffer terribly. Unable to get out of bed. Can't function. Often the extremely depressed try ( and sometimes succeed) in killing themselves because the world is THAT bleak and dark. It's a horrible, horrible thing to have. I'm bi-polar and Depression is a HUGE problem for me and many others. I take meds that now control it but trust me it was pure HELL before that. Hospitals, etc. Depression is NO JOKE!! My son killed himself at 31 because he was depressed. His Dad attempted suicide twice. It will KILL YOU. If you have depression please, please call the suicide hotline or seek help!
  13. This bravo bitch may be out on this show. MJ and her disgusting bf are jut too much. I dont want to see people pee or hear about their sex lives. Gross, and beyond low class.
  14. I don't think anyones partner has to a duty to be on a tv show just because their partner is. If I want to keep my life private but my BF goes on a reality show that sure doesn't mean I have to open up my entire life for the entire world to see! He can go on but leave me out of it! So Asa being private about her BF is her own business. She signed the contract not him.
  15. I like Bethanny. SHe's a smart cookie. If I had her money from something I thought up, marketed, was my baby, and I got MILLIONS for it I'd be slappin stuff everywhere with my logo on it! Girl Power!!! I hate Ramona. She is an evil, heinous woman. If I was Bethanny I wouldn't have wanted her evil personage around either. I'm sure there was WAY more to that day then we saw. Seriously we saw like 10 mins. of what was probably a 5 hour event. They probably met the Jim Beam people in a closed door meeting and really, if we saw that , everyone would would be screaming about how boring it was! As soon as Sonja said she was "falling off the wagon" I could see the big ole red flags. Danger Will Robinson, Danger!!! Tinsley, grow the hell up. Your not cute. Your 41. Get a life and quit living off everybody else. Ditch the curls, bows, and other cutesy things. Just stop. I gave up my beloved sky high heels within the last 2 years. It was gradual but they're really not comfortable and yes, at 59, I feel stupid in them now. Flip flops, birkenstocks, clogs. I'm a happy girl. Loose tops to hide the bulges and lots of jeans and shorts. That's the ticket!
  16. I had a complete hysterectomy when I was 29 years old. Nothing like menopause at 29! I went from super skinny to a smudge fluffy. I'm 59 now and I could care less! I'm 5'7 and wear a 14 and I'm happy as a clam. I want a doughnut I eat it. I want a steak I eat it. My Blood Pressure and cholesterol all are fine. Shannon needs to get a grip. You have to love yourself for who and what you are. And that is NOT what you eat or HOW you look. It is what you are inside that counts.
  17. PLEASE bring back Face-Off!!! The one where we knew the contestants, they had 3 days, and there was very little drama. I've gotten people who hate reality tv to watch this because the people are kind, they have time to create really good looking makeups. Not this year! I wouldn't recommend this crap to anyone. So disappointed.
  18. MJ, MJ,MJ, PLEASE buy yourself a full length mirror! I have never seen anyone dress in clothes so small and, sorry honey, you do not have the body for it! Nor do we need to see your big saggy boobs. Cover those puppies up. Try having some class not Klass. If you can't clean your dam house HIRE somebody! What a pig sty. Her and her BF are just creepy. Congrats Asa! Happy for you! The rest of your "crew" need to go piss up a rope and mind their own business! What business it of there's why you got pregnant or who you live, or don't live, with??? I saw a cartoon the other day (wish I had it) of a lady holding a tray with a nose on it. She was saying "Here, I found your nose in my business" LOL GG keep on your path. Keep the drinking to a min. please......You'll be way better off. Shevrin is HOT!! His GF is pretty also. Good looking couple. Reza is such a nasty person. But his "best friend" is the trash bag MJ so no surprise there.
  19. What a bunch of heinous woman! Losing Heather has really hurt. She was the only one with "real" class. Tamra and Megan I can handle. Even Vicky. BUT Kelly and Shannon are just too much!!!! Kelly is worse than pond scum, very insecure, inappropriate, mean as hell, and a dang drunk. Not fun, not cute. Disgusting. Shannon needs to get the HELL off tv if this show makes her curse, throw things, and act like a dang fool. Quit and get therapy! You're in your 50's. You gained weight. Big Deal. Put on your big girl pants. And she can't drive 1/2 hour for a trainer?? WOW. Lots of us out here in the real world drive that much to work every day. If I had the $$ for a personal trainer I'd be happy to go where he is. Or is just Tamras gym isn't "holistic"? Lydia is a pain in the ass. But I do like her Mom.
  20. I worked for tips for 45 years. Ramona would definitely go down as "worst guest ever". As soon as they say "Oh I tip good/well/generous" you can be SURE you're getting a crap tip. People HAVE to put up that crap to feed their own families. I did and so did most of the woman I worked with. Her entitled shit isn't cute, or funny. It's just obnoxious. Not sure why anyone still smokes. I vape. Left the stinky ciggies behind but my vape tastes like bannana, passion fruit, and strawberry and there is NO smell. Vap= Vapor. No matches so I can't burn the house down and it's 100 times cheaper. Yes there is nicotine in my vape (3%) and you can get stronger but there is NO SMELL. I can also smoke the vape in my apartment which bans cigarettes in the apartments Win, Win!
  21. My poor, poor, Face Off....What have they done to you? Crappy make up, don't know one contestant from another, reality tv hysteria, reduced times to do things........CRAP is what this season is....Pure, Unadulterated, crap.
  22. Maybe Bethanny has furry boots and a hat on in the house because she was cold? If I'm cold I'll wear anything to get WARM. And really, there's no skin on her bones to keep her warm. If I made the big bucks she did off SG I'd have that logo everywhere also! That's a great form of advertising. I have a ton of branded stuff in my office from companies.
  23. Bethanny can't win. If she refuses to talk about her life it's "Oh she shouldn't be on a reality show if she's not going to share everything" and when she does share it's "Oh that should never come up." GAHHHHH Jason was arrested and charged. That's a fact. She didn't make it up. I'm shocked at the "Well she shouldn't have reported him" line of thinking. So she should just let this man harass and stalk her? Yeah, NO. I was a waitress for 45 years. If ANYONE had grabbed me and tried to french kiss me they would have gotten a tray in the groin. And deserved it. That was ASSAULT and it wasn't funny, or cute, in the least. No more down and dirty sex talk please. I almost fell of the couch when the subject turned to "anal" Not something anyone should be talking about or sharing except with their partner. Gag. I'm 59 and I love sex (although, sadly I' have no boyfriend now) but I don't discuss my sex life with ANYONE! Well except my BFF. And NOT on tv! Ramona is the WORST. She's why servers spit in drinks! (And honestly in 45 years I NEVER saw anyone do that)
  24. They all call themselves Chefs. I could be mistaken but that's what I caught.
  25. As soon as I saw the foam spikes all I could think was I'd quickly develop a sleepwalking problem and end up on the floor, couch, hammock, or even a floaty in the pool!! Every. Single. Night. Still love Paul. (Duking from rotten tomatoes being thrown my way) He's FUN! At least he's not in a "showmance", chasing "big boobs", or a big baby crier! Loved the cowboy bit as much as I loved the floaty last season! At least he tries to have fun and doesn't whine, cry, or bitch! I'm afraid to wade into the panda racist thing. I think it's friggin stupid but I'm old. And why do these girls wear cat ears?? Are they secretly cats? Are they going to a costume party? LOVE LOVE LOVE Kevin. He's a few years younger than me but he's a really good sport. If I was in a house with all those kids I'd end up being the den mother and having long heartfelt talks about the direction they are going in. Of course I'd bomb at every challenge as I'd about as athletic as a walrus. So he's a stay at home Dad? No big deal. Some women make more money than their husbands ever could. Makes sense for them to work and for him to stay home. I applaud his lack of "male ego" and actually raising his kids. Good for him!
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