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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. Well Kelly is a grown ass woman and you could order me 100 drinks and if I didn't want one I just wouldn't drink it. You know who couldn't do that? Alcoholics. And if she is an alcoholic that's Kellys cross to bear not the other womens. Alcohol has always been a Real Housewife staple and I don't see that changing. Kelly sits there with a puss face that says "I'm super unhappy and I don't care who I make unhappy in return." But then bitches when they DO include her. You can't have it both ways.. Editing people! Just because we saw Shannon talk to a waiter doesn't mean what she SAID wasn't from another order. remember if you can't see the lips moving don't believe it! I can't stand Kelly. Low class trash.
  2. And on to other things.....Megan you do not need elastic pants at 10 weeks! Get over yourself. I'm part Irish and I was embarrassed for the American side of me! Good God. And lastly---I never knew there was a age limit for ripped jeans! Apparently one more thing we "older" people shouldn't wear.....I'm 58 and I wear ripped jeans, high heels and have hair to my waist. Oh and cats eye glasses. I'll do me until the day I die. Tamra had every right to cry her eyes out. Kelly is disgusting. Dump her Bravo.
  3. Stupid, Stupid show. And yet I tape and watch. Hanging head in shame.
  4. I lost my son almost 8 years ago. Guess I have no life? Go away Siggy..And because it can't be said enough...Shut up Jac.
  5. I'm only on page 2 so this may be covered further on but I just have to say...Know we all know what rich kids do. No just banging on some drums in the garage. Nope. We get a voice/music instructor...A real theater (in the house)....a limo drive to a "job" (set up by Bravo). Good Lord. Hope they never lose there money and have to live in the real world! Which, of course, is why I watch!!!!
  6. Who has to be the one to hit those idiot Walkies over the head and say "She's done with you! She doesn't want you in her life! Go away!" Because They ARE>NOT>GETTING>IT> Never even sent a Hi how are you card the entire time she was away, fought with her at the Reunion, and rosie physically threatened her. NOW she's home and they can get some TV time they want to be buddy buddy. GTFO. I'm loving the new calmer, saner Tre. She's really changed and for the better. Shes made up with those her matter-Melissa and Jo. And cut out the ones who upset her. I did the same thing. I fought for my Mom and Dad to the extent 1/2 the family doesn't speak to me. I don't care! All they did was stick there noses where it didn't belong and upset Mom and Dad. GO AWAY....
  7. Gee I didn't realize pregnant woman were such delicate flowers they can't go near sand or dune buggies or a hospital. Good to know.
  8. Sign me up for not liking Siggys kid. What a spoiled, entitled brat. I'd give him a car alright. A Matchbox car. Brat.
  9. Really Caroline? Really? id you go to SuperCuts and got the beautician who just graduated beauty school like yesterday? Yikes. That is, no doubt, the ugliest, least flattering hair I have ever seen.
  10. Why those idiot Walkies think everyone should be putting them first has me baffled. Theresa , who had been away from her kids for close to a year, didn't jump over to their house asap, as soon as she left prison, seemed to piss them off. Joe, who is going away for 3 years, doesn't come to a poker game, so there pissed off. They show up at Theresas signing and try to force a lunch (aka camera time) when she wants to spend every minute she isn't working with her hubby. So that pissses them off. Get over yourselves!! Your not important to her. Deal with it. I wouldn't piss on Rosie if she was on fire after her screaming threats of "I'll rip her head off" Yeah, No. And I am a perfectly intelligent woman who know big words and everything and I still like Theresa.
  11. OMG!! It's BAAAACCCCKKKKKKKK. Love Capt. Lee. Capt. Mark needs lessons from him. Plus he's yummy to look at! No Rocky HURRAY. That chick drove me nuts although she had a beautiful voice when she sang.
  12. Camping to me is just practicing to be homeless. No thank you! I'll take my big old soft bed, hot water, and electricity. No roughing it for this girl.
  13. Brianna- I will never feel sorry for her. She left her husband and took 2 boys away from a Dad who had already been gone a lot because of deployments. Then she moves in with her Mom and bitches about not having any help. Stay on Oklahoma were your husband is ! Where your kids have friends. But NOOOOOO being in front of a camera is WAY more important.
  14. I don't care anymore if Megan went or not. Bored now. If I have to watch Megan grimace and contort her face for a dam shot I hate to see her when she has that baby! You know.the one she's going to raising alone. Because the dum dum couldn't be happy to have a beautiful home, tons of money, & a new hubby. Nope She had to have a BABY to make it all ok. Blech. Loved seeing Tammy Sue and Eddie run to each other and hug like crazy. Then him going with her in the helicopter. True Love. Melted my hard old heart.
  15. Maybe it's a table for one but I have never liked Rosie. And her screaming at that reunion and threatening bodily harm was the last straw for me. Now shes "not a mean girl"? Uh, yeah you are. I had to laugh when she came back in all innocent. You know a producer told her to get her ass back in there! Joe Guidice is in a really bad place right now and guess what Rosie? You're not someone he has spent 2 seconds thinking about. Not should he. I'm not giving him a pass for his mouth though. To much alcohol is pretty much never a good idea. Gia is incredibly grown up and insightful. She'll go far. Can't stand Jac. Check into the psych ward and get some help. Joe Gorga taking his daughter to the dance was all kinds of cute. Hey if someone wants to pay all my bills, give me spending money, and look after me without marriage....Maybe. It SOUNDS good but look at Theresa and think about that decision again. 9 months in prison is a steep price to pay.
  16. I laughed so hard at the "small school" discussion I almost fell off my couch! That was some funny shit. I hated Paul. Shook my head and muttered every time he was on. Then I stopped shaking my head and just watched him. Then there was a little bit of a smile. Then A big grin. Now I LOVE him. I want My Boy to win!
  17. I'm only up to page 4 so forgive me but I had to say I don't care if Carols dress is Alexander McQueen or Steve McQueen or Butterfly McQueens that shit was ugly as hell. She looked like she was going to the ho down at Pa Ingalls barn! Just awful. And then the hair and the jewelry!!Yikes. That hair would have been nice with a beautifully tailored pants outfit (Like B's from last reunion) but it was TO MUCH. Can Carol even speak? Her only spoken words were to "protect" her buddy Beth. Pretty sure she can take care of herself without you throwing out "Bitch" No one's talking to you! STFU. Count me in on thinking the married separated thing is just stupid. Of course separated people date! DUH.... And Bethanny can STFU also with her slut shaming. Lu was absolutely correct. She's a 50 year old unmarried woman. She can do whatever she wants.
  18. Kelly is just SOOOOOO uncomfortable to watch. She goes off all the time and it's not entertaining and it's not cute. Briana looked less then thrilled Ragey was there. And shut up Brianana. You're a "single" mother because you CHOSE to move to Cali. and leave Ragey behind. Get over yourself.
  19. Megans a fool to have a baby with a man who's that much older then her and who obviously isn't the least bit interested. He'll be moving on to the next pretty 20 something once she gets fat and hormoney. Yes I just made that word up! He wants a young, pretty girl to go on trips with and take to dinner. He's already done the kid thing. But he's at fault for letting her get pregnant. The word is NO.
  20. "They hate us because they want to be us." UMMMMMM Nope. I love my life and I have 0 desire to be a red faced screaming shrew who tosses off nasty words and then pats myself on the back. I don't want to live in an all white house. I don't want to live with a man I'm to lazy to divorce. I don't want to be in court for my anger and stalking issues. And that's just Kelly! I don't want my love tank filled. It's fine just the way it is. I don't want to scream cancer for sympathy (Karma comes around) I can make my own casseroles. I don't have a rage aholic son in law and work is not my be all and end all. So no Kelly. We hate you because you're loud, nasty, and just not a nice person.
  21. Well I was a waitress for 45 years. Hauled armloads of plates and drinks all day long. Get me home and I'd walk right into the dam wall. Just yesterday I spilled water all over the coffee table. I am incredibly clumsy but when I was in "server" mode I was graceful as a ballerina. Go figure.
  22. I'm so impressed with Tre's yoga body now I want to take yoga!
  23. OMG Megan quit all the dam whining. Your the one who wanted a baby. It's not comfortable. Deal with it. And I don't want to hear one more thing about her perfectly flAt tummy being "bloated" It's gonna get a lot more swollen hon. And what was with the "She can come' "no I don't want her there" Whaa Whaa Whaa. If these women ALL have a problem with Vicky (and I don't blame them) then band together and get her fired or quit. Your all driving me nuts. I've never seen grown women whine as much as this group.
  24. I can't stand Jac but I'm not giving Chris a pass. Mr. We had to sell our watches. Am I supposed to feel sorry for you? You drained millions from your businesses to buy fancy cars, vacations, clothes and WATCHES. He's perfectly capable of saying enough and leaving Jac. He chooses to stay. No sympathy from me.
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