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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. Well I don't know what else Tre can do. She went to prison. She's repaying her debts. She wore and ankle monitor. She was on probation. Now her husband is in prison. I'd say there BOTH paying for what they did. They don't owe an explanation or apology to us AT ALL. IMO And I don't care if I'm not a mod, posting pics of tweens in that awkward stage and saying they look horrible is just mean and nasty. Also JMO Kids KILL themselves over remarks like these.
  2. Congratulations Kelly you are now the most despised person on a housewife show. Just awful. And that tomato red face as she's screaming at people! Good Lord. I could just see the producers (like on Unreal) clapping each other on the back over the ratings!!!! WTF with the bedazzled wine opener? I think her entire house is tacky. Tamara makes sense.....Cue the twilight zone music. Shannons a nut but she's harmless. Brianna can go back to OK. I'm no prude and I do swear like a sailor but if someone started screaming you're a cu** at a dinner I'd pull a Heather and tell them to get out to. Nobody has to listen to that.
  3. True Confession-Housemate flip-I HATED Paul for weeks but now? Yeah I really LIKE HIM!!! I know, I know. He's funny, people seem to like him, he doesn't treat women like shit (cough ,Paulie,cough) His dance in the kitchen and his sitting there eating Cheetos was SOOOOO funny. Carry on Paul-I hope you win.
  4. Gage is a saint! Remember when he first came on the scene he was VERY buttoned up and rarely even smiled. He didn't want to join in any of the reindeer games and wanted his own office. FF to today. He jokes around, has a good number of TH's, works with everyone else, & just seems to be the nicest guy! He's really loosened up. "I want to be deaf in one ear. Just for this car ride" LOL Best thing ever!
  5. I confess. I yelled Quite Crying at least 3 times last night. If your insulted stand up for yourself. Say No you can't talk to me like that. Have some backbone!
  6. Thanks Biakbiak! I can't figure out the big freakin deal if they have been together for years why HOW they met is in anyway relevant? So she was on sugardaddy..so what...so was he! And it could have been Match or EHarmony and it's still no one's business!!!
  7. Has Gamble been with this fiance for 5 years? She said about the soon to be stepson....I've known him for 5 years. I don't know the legal drinking age in Australia but he was drinking wine. In the US he's have to be 21. SO she's known him since he was 16? So why did it take 5 years to have Wolfie pop the question?
  8. Leave Jessica alone! She was the one who was lied to! Made me ill to watch Asa stroke poor, poor misunderstood Mike. Belech Reza left Adam at the ALTAR and he's worried bout 5 year tape? Get the hell out. Crybaby.
  9. I can't stand MJ almost as much as I can't stand Reza.....She looks like a blind stripper who everybody tells her looks "great" in her 3 sizes to small clothes....and that awful bleached blonde mess of hair. UGH
  10. Why does Reza care if the tape is really 5 years old? Was he with Adam 5 years ago?? And him saying it hurts his reputation? Child,please. You have no reputation. You're on a reality tv show!!!!! And you were quick to hurt GG with your ignorant remarks about RA. I don't have RA but I have the A! And some days it hurts like a mo fo and others are easy and pain free. Fuck off Reza. You're the mentally ill one writing notes and sending flowers. WTF? You're not sane. And it's NOT your show!!!!!! This show would be 1000 times better without that nasty troll. Just awful. MJ is just Vida lite. Everything she does is wonderful and perfect......yeah sure....... Love Shevrin. Love Love Love....The only sane one. And much as I hate to side with Vida I think Tommy chewing on MJ butt was disgusting. That's what doors and privacy are for. Oh and Vida? Watch some other shows on Bravo. You know, that job that gives you a paycheck? EVERYBODY shills stuff. That's the name of the game. Ramona Pinot, Skinnygirl, extensions, water,purses, makeup, they sell everything!!! It's not just Asa.
  11. I still can't get over Meghan and her "Well he's not supportive of me and the baby at all. So he'll be a GREAT dad." Yeah sure.
  12. Because that what she gets paid to do? She is working by doing these things and being filmed. Not real life!
  13. I know this is redundant because it's been asked a million times but WTF is wrong with Jacs and her family? Her daughter thinks someone who just got out of prison after a year has nothing better to do then text her Mom what she's wearing? Little girl, Tre has 4 kids, and a hubby now in prison. She has way more important things to worry about then what the hell your Moms wearing!!!! Grow up. Chris-Stop trying to make every fad mean money in your pocket. No one wanted Black Water and no one wants little popcorn. And you're throwing Autism out as a "buzz" word is disgusting. Sell your dam house and move into a normal home. With your Bravo paycheck and a,you know,budget you'll be fine.. Of course these are the people who bleed millions out of a successful company so they could have that big house, fancy watches, plastic surgery, top end cars,etc.,etc. Jac we know is nuts. And apparently such a child she needs her husband to braid her hair! GAG
  14. What is it with small food? I saw a commercial for thin Oreos. WTF? If I'm eating a Oreo it better be Double Stuff! But Chris has SPECIAL popcorn because it's good for Autism! Oh...OK
  15. GOLF???? Not even football, or a political press conference, or a tragedy but GOLF???? Gee Thanks. So I got 10 mins. of the show on my DVR.......I could not figure out what caused the delay but, as always, all questions answered here. I stopped watching Amazing Race for years because it was always pushed so far back for football I never got the whole show. I was so happy when they took it off Sunday!
  16. Well doesn't that sound yummy! "How would you like your eggs today?" "Oh froth from a horses mouth that has been running hard would be good"
  17. I guess we're supposed to "Envy" Melissa and her new store??? Not a chance. And I HATE with the power of a thousand suns bratty kids. I didn't like Melania being a brat either but she could be funny! The Gorga kids are just horrible. Why would you even THINK of putting kids that age on TV???? Oh yeah.......Joe and Messlissa......
  18. Just another scam from the Lyin Lauritas. But there sooooo much better then Tre and Joe? (In there own little minds) Yeah...right. Because making money off fucking popcorn by claiming it's good for Autism? Then you wash it down with BLK Water..which is also good for Autism. Snake Oil and Grifters.
  19. I get the poaching thing but seriously? Maids/housekeepers are not slaves. They are allowed to go and work wherever they want. I think it was sneaky to not tell the woman she was going to Jeffs but on the other hand if it was a "audition" why tell your steady job in case the "new" one doesn't work out? If someone told me "Hey come over for a few days and I'll pay you double your salary?" I would seriously have to think about it! There is nothing sleazy or scumbag about changing jobs for better pay or a better working condition. At All. This is still America.
  20. Luanne and Tom are well and doing fine. She posts on Instagram and other SM. They have been travelling and having a great time! This is whats so stupid about Bethannys "big new that will cancel the wedding" Uh No. That was last year and we can SEE there still together and fine. I guess now men are supposed to be virgins and never ever ever had sex before? Whether you know the person they had sex with or not they still had there dick in someone else so calm the hell down ladies of NY. By that logic I should never get along with the ex wife because she had sex with my now boyfriend/husband? And at 50 + I'm assuming most people have had sex! And a lot of times you DO hook up with people who travel in the same circles. That's life. Sonja is so much more enjoyable this year! I like sober Sonja!
  21. Sorry Stevie--I can't get the box to go away! You go Luann! She has every right in the world to be happy, giggly, spinning, tap dancing, throwing flowers in the air or any other thing she wants. If I got a ring that beautiful and a man at my age I'd be shoving it everybodys face. Seriously, I would walk up to total strangers and be all SEE!!!!! Congrats Lu! These other hags are so so so bitter. They don't even try to hide it! Carol is just disgusting. Go away. Go play with your boy toy. We don't care. I used to like Bethanny but she's just another bitter hag. Keep your info to yourself. Doesn't concern you. Isn't your business. Mind your own store . Did ya'll see Dorinda smug grin when she was told she was pot stirring? She knows she is. She's no innocent by a loooooong shot.
  22. VIva la difference! As a American who doesn't bake.....well I can throw some eggs and oil into a cake mix but that's bout it.....Why would you ever BAKE icing? I don't get it. Wouldn't it melt? Isn't the idea to keep the icing cool not runny? I am, honestly,confused. Roadkill? Roadkill? Are you kidding? The only people I know who would eat roadkill live in the mountains and stay off the grid. That's just.......shudders......disgusting. Not to crazy about the idea of meat pies with jam, jelly, aspic or any other dam thing. Especially cold! Like I said...American....give me a nice filet with a baked potato and THEN we're talking.
  23. So wait......There's a secret room...with clues everywhere.....but they have to put in GIANT FLASHING LIGHTS that there's a room and clues? Doesn't that not make it,ya know, a secret? And then EVERYBODY gets in and gets a envelope? WTF???? No special trip or prize for the person who actually figured it out first? This is the MOST lame thing I have ever seen! And they ALL get an envelope???? So why hide them in a secret room? Just walk up to them and Hey Hey here's your envelope. Good Luck.
  24. Smell the GUCCI!!!! Wait, where are we going? Oh, Pottery Barn, of course. LOL I'm moving to Australia if Pottery Barn serves champagne! Pettifleur getting told how she comes across was spot on! She does have a chip on her shoulder and she is majorly unpleasant. She also has issues with letting go if she's THAT upset about her son moving out. Most of us are happy when our kids grow up and move out...... Continue to hate Lydidiot and her superior attitude with her housekeeper. Uck. Is it illegal to keep someones passport? Because that really bugged me. Why do you need it lady? It's not yours. She's not your dam slave.
  25. I've been in many, many hillbilly biker bars and everyone had more class and manners then Moaner! If she walked in she's be laughed out of the joint! No on second thought, we have more manners then to laugh at her. We'd offer her a Bud Lite and a game of pool and she'd run screaming into the night at the thought of mixing with the "lower classes".
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