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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. Maybe Sonja leaves her windows open in the summer because she LIKES the heat? I'm serious. I live in the south and my neighbors are amazed every dam summer that I don't use air conditioning. I can afford it but I LIKE the moist heat and it makes my arthritis in my hands and knees feel much better.
  2. I don't pronounce the t in kitten either nor does anyone I know here in the South. It's a BIG country people and different areas have different sayings,pronunciations, foods,customs. Doesn't make anyone trying to be cute nor does it make them stupid. Just a regional thing. John was entirely within his rights to throw out the Moaner and the sleazy guy. It was his party. And putting your hand in front of a drunk, screaming person is just saying "Stay back. Not going to touch you or fight you.But back off". But maybe I'm just low class because I've seen it used in real life to. Beth defended her name and her BRAND and she was well within her rights to do so. If I struggled for years to build a business and cashed out big but still owned the name I'd be defending it to. As others have pointed out you can not have a similar name in the same PRODUCT. Skinny cow is cheese not wine. And you'd better believe if I stuck up a sign in front of a store calling my self Amazone with a "no prime required we ship for free" sign you think Amazon wouldn't be serving me up a cease and desist order pronto? Think my little business wouldn't hurt them? Of course it wouldn't! Doesn't mean I get to deceive people and basically piggyback off there success without doing squat myself. Sonja is just a lazy COW.
  3. I don't care for Brandi or her nasty hubby but I would have walked out to. If you listen to her "discussion" I couldn't figure out for the life of me what she was getting at. She SO inarticulate she makes no sense. And if I was married to my high school sweetheart I'd be fixin to leave and get the big old divorce to if all she did was drink "Jesus Juice" all day and complain. Oh and go to strip clubs and embarrass me with a 4 th grade "funny" like her poop hat/ GAG. Grow up lady.
  4. Landon went to far. Kathryn has 2 children with a man she loves (loved?) She has enough child support and family money to raise them as very privileged and very loved. She's not a crack ho out having unprotected sex who will then ignore the kids she has in favor of drugs. It's obvious she loves her kids and so does Trav. If she had abortions people would scream bloody murder. It's like a 1950's attitude. The men can have as much sex as they want but woe to the women they have it with!! Cameron continues to disappoint also. As Craig said she drank Whitneys kool aid of Kathyrn hate. She's coming off as a real bitch and me no likey. Maybe Shep and everyone else can get off Craigs ass about the bar exam. He's not the first person who went to law school and decided he didn't want to be a lawyer. He still has a law degree and that's impressive. I'm not one to defend millennials (get off my lawn..dam kids) But I thought he handled the bourbon thing very well. He built it up in his head that this was THE job for him and when he was told no he simply said he needed to go lick his wounds and his hurt feelings and then he needed to dive in and learn about it. Sounds like a human reaction to me.
  5. Well I'm pretty sure my cat is considerably smarter then Gigi.....But I KNOW she's smarter then Yo!
  6. Gigi Hadid will be a lawyer right after my cat gets her PHD. She's working on her dissertation right now in "How to knock everything off the coffee table and annoy Mom" Besides she had the oh so hard job (Gigi not my cat) of taking off her clothes to stare vacantly into a camera.....That YoYo is SOOOO proud of.
  7. Why can this poor show not get its own forum? It took me two weeks to find it buried under another below deck show. I don't get it. It's like putting every project runway under one topic even if it's all stars or juniors. Come on guys! We'd get more comments if people could find it.
  8. Hey Bigmammathorton!!! welcome to the board....Your post was everything! Your comments are so well thought out and well reasoned. Your a great addition! But I love Kyle! :)
  9. Eileen doesn't know how to act if someone doesn't give her a script....Her dismissive, fake,phony laugh at LVP was the last straw for me. What a bitch....and I was pretty much over her when she bent her poor hubbies ear and when he asked if she wanted his point of view she said NO so fast it made me dizzy....she's a stone cold B.I.T.C.H.
  10. Bethanny doesn't bother me.New York businesswomen are rarely the warm and cuddly type. Girl didn't get rich by batting her eyelashes she got rich by being a shrewd businesswoman. And the rich stay rich by not spending there money. Uh Jules? You were already a bitch when you referred to the others as "elderly", you didn't need to add your "old" money...because your not! Your greasy little husband made his bucks in porn......And your having a bigger house just makes you an idiot, not better. Who the hell wants to live in a mall? I'll take Bethannys house (either one) any day .
  11. LOL...I'm not a bit offended....but I do wonder why your wasting your time watching a toilet bowl?:)
  12. Now wait a dang minute.....If ED wants a apology (or 5) because LVP made her "uncomfortable" about her affair, shouldn't SHE now apologize for talking about the abuse that LVP did not want to talk about? Didn't she just make her "uncomfortable"?
  13. Guess I'm Team Ken....I WANT my hubby to defend me and be on my side.....I love Ken. I'm in that age group and he is what I think a hubby should be..loyal to his wife all the way...GO KEN! Rinna would "throw up" if her husband said mean things about the others? Uh..sure....So your husband has NEVER defended you ,at home, when you complain? OK then..... Andy said we would "talk about it" as to Why in the hell the succubus was there (albeit on tape) But it was never mentioned. BG is a coward. She only said all that because she was on tape and she was safe. Bitch.
  14. 1- Brandi looked liked an idiot "I'm drinking wine" What? Did you just turn 21? Big deal. Immature. 2- ED needs to take her attitude and go back to soaps. I don't tell everything that ever happened to me either! Move on..Don't wallow....LVP has it right. 3-Rinna is just certifiable. Ugh 4-I look at housewives like men look at football. I have my favorite teams "Team LVP" I have teams I HATE "Team Yolanda" I root for my team and watch and read the message boards. Who gets signed for next season is just the draft pick. The message boards last week was like having the boards for you fantasy football team go down in the middle of the Super Bowl. Nerve wracking 5-. My ex hated the housewives and hated me watching them. I can not tell you how much I enjoy,now,turning up the volume, making a big bowl of popcorn, and settling in for the show!
  15. And I am now firmly on the hate Landon train. I already didn't like the little shit but she really topped herself this episode . Dolphin voiced nasty comments and excluding a cast member......bad,bad,bad. And Cameron! You've always gotten the saint edit. Who did you piss off? You came off nasty, very,very nasty. And YES everyone if FINE with Shep and Thomas sleeping with anybody and anything but let a WOMAN do it and ,well, she's not worthy to show up for dinner parties or skating parties OR even a cup of coffee........Yep, Kathryn better buy her burka and stay home in SHAME because she has 2 kids!!!!!! Sheps looking a smudge past his sell by date but I did like he stuck up for Kathyrn. Maybe he's smart enough to know she's the story and if you exclude the main story line you may end up on the cutting room floor. We don't know the time line between the hospital stay and the skating party so ...........Could have been weeks or months later..Kathryn seems like a good Mom and her kids are healthy so.....Oh I forgot, she's pregent....so she's not allowed to go out for coffee or to parties.......BLECH....Welcome to the 21st century.
  16. My neighbors asked me to go camping. I said Camping is practicing to be homeless. Nope......I'll stay where there's running hot water and a toilet.
  17. I'm ED's age (maybe a year older or so) but I stop being MANIPULATED by people a long ass time ago. If I don't want to discuss something I just say "I don't like to talk about it" BOOM end of conversation. Not that hard.I also don't bring up subjects I don't want to discuss..so there's that. Oh and I also have been married 3 times...and not once did I start dating (or even looking for) my next husband while I was married. So ready for Round 3 tonight!!
  18. Why I will never be on the Amazing Race Snakes Bungee Jumping Weird food I'll just stay home on my couch and enjoy watching people who are a million times braver then me.
  19. I still love Bethanny.......She's one smart cookie.......Made millions off Skinny Girl and gets almost a million in free advertising off Real Housewives. I call that one SMART WOMAN>>>>>>
  20. As a mother....and I'm serious here......would you want your child diagnosed over the phone? And then feed them bags full of supplements that aren't FDA approved? Wouldn't you be worried about your childs health ? Wouldn't you want to KNOW what they were swallowing? No way in HELL would I let this happen to my kids. There seeing a REAL doctor. Of course, this is a woman who's so "proud" of her kids........because there FAMOUS......not because there just, you know,her kids.......And no daughter of mine better be taking off all her clothes for a photo! That may be fame in this day and age but it's trashy to me. You're famous for showing your boobs. Big deal. Strippers do it every day and I have more respect for them. And,yes, I do believe she has not only Munchaushausens but the By Proxy. Why else is she claiming all THREE of her kids have lyme? More attention that's why.
  21. I love,love,love the couchies.......I hate,hate,hate nose rings and ear gauges.......The one thing that really irritated me last night was the women on there phones or polishing there nails. Really? This is your JOB.....sit on a couch and watch tv........PUT DOWN YOUR DAM PHONE......
  22. You are correct......you can see why I say "Kathryn who?" I didn't even remember that........
  23. I find it hard to say but...JD really pissed me off...I know, I know.......but just because YOUR wife didn't start to bleed and have to go to the hospital does not mean that's true for everyone. Geez. Kathryn is making a HUMAN BEING in her body. She is responsible for that human being. She didn't feel well and she went to the ER. They admitted her. There were no cameras there and it wasn't done for drama.....she was worried about her child and well she should be. Hospitals don't admit you unless there is a medical reason. And Landon? STFU....Take your dolphin cracking voice and go make noises somewhere else. And call me when you get pregnant. I doubt your be so snotty when it's YOUR child in danger. Cameron-You don't want to have kids then don't have them! You don't owe anybody any explanations......it's your body, your life, your choice.
  24. Not sure who I'm disliking the most. Can not stand Yo and her "illness". Lisar is a mess and an attention hog. Eileen needs to sit down and shut up. I do love LVP and Kyle. Kathryn who? Isn't every housewife supposed to have an event every year? As an excuse to gather, gossip, and make tv? So we saw Kyle and LVP have dinners and parties. Where was Eileens? Or Rinnas? Or Kathyrn? And we know Yo was excused (cough cough). So looks to me like Kyle and LVP are the only ones "working". Soapy and Sappy,and Sicky sure don't put any energy into it, all they do is show up, cause problems, and demand people apologize to them. Blech
  25. Sam likes mesh neoprene crap because it doesn't ravel and therefore does not not have to be hemmed or finished. Just cut it off to the length to where you want and you're done. He's just lazy. And his reworked look was crap. I don't care if he did just have a hour. I don't want boobs on my back either in real life or in a jacket.
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