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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. Welcome Big Mamma Torton!!!( Waving Hello) So happy you joined us....Your post was PERFECTION......
  2. Well Walnut Queen was always a pot stirrer.......she didn't come to my paint a tile on a mountain party so you know....Hollywood Friend. Next time I have a party I'm inviting her but I'm going to completly ignore her until she's uncomfortable. Because that's what grown ups do.......amiright?
  3. Leanne must have gotten ahold of a picture book where the commoners bow to the queen and she thought it meant BOW like a BOW and Arrow? I don't have a clue what Ms. Red Cheeks was babbling about. Society my foot. Poser.
  4. I do NOT have Housen Muchies!!!! And how DARE you question me! I'll be faxing you my medical records.......just as soon as I type them up.
  5. Sadly no......but those were my Hollywood friends don't cha know......My health advocate brought me a can of Campbells chicken noodle. Remind me to cut her a check for 500 bucks for that....
  6. LOL...well, honestly, I've been married. 3 times. It was kind of nice to be really sick and not have to worry about taking care of anyone but me! But before I get bronchitis again I will def try hard to hook a rich old guy so I can fly all over the world looking for a cure.....
  7. Wait now-----I've had bronchitis for 3 weeks and apparently I did it all wrong.......I didn't take any sick selfies so people could see me blowing my nose or hacking away.....I didn't write a blog about my journey.......I didn't file for divorce (well I'm not married but you get the idea) because I wasn't getting enough support.......I didn't claim my kids also have bronchitis........I didn't get mad at my friends who didn't drop everything to come hold my hand.......and most important.....I didn't refuse the antibiotics, sell my home, and go live by the river because antibiotics don't work ya'll!!!
  8. Blue Bird---Own it Own It Lizard-Ah Lisar has fallen into my plot...BAHAHAHAHAHA
  9. What I have learned from the housewives: If you ask about someones (sick) children it's uncalled for, rude, and nasty. If you call someone be prepared for them to fling phone bills in your face to "prove" you said something. If you ask about anyone's health be prepared to read there complete, annotated medical record so you'll "understand" On days I don't feel well I should take selfies and post them to social media so everyone can SEE ME SUFFER. If my friend has an alcoholic, drug addicted sister I should, in front of her, run her sister into the ground and tell everyone she's "disgusting". (Or whatever loselips rinna squaked out of her hole) I should interrupt everyone so they can't talk by screaming" Own It, Own It" BUT if anyone asks me a question I should just laugh and say that's then this is now. Because everyone is accountable except me.
  10. 2nd post--hopefully it won't get eaten like my first one....First off-Thank GOOOOOODDDDDD the site is back up. I felt like my right arm was gone yesterday. I wanted to talk Southern Charm and Reunion! I went straight from TWOP to here so yesterday was traumatic ya'll traumatic I say! Uh-hum.........Eileen-Your a crap actress. You're faces and voice at the reunion were just cringe worthy. And STFU. NOBODY cares...You can't MAKE somebody apologize when they don't think they need to. Drop it. You just look crazy and mean. LisaR-What is wrong with her????? Sitting there shrieking like a parrot on Adderall I did it I did it I did it. WTF? Could Erika look more bored? Yes let's all kneel if front of the Goddess of Suffering....Oh dear God....I almost threw up.That is actually what Yo has wanted since Day 1---For everyone to kneel in front of her and tell her how sorry they were. She was eating that up! And seriously? I want to meet the people who live in a van by the river because they have lyme disease. What a bunch of hooey.
  11. Well it took all this time to even find the Fashion Fund Forum! I've enjoyed this BUT the commercials! Dear God the commercial! I'm glad it's only 30 minutes or I'd have to shove a chopstick in my ear if I had to hear "Tarzan no go" (or whatever he says) ONE MORE TIME....Geez Amazon why???????? Lot of good Prime does if you still get the dam commercials. I live on the East Coast.....3 blocks from the Atlantic. I know a lot of surfers and NONE of them are remotely like Thaddeus.Thank Heaven. Don't get Ovation so I've never seen this show before. I like it but after all that the clothes walked in a very fast circle. Once. I didn't see what any of them even looked like! I wanted a regular runway show.....Come on guys....
  12. Why, why,why do I love this show? There all a mess and that makes them so much fun to watch....Is Reza still selling real estate? Is MJ? Neither has mentioned a job this year. And what the heck does Shevrin DO? Dudes got a lot of cash...... Can not stand Asifa and I have NO idea why she's even back. Another one who lives with her ex husband (RHOP). Geez people get divorced or get married. Pick a dam lane! And Asifas smug little smile while she smeared cake on GG? Then sits there saying gg has a drinking problem. Pot meet kettle. Hey Reza...Just because YOU think a surprise wedding and all concrete house is the last word doesn't mean your partner does. Maybe try talking to him?
  13. Dear Sam, You can't sew. You can't design. You trash people on your blog and tell them to get a thicker skin when they confront you. You blatantly flirt with the judges. You take credit for things you did not design or sew. You need about 15 more years of growing up and developing a style. A STYLE. Not pinning fabric on a model and calling it a style. I don't know why you're on here but please.........please.......don't do any more reality tv. You are not doing yourself any favors. Thanks. Uh Hum.....sorry I just had to get that out. And IMO it's not bullying to ask somebody a question!!! Ken wasn't cornering him with 4 other guys to steal his lunch money. He asked him a dam question....Geesh.....It's like we're all so PC these days you can't even ask a question without being a "bully" Ken was very very very calm when he asked that and, frankly, it's a question a lot of us wanted answered! What the heck was all that talk that Kinis models head shouldn't have been "lumpy"? HUH? Doesn't the fact that you have a nose and ears mean it will be lumpy? Or did they think Kini should have made a huge piece that went over her head but was filled with foam so it was smooth? Of course the model couldn't see or breath but hey, let the model suffocate for art right?
  14. I love Bethanny. I love her humor and her so very un PC way of joking. I'm sick of being PC and Jules does sound like shes not all there and she does sound like English is her second language. She's an idiot and Bethany is just calling her on it. Just like she just called Dorindas other half on being coked up. Girlfriend does not have time for crap. She just tells it like it is.And I love her for it.
  15. The only reason YoYo is defending Daveed My LOOOVe is to get more money from him. This is the same woman who had her first pre nup overturned for a "broken back". Cry and run off Yo.....and don't come back please and thank you. In response to another poster (that I can't find right now) I have NEVER seen anyone on here hope she dies!!! We may want her to "go away" aka get off this show but I doubt any of the lovely people here want her to die!
  16. I think it's the name. Brandi...Beware if you name your child Brandi because she will become a low class poop machine who's not remotely funny and comes off like a ass. This woman is JUST as disgusting as the Brandi on RHOBH........and this is NOT a compliment.
  17. Just to echo someone else here.......Hey ASA....Your caftans are nice. There also expensive. Can't you afford to fold them nicely and put them in a nice box? I get stuff wrapped better and much nicer from Etsy. Fail
  18. A Faberware percolator is the bomb. Hot coffee in no time flat. I've had one for years. Bought one for my Mom and converted my friend to one. FAR superior to Mr. Coffee or those stupid pod things. Just because it looks old doesn't mean it isn't new and wonderful. And they run between 75 and 125.00 I like John. He's a hard worker with a successful business. Good for him. He can do LOTS better then the drunk, stuck up UES Dorinda. Her daughters a spoiled brat and wouldn't like anyone her Mom dated. (Less money for her you know) I dated a guy for 3 years everyone dislikde. They disliked him because he wasn't "good enough". Had no education and some brushes with the law. He was a simple construction worker. He was the love of my life. After 27 years of a "upper class" marriage I was sick of the cheating and I left. Met love of life and never looked back. He never cheated on me, never yelled at me, turned over his paycheck every Friday, and was just a good all around guy. Are we still together? Nope. All I'll say is it was HIS decision to split up. Money and education don't mean shit. Being a good person does.
  19. The perfect antidote to this is to get the flu and be to sick to even read. Then you'll spend 8 hours watching season one on Face Off. They amped up the drama season one! But at least they wised up and became the classy show we all love. While Project Runway has just gotten worse and worse. I blame Lifetime. Catch The Fashion Fund on Amazon also. That's a really good show-even if they do stick the same commercials in there week after week, grrrrrr..... Hey you can work in a restaurant and still be a cancer researcher! I worked at a diner with a girl who had 2 Masters Degrees. She couldn't find a job! Sams an idiot and it's soooooo clear everyone dislikes him because he's a poser. Can't draw, can't design, can't sew. But apparently he can swallow......
  20. OMG. Thank YOU! I sat here the whole show going "Wait wait that's Peytie fabric that she made look absolutely wonderful!" And on here? Not so much. Really pointed out that a 16 year old has more talent in her little finger then these "all stars". I liked Alysas puffed out hair. Very 70's. Have any of these fools ever been out of NYC in the summer? Or ,say, Maine. Because apparently hot and 100% humidity is NOT something they care about. Thanks designers I'll take my shorts and tank tops here in the south. You can keep your neoprene (unless I'm going surfing in the winter) and your black clothes.
  21. I'm 100% behind Ken. When your spouse has a problem you defend them. That's all he did. He was on his wifes side as he should have been. If he had told her she was wrong (she wasn't) he be getting heat for not sticking up for her. And LisR is a stupid bitch as is Eileen and Erika.
  22. It's athlesiure? I kept hearing alt leisure which made about 1% more sense then atleisure. What the hell IS that? Aren't most leisure clothes comfy? Isn't athletic wear fairly comfy? I've never seen really uncomfortable clothes for exercise. So alt leisure or whatever there saying is redundant as hell. Someone please get rid of Sam and end my misery. And please take Issac with you. Please and Thank You. Sams dress (minus the lace) looked liked a baseball uniform for women from the 30's.
  23. Trav has two children, untold millions, and all he can fork over is 2500 a month! He TOLD her (ON camera) he's always take care of her and there kids. Now he's whining like a little bitch because he has to PAY for HIS OWN KIDS??????? I can't stand men like that. And I was on the Trav love train season 1 and 2 but not any more .Kathyrns job is raising her kids not out working. Not when there daddy is rich! What a jerk.
  24. LVP has not one but TWO successful shows on Bravo. She had THREE successful restaurants in Hollywood. She has opened 26 restaurants with Ken as her. partner. And THIS is who these hags decide to "take down"? The one with the most influence on the network THEY work for? Idiots...... Erikas makeup should have gotten her locked up in Dubai for crimes against nature. Sheesh. If I PAID three people to come with me and I looked like that I'd be less three on my payroll. And I still think it's very telling she couldn't go without her "glam" squad. She really has no self esteem or self worth if she has to have people around her constantly. Honey it;s blush and mascara not limb reattachment! I LOVED Kyle and her "hookah hearing aid". Exactly what I would have done.... Eileen SHUT UP. Not everybody is going to act like you THINK they should act. We're all different. If the apology didn't suit you then fine. But shut the hell up about it and GROW UP! I recently has a disagreement at work with another person. There excuse for being bitchy to me was "I said please". My answer? "I don't care. You were rude and nasty and I'm over it. Move on" Case closed
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