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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. I live in the South and I say ya'll and I hear it all day. It's just how we speak. It's a big country we all have different accents and different sayings.
  2. Marsha, Marsha, Marsha.....AlI I can think of...Mappleton, Mappleton, Mappleton. SHUT UP!
  3. I alternated between laughing my ass off (wish that really worked) and yelling at the tv. Schena Shay who was Eddie Chibrans mistress for over a year is talking about how "awful" "terrible" "untrustworthy" Lala is because she...MIGHT be some guys mistress! GTFOH!
  4. So...wait... this chick skis down in her bikini and her butt hanging out in front of a group of drunk guys and we're supposed to think it's cute? Not me. I'd rather see a SMART woman, who knows her job, and keeps her ass in her undies where it belongs. ALL these people are vile. Didn't like anyone...Well maybe Jamie...we'll see. Of course I'm a Bravo whore so I'll watch!
  5. Kyle g o t another girl pregnant while his fiancee was recovering from her surgery. Real classy guy.
  6. Yes toilet paper is changed when it gets to 1/2 full. I did a summer cleaning hotel rooms and that was the rule. The same way used soap is whisked out of your room and you get a new bar every day. I took all those "used" bars home. After a month of that I didn't buy soap for 3 years!!! The waste is phenomenal. I was a teenager and in my 20's in the 70s. Don't wear those rose colored glasses. Those shows were BAD and corny and did I say Bad? I was a devoted watcher of Love Boat, Fantasy Island, etc. but watch them now! There better left to your memory.
  7. Graham Elliott is a super chef and I'm so happy to see him on this show! He has tweeted a while back about something new coming up. Wonder if this was it? He is MUCH missed on Master Chef.
  8. OMG......Tim and Swatch were the best things in the whole show! "You just went out " "You don't want any Pringles" LOL I had to rewind and watch that a few times. It was so sweet and reminds me why I've always loved Tim..even when I didn't. I'll even admit I kind of got the giggles in the grocery in front of the, you guessed it, Pringles! Clothes? Oh yeah. The normal round of - I made that week one so I'll just keep making it..same basic design....same color,,,,same shoulders,,,same pockets....same cowl....over and over and over. I will say Mah Jing (sp?) was RIGHT when he said why was HE making a costume (per his mentor) when everyone around him was also! 100 percent agreed with him! I liked Corny for like 3 seconds one episode. Now he's back to being a snotty little shit who's not as amazing as he thinks. Same for Muppet yellow girl. Nowhere as good as she thinks she is! And for the love of God woman ask someone to buy you some dam hair dye! Is it telling I have no idea what her name is and the season is almost over? Please Santa, send this show back to Bravo where they know how to do a show! Lastly- The guest judge was from the Lifetime show UNREAL about a producer on a Bachelor type dating show. It's actually pretty good.
  9. Si if rory is 32 and Lorlei had her at 16 she's now 48. And I'm supposed to believe she suddenly decides she wants a baby? Honey that ship has sailed. Your in Grandma territory.
  10. Maybe Logan isn't the Baby Daddy. Rory had a one night stand with a guy in a Wookie outfit. (Of course she did) Did I miss Miss Patty? Always liked her.
  11. I love KEN! Always have. I want a Ken in my life to carry a little dog and defend me! LOL. Hey Katie- Those leopard spots? (Stupidest tattoo ever) are going to look like age spots when your older! Trust me, age spots are a depressing pain in the ass but at least mine aren't fucking PINK! Loving Brittany. No I don't believe one word Jax says. He spent entire seasons lying about stuff he swore happened. She's cute as a button. But she needs a bigger top! Katies a BITCH. Run Tom Run! Never thought I'd defend Lala but DAM! All she was doing was being work friendly and that coven of hags sits there thinking there hot shit? Sickening. The slow clapping because Schena has no backbone and is an idiot 16 year old who can't talk to someone her "friends" like? GAG
  12. BRRRR All this talk about gas lighting by ex husbands is giving me PTSD. :) Sorry Shannon but I'm not buying what your selling. Your whole story is suspect. Sounds like a few visits to AA may not hurt you if you're so drunk you end up 9 blocks away with torn hose and no memory! And David has never hurt you? Yeah , sure. That's why your busting down doors to the extent you're all bruised (?) FISHY!
  13. Off Topic but I can't resist- When I had been married 7 years my husband got a card in the mail. I (joking) said"Look a card from your girlfriend" He -I swear - Shoved the card and envelope down the couch cushions ---while i was WATCHING and swore there "was no card". OMG. I stayed married to. For 27 years. Divorced that lying rat bastard 10 years ago and I'm now happy and healthy.
  14. Yep Katies an immature bitch. No argument there. My question is---What the hell are Schena & Shay taking to get so dam skinny? They have both lost a ton of weight and she was a stick to start with. Coke? Adderall? I love Schwartz and yes I know he gets paid from Bravo but does he have any other job? Because the Bravo bucks will stop one day. Someone please give Tom his flat iron back! That situation he has going on on his head is just funny/stupid.
  15. I had a dress like Team Neutral made. Loved it. It was 1983. Not so much in 2016. No one needs a ring in there nose. Unless your a bull. Ugh. Loved Team Blue. Beautiful clothes.
  16. Siggy is the WORST relationship "expert" ever! She's loud, overbearing, and it's all about her! She can not come back......Dolores can stay-she's chill and I love her with Frank.
  17. Why,why,why do I have a soft spot for David???? I kinda enjoyed him on Worst Cooks and have to confess I smiled to see him here! The contestants need to tone it down. SHHHHHHH.
  18. Well I enjoyed this season. The cooks were less"characters" and more celebs just having fun. Rachael and Anne were great together. Instead of the trash talk with the male judges we had them bringing there dishes to each to taste. Class! You KNOW they weren't going to let Anne win again! Rachaels pants! OMG!!! She's to short and to chubby for horizontal stripes on her pants! I got all distracted trying to figure out why she was wearing them!!! Just discovered Worst Bakers. OH David is back! Kind of have a soft spot for him. I have no idea why......
  19. History Lesson: Diana is Carolines sister. She had a charity called "Ladybug" Caroline was part of that.There was some big falling out over the charity and Diana and Caroline weren't speaking. Diana is one of Theresa's best friends. Jac is Carolines SIL. They has a big fight and Jac HIT Caroline. They don't get along. Melissa and Joe were not happy with Theresa when they came on the show. A lot of speculation but jealousy over Tre being a "star" seemed to be the main point. They now get along. When Melissa came on she was often accused of being a stripper and that caused even more problems. That has NEVER been proven. Melissa said she was the bartender and not a stripper. Lots of accusations of Tre setting her up, etc. I've watched since Day One & I love Tre. She's just reality tv gold.
  20. Has no one on this boat ever heard of sexual harassment? If a co-worker of mine stripped off his shirt and layed on top of me he's need a ambulance! And fast. These guys are all out of there little minds if they think this the way to get a woman's interest.
  21. Go Tamra! I had a friend who competed in womens body building and it was super intense. The day of the competition there really weren't that many people there. It's not like a baseball game that a ton of people would be interested in. It's mostly relatives of the competitors and a few people who follow it. I don't think that was a set up for filming at all. I would have lost my shit, just like Heather, if I had to put up with Kelly and her crap! I don't think I'd last 24 hrs. before I'd get out my cowboy boots and kick some shit out of someone. HATE KELLY Not to be ignorant but I keep reading it isn't "christian" for Tamra to compete????? She worked her ass off (literally) and she looked smokin. I live at the beach and I see people in less then she had on! You can't show off your sculpted body in a turtleneck and jeans! I don't think God cares what we wear....how we ACT yes. JMO
  22. Mink eyelashes are supposed to be the bomb. Tre will get better as a yoga teacher. Not many people start teaching and are wonderful at first. It takes time and practice. And I say this as someone who taught quilting for over 20 years. It takes time. She said she was "working" on her certification not that she had it. I'm loving Melissa and Joe. Wait a pig just flew past my window. Oh never mind, it's just Jac.
  23. Watched it twice. Don't understand any of it. Writers must be on crack! I'm out.
  24. I'm shocked at how many people seem to think staying home and raising a human being isn't working??????
  25. I can't imagine going to Ireland and NOT having Irish butter on bread or a load of potatoes. And, yes please, I'll try the Baileys. But if you don't want you, hey your tummy not mine. Could somebody please pass that steak this way please?
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