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eurekagirl mOo

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Everything posted by eurekagirl mOo

  1. Steve must be thrilled to hear Vicky say (and she has said it 3 times now) that she has a "broken heart"
  2. And because I forgot..... Captain Lee and the Cheerios! The struggle is real.
  3. I finally forced myself to watch this last night. (WWWHHHYYYYYY) Peggy is the MOST condescending, rude, nasty, phony EVER! I'll take Vickys fake cancer over this idiot. She always look like she smells something bad. Her Resting Bitch Face is not a RBF. That's her FACE> She is a resting bitch! Goddess I hate her. (And I hate hating people) Who says to someone "Do you trust your husband?" When she KNOWS what happened! That was some low down shit. Hey Peggy-If you're NOT an American then please feel free to make a one way reservation home to Armenia or wherever you lived for 12 whole months of your life. Isn't your tag line "I'm living the AMERICAN dream"?????? BITCH.... Even Diko called her out on her fake stupidity. And NO Diko it is NOT BS that you can't go. It's called the Real HOUSEWIVES not the Real Fame Hungry Husbands..... Megans still on? Well her baby is adorbs so there's that. Kelly is decent when she's sober. Please stay that way. I'd gag like crazy at FERMENTED SHARK too! If it's too gross for Anthony Bourdain that is some really super gross crap. Anthony eats everything! I love Tamras house! No big, tacky McMansions for her. Her home is elegant and cozy. I just want to curl up on that couch, have some wine, and gossip with her! She has grown and changed so much! Shannon (in the flashbacks) really was too skinny. She looked skeletal. I think she looks good now! Relax and enjoy life. Weight comes and goes. Family is forever. I hate acid wash but I'm sitting here in my "stylish" ripped jeans so I'm sure in 20 years I'll roll my eyes at WHY I ever wore them!
  4. OHHHHHHH....There are 2 shows!!!! Well Thank You all! I thought I was losing my mind (DVR picked up several seasons of both to make it even more confusing) and the hayride was another challenge???? Geeze people. It's the same network. Can't you get 2 different names? I DO prefer the Hayride because I flove the full size pumpkin carvings. Such talent! And may I say I also flove the lack of snark and nasty Talking Heads on these shows. Such a pleasure to watch!
  5. I'm a super picky eater so food to me is just...blech...unless it's ice cream! And if I hear Bananas Foster and I get chocolate ice cream with no tableside flambe? Not cool. Especially for that amount of $$$$. Methinks Nico got an ear full of from production about his I Quit tirade and his crappy attitude. He didn't shut that down THAT fast because that Bri wiggled her bare rump at him. I would have dressed Jen up in FAR worse than that! What a whiny, entitled baby she is. Go away and take your stank attitude with you. Your having the adventure of a LIFETIME and all you can do is bitch. GTFO.
  6. Harness is actually easier for the dog. A collar is around the neck and often when dogs get stubborn and just say "Ima gonna sit down now" owners pull on their leashes and choke the dog. A harness gently pulls them to come and WALK dammit! My dachshunds always had them. They have lots of back problems and the harness is better. I love kittys and have one now. No dog--lease forbids it....someday....
  7. So if ALL of us are confused as hell I'm thinking they did a really crappy job with this pile of crap. So 1/2 of them are doing hair and 1/2 are doing makeup? And who are these helpers? And how do you judge makeup on one person and hair on another and be fair? It's 2 completely different skills. Have ALL makeup or ALL hair. No helpers. Not that it matters. This is a one and done.
  8. Wait, wait, wait.....The Beautiful Georgina Chapman is Weinstein's WIFE????? O.M.G. How did I not know this?
  9. Shut up Yolanda. You're not a judge either. Your a Z list reality "star" who is there for 1 show! Sanctimonious Cow. M & M did the correct thing. They reported it. Nothing was done. She won. M. walked. I would have also! And her snotty, bratty attitude was just...beyond. What the hell is Owning It anyway? Pretty easy to say Oh Sorry. Another thing to say I am sincerely sorry. I didn't mean to hurt anyone but Yes I cheated and I regret it. I certainly never heard her say she was so much as sorry much less apologize for cheating. Do the grown up thing and at least pretend to be sorry, not some tween eye roll. So glad those 2 talentless hacks are Gone! Margaritas dress was a dream. Princessy without looking princessy. (does that even make sense?) Anyway it was lovely. I like the mint green dress. Mint green in one of my favorite colors and I love the ease and flow of his designs. Minus the dangly bits. But the dangly bits are intended for the Runway not real life.
  10. You do know you're not supposed to LOOK at them don't you? (LOL) No offense! OC is SOOOO bad. I've never had a season where I hate everybody! Ugh. Pretty sure that was a set up. I've worked in some fancy hotels (in the restaurant) but just giving the key with no ID? Nope. Wouldn't happen. Didn't much care for Brandi last year (the poop hat turned me off) BUT I will 100% OWN the fact that I would hang out with Brandi in a hot second. She knows how to let loose and have fun! Life is short. Have some fun!! I can NOT stand Kameron. If you're that offended none of us will protest if you quit! She is SOOOO self righteous and snobby while she has not one ounce of class herself. She is a horrible downer.
  11. I could have sworn it was a shark not a boat. Oh Well. Slogged through the first 1/2 hour. Almost turned it off. And 2nd half hour was pretty decent. I don't see Kevin as some big bad guy either. Show us what he did! At least on The Good Place we saw how awful those people were. I'll keep watching. For now. Not my favorite but not horrible. Just middle of the road.
  12. Oh my YES. I couldn't live without my daily dose of TWOP. I was on the "other board" (Shhhh) but I was terrified to post there! I did like, twice, and got my hand slapped both times. So I only lurked. I love being able to interact with ALL of you! (Especially those I see on a lot of the same tv shows I watch) Thanks for the fun peeps!!!!
  13. Shrugs. I get frustrated at work. We all do. Sometimes I'm bitchy. Sometimes I'm nice. Oh wait, that makes me human. Of COURSE he got older! He was in his 50's when this started. He's at or pushing 60 now. I think he looks wonderful and if he wasn't gay I would go to NYC and stalk him until he married me and dressed me for the rest of my life. Top Chef is still on Bravo too. Runway WAS really better than. I, personally, think there are plenty of talented designers out there but most don't want to be on reality tv or work under the conditions they are made too. ANd yes, there casting this year sucks! If you want a good creative show where the contestants help each other, there is no backbiting, no drama, no ridiculous time constraints go watch Halloween Wars on Food Network. THAT is how PR used to be! And it's a pleasure to watch. Creativity on overdrive! Thanks to whoever said the first episodes are on youtube. I know they're on Amazon but I don't have the $ right now to buy it. So off to Youtube I go. It's really a shame Lifetime doesn't show them and acts like they never occurred.
  14. Elise was on that awful Bravo show last year "Summer House"??? Anywho she was in Whistler acting the big shot as a concierge. She was so awful the crew revolted and she was fired partly in. She really is heinous. Christina is dressed to work in a hot, greasy kitchen. Not to win a beauty contest. Most cooks wear no makeup (well the women) pull their hair back and sweat like elephants all day. Doesn't lend itself to much more than frumpy. Kitchens are extremely dangerous places. Having someone who is passing out is a MAJOR liability. They could fall into a hot stove top, plunge an arm into a hot deep fryer, and any no. of awful things. Having said that Yes he should have been asked to leave for his safety but he did look relieved. It's so sad how far down this show is. When it first started we in the Food and Beverage area were riveted by it! Now it's a big joke.
  15. I used to like Vicky. I defended her during cancer-gate. I was wrong. Mea Culpa. What a hideous woman! Being gay is NOT an insult. But she thinks it is. Hate Peggy Hate Diko Hate Lydia Hate Vicky...Why am I watching this? Only armenians celebrate anniversaries. What got me was the "Armenian Women are subservient to their husbands. But not ME! I got an education." (Then never used it just did the housewife thing Diko tiny dick wanted me to) Lydia just because your Mom is rich doesn't mean you get to spend her into the poor house. Seriously. I would have been shocked if my Mom paid for my groceries much less that crap. The ONLY likable people are Tamra and Shannon (and Shannon is on the bubble) Tamra at least acts like a human being. Doesn't live in a friggin mansion and seems to be thinking ahead to when the Bravo train ends. After 5 years there doing enough business to stay open. Most new business will fail first 1-3 years. May Eddie DID make 500,000. His Dad was the owner. We don't know exactly WHAT he did. Maybe he was an office agr. Maybe her was the co-CEO. Who knows? I once worked for a Fortune 500 company (yes I know eddie didn't) but the executive secretary's made 80,000 to 150,000 a year. The BIG bosses made over 500,000 easy. If happens.
  16. WTF Nico? How old are you? EJ is the Bosun NOT YOU. What is so hard to understand? You had a chance. You failed. A person who had proven himself to the Cap was brought in. You right Nico. Shut up and go back to polishing rails. Sowing discontent and confusion is not how you lead! Nico should have been shown the door and not let the door hit him in his entitled ass on the way out. Ok I'm officially over Cinderfella down there in the laundry. Who cries to their kid about how "mean" their boss is? What a horrible woman. You're not doing more work more anyone else so shut up. If anything you're MAKING more work. I really dislike people who can't just shut up and do there job. Believe me I have washed dishes in restaurants just to have a job and I sure as hell didn't bitch about it. And I sure wasn't getting paid what they are! I'll wash clothes all day for that kind of cash!
  17. Really? Nobody? Ok then I'll go there "Premature Unfurling" I am STILL giggling!
  18. These were my original flavor Housewives were I fell down the Bravo rabbit hole so many years ago. I have always had a soft spot for these gals. No Jacklyn HOORAY! Guess she has enough problems with her own bankruptcy. Sanctimonious Cow. Siggy-Shut the F*** Up!!! You're not Oprah. You do lectures at spas. Big deal. Delores-Cut the ties...I got the feeling Frank has a VERY short temper. Melissa-Used to really hate her. Now I kinda like her. She's been there for her SIL and seems to have grown up. Not sure about pigtail girl but you'd think she could find a better hair color then Walgreens dye (on sale $7.99) Theresa I have ALWAYS loved. Yes I am A 'tre hugger" She did her time, she paid her dues, she has a right to move on. If she divorces Joe it's because it's what best for her kids. She cares about them more than anything. There is never a "bad time" or an "inappropriate" time to face time with your crying child who just lost their Nona. NEVER! You take that call no matter what and that's what she did. Good for her.
  19. OMG. This is PERFECT!!! http://www.bravotv.com/below-deck/season-5/blogs/captain-lee-rosbach/captain-lee-the-crew-behaved-like-two-year-olds
  20. Serious Question---Why is Tommy such a good guy? He drinks like a fish, just like she does. He's crude. He's super low class. He lives in that garbage heap just like she does. He could clean it up! But he doesn't. He's OK with people writing on his walls. I think he's just a big a pig as MJ and something tells me they both smell because they don't bath.
  21. I finally figured out what the deal is with Vicky and Shannon. They are EXACTLY ALIKE! They both need their "love tank" constantly filled. They both need a man who will "gaze adoringly" at them. They both need their little paws held. They both blame their failures on everyone else "it's Brooks fault" "it's Vicky fault" blah blah blah. They both have nasty tempers. They both like their booze a little too much and are stupid when drunk. There both overweight .(so am I but I don't care) They both need mountains of $$$$ to maintain their lifestyle. And while Vicky is a hypochondriac so is Shannon! She just goes to weird witch drs.
  22. Oh MAN do I remember this! I was in mid 30's and raising 3 kids at the time. I had NIGHTMARES about people coming in and shooting me! We didn't get shot quite as much in those days so it was pretty shocking. And yes, there was a LOT of abuse. But a LOT of women are in prison because they killed abusive partner/husbands. They never get any slack. They SHOULD! But they don't.
  23. I had only watched half as, sadly, i went to bed about 1/4 way in. Finally saw it all last night. Nico-Quit whining. You were NEVER permanent Bosun. You had your chance and all you did was whine and not teach them one dam thing. Running to the "Cap" every 2 mins. to cry does NOT get you promoted. Welcome to the Real World! EJ-Seems OK. I can do without the Cool Beans-Mostly because my boss says that all the time! BUT he did try to teach them something, and make sure the boat was in tip top shape which, Nico, apparently did NOT. Fresh eyes always see things the crew who is seeing it every day often miss. Chris Brown may be a tool but I liked the crew trying to help him out. Offering their closet space. Offering their bed so the poor guy can sleep. She REALLY DID do her hair for 15 mins!!!! Not that I doubted it I just hadn't seen that yet. Oh HELL NO!!! If the guests were unhappy they had mouths. I HATE people who eat everything and THAN bitch about it. Just ask! I'll get it for you! Other tahn that they didn't bother me. I don't drink and neither do my friend (a few of whom who are in recovery) We have a BLAST. We have a ton of fun and no nasty hangovers.
  24. I loved it. I'm another one who's too "old" for me to count. It remained me of Everybody Loves Raymond. Loved Elliott Gould and Linda Lavin. It's just fun and it's fluff. After CNN all day I NEED this break!
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