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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. For some weird reason, your post about NYC in the 70's gave me a flashback to a commercial from my NJ youth in that same era: I give you, Palisades Amusement Park: As an aside, I really, really wanted to enter the Little Miss America Pageant. My wise parents did not even entertain the idea.
  2. Maybe it says: "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that."
  3. It took me a long time to give up on Criminal Minds. I finally realized around season 8 that I was hate-watching and pulled the plug. There was a bit of withdrawal and grief, but I've come out on the other side unscathed.
  4. Jon Cryer seems like a very kind an understanding person. Instead of being sucked into the gutter and dishing dirt, it sounds like he's giving an honest account while being empathetic. I keep forgetting that Angus is a kid, and lord knows we've all done embarrassingly stupid things at that age. Thank god there were no cameras on ME in those years!
  5. BB King. The thrill is truly gone and we have lost a great talent.
  6. At the time when not everyone had access to video like they do now, yes, everyone did stop work to crowd around the TV and experience the moment together.
  7. I'm surprised you could even see Meg Ryan's boobs past her ginormous overdone lips.
  8. Sharpie66, I have to agree with you on that
  9. These patients are already at very high risk, so I'm guessing that liposuction with a chance of throwing a fat embolism would add little to the weight loss and much to the danger.
  10. He probably couldn't figure out how to open the door.
  11. I like Wen as well and it definitely made my hair very soft but after 2 shipments I had only gone through 1/2 a bottle so cancelled. I saw it displayed in Sephora, so it's possible you don't have to get that ridiculous auto-ship deal. I'm guessing that if it's in Sephora it's not bootleg, but who knows.
  12. ADT Always There commercial. I really like this one, especially the reaction of the burglars.
  13. I love The Fat Doctor and am through almost all the episodes. Shaw Somers is definitely good looking and so incredibly kind to these people. The reason the surgery is different is that the earlier ones were done via regular surgery. In later episodes he does them laparoscopically. My guess is that he learned the newer technique and changed to the less risky procedure. There's a disclaimer that states something like, everything you see in the show were current medical recommendations at the time of filming.
  14. I'm sort of glad about this change. I had a colleague who went out on short term disability and people saying she had STD was all sorts of wrong.
  15. They have the same commercial for Extra with Ashton Kutcher for what I gather is Hispanic TV. The most surprising thing is I had no idea they were the same gum. It says Orbit on the video, but the tagline says "Extra".
  16. Raising my hand here. I find it totally fascinating and watch every one of these fat shows not to mention my all time favorite, the 132lb tumor. Watching how these folks function day to day, washing (or not), walking (or not) and even the very act of eating are completely riveting, like the proverbial train wreck where you can't look away. I was hypnotized watching Charity's mouth when she ate. Charity is 7X my weight, which is mind blowing to me. I may need an intervention from these shows because I'm totally addicted.
  17. You said it better than I could. It's not like they make 600lbs look like it's easy*, but there is nothing more real than seeing the sores and showing that someone has to heft their stomach over a the back of a chair in order to dry themselves. *my first two edits before 'easy' were 'piece of cake', and 'a picnic', neither of which seemed appropriate. With regards to the endocrine disorder suggestions (thyroid, hypoadrenocorticism, etc), adipose tissue is not benign and is in fact considered to be an endocrine organ because it secretes hormones. "White fat" has a strong impact on the whole endocrine axis. I would be more inclined to believe the obesity is leading to the thyroid and adrenal glands being out of whack than the other way around. Fix the obesity and the brain, thyroid, adrenal glands, ovaries and pancreas should follow.
  18. I'm a big fan of Dr. Now's 'take no bullshit' approach with his patients. This time however, I thought he was taking his frustration out on the wrong person. It wasn't totally Angel's fault that she didn't call him first. Yes, of course she should have contacted him. But the ER doctor should have been able to tell that she had a recent surgery and sh/e should have reached out to the primary doctor. I have a hard time believing Angel's condition was so dire that they had to insert a feeding tube right away or she would die. There was time to make a phone call or send an email. I lay that on the feet of the ER doc and our fucked up medical profession. It's not the patient's job to know the protocols within the medical field, and she wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box to start with. Angel was already burdened with years of unwarranted guilt about her adoption. Now she's made to feel unwarranted guilt about going to the ER? I call foul on this one. I still love Dr. Now, it just could have been handled better, particularly with this patient. (as opposed to, let's say, Penny). That being said, Go Angel! I really like it when they finally "get it".
  19. Funny, to me he will always be Gary Hobson from Early Edition.
  20. I'm not usually a fan of babies and small children in commercials, however this is simply beautiful.
  21. Whenever I see this commercial my response to their constant "People think Californians are [fill in the blank]" is to say that this commercial makes me think people from California are pompous assholes.
  22. Who orders lobster tail at a diner? Better yet, why is a diner even offering something like that? That's just all sorts of wrong.
  23. It's not officially Satan until it's boycotted by the Million Moms group.
  24. This is a not a real commercial, but for at least a little bit I thought it was. Great parody of all those GI upset commercials:
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