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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. This forum is at the top of my followed content list for some reason. Whenever I go to look at my forums, it jumps out and for the life of me I always see "My Big Fat Fabulous Lie".
  2. That basically summed up the 70's in 5 minutes and the only thing missing was conspicuous drug use. Fluorescent colored afro wigs with gold shiny pieces? Damn.
  3. They had those same shows yesterday, with Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix and Maurice Gibb, but also threw in Amy Winehouse. I find it amazing, but not totally surprising, that there was such a limited investigation into the death of Jim Morrison. By the same token, it doesn't really change much. The backstories to me are the most interesting. It usually tells the full story about what led to the deaths, not just the single point-in-time autopsy. I was fascinated by how cray cray Brittany Murphy's whole family was, and that her death was ultimately about the paranoid refusal to see a doctor than it was anything else.
  4. I can't believe I'm saying this but the Matt LeBlanc show doesn't look half bad, especially for a pilot that will get some tweaking.
  5. I took that phone call to be an in-your-face to Dr. Now. "You fired me? Well fuck you, look at how well I'm doing with this nice new doctor I found all by myself." What a miserable human being. But if she ends up losing the weight simply to prove Dr. Now wrong, so be it. There's probably a whole lot more to the diet restrictions that may be related to these people being super-sized at the beginning, and how much stomach/small intestine they have to remove. The bypass alters so many GI enzymes and I would bet this gets taken to a whole other level with this group. Being 600+ lbs may be a total cluster when it comes to digestion post-bypass, even more than those who normally get the surgery. It's a very select population on the far right of the bell curve.
  6. Sorry Amanfred. I posted something similar on page 2 and for some reason didn't notice there was a page 1, and that you had already said the same thing.
  7. Possibly the most bizarre episode ever. I totally think Courtney is full of shit, but for the life of me can't see why she would go to so much trouble to research it all. 15 minutes of fame? Maybe she wants to sell her services to other simpletons clients. The main reason I came to post was about the raccoon. Not for nothing, but a raccoon behaving weirdly, out in daylight, and in Florida, made me think of rabies first and foremost, not some act of possession by a psychotic killer. Sure, go ahead and approach that raccoon Nev.
  8. She looks like she's trying hard not to puke. I'm guessing that's not the intent? Also, for whatever reason, that feels like WAY more than 1:23 minutes.
  9. I agree about the red herrings and they do build up with hype ("so and so has been known to do cocaine, crack..."). But, it seems that they do a decent job of debunking when it didn't contribute to the person's death, which is not something a lot of other shows will do. Sometimes, those facts lead to really cool trivia that is rarely mentioned. For instance, I'm totally fascinated by the fact that Elvis was massively obstipated due to all the opiates, and that's one reason he kept using the bathroom.
  10. I've been binge-watching this show over the past few weekends and I'm totally absorbed. Am I the only one? I was going to add episode threads but it's been on for 5 seasons and I didn't know which ones to choose. Robin Williams, Phil Hartman, Elvis, Joan Rivers...all were really interesting. I feel like they are very objective and give a balanced overview of the event. Tonight is Amy Winehouse--should be interesting. FWIW, I had no idea that Liberace had AIDS.
  11. I recently heard a discussion about vocal fry on NPR (Freedom Fries) which basically concluded that the millenial generation not only doesn't notice the vocal fry, if they do, they couldn't give a shit. In other words, if you both hear and are annoyed by the new speaking trend then you are probably old. I fit that mold. It makes me particularly stabby to hear the vocal fry AND upspeak used together. If you want to hear that part of the podcast, when you click on the hyperlink,go to about 25' 54'' in. It should be bookmarked there but it might not be.
  12. I believe they may measure it that way over in the My 600-lb Life forum.
  13. In all fairness, that's not a sight you see every day, and with the camera crew around people might have thought she was someone famous. Or on a reality TV show--wait, she is on TV. Granted, some people are cruel, but that's not everyone. Admittedly, if I saw a very large person being wheeled through an airport on a luggage cart, with a whole camera crew following them, I'd like to think I wouldn't stare and take a picture but I don't know for sure. At the very least I would take a peek and say "what the fuck???"
  14. This. He must get awfully tired and jaded with patients constantly making excuses and being manipulative. Plus he's a surgeon and they're not usually known for being warm and fuzzy. Either way, he's not there to be their friend, he's there to save their lives and there aren't many doctors who will operate on people this large. I sort of enjoy it when he gives some of these people a smackdown. They are SO not used to being called on their bullshit.
  15. One step more, they should because cats are living creatures and randomly shooting at them with arrows as a joke is heinous. This happens more than you think. I predict that it is yanked right quick, but the memory lingers.
  16. Wasn't that weight pre-skin surgery? If so, she could really weigh significantly less, with a whole bunch of sagging skin.
  17. I love Jeff like crazy and hope he never stops saying it.
  18. I like the version that Broken Ox heard.
  19. Yes! Is this a 'thing' now where no one eats at the table? I didn't think it was a hardship to sit at a table with a plate, silverware and a napkin. Balancing a plate on your lap while sitting on a couch seems so weird to me.
  20. Ha! I was thinking of Tetris but didn't think anyone would get that reference
  21. I finally got to catch up and watch this episode and there's not much add. As I watched Lupe eat, it occurred to me that I'm fascinated by the process of how all these people eat. The size of the pieces they put in their mouths, how they chew, and the way their eyes look as if they are in the throws of pleasure. I watch them eat with the same level of fascination that I have for staring only at Donald Trump's fish mouth when he talks. Way upthread it was discussed as to whether Gilbert had a driver's license because he didn't drive to Houston. I thought it might be sheer logistics. I don't think the niece would have fit in the back seat, so the 2 very large women needed to be in front. The IKEA reference was spot on, and it reminded me of all the years packing up to go to college, where every square inch of car was filled. Jenga. Gilbert was completely checked out, as everyone has stated. He's totally beaten. I too give him a pass at the cheating, and think Lupe would be better off if he left. Didn't Dr. Now allude to that in the hospital at one point? That Gilbert hadn't been around and that meant she was doing more? I may have misheard. The situation reminded me of Chuck and Nissa, and we all cheered when she divorced his lazy ass.
  22. I just heard about Gary Shandling as well--such a loss. His episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee with Jerry Seinfeld has an amazing amount of foreshadowing. He had a great line about what he wanted at his own funeral (starts at around 15.15). It also had a brief mention of his having hyperparathyroidism, they discussed the death of Robin Williams and David Brenner, and he was able to make Jerry Seinfeld not seem like such a douchebag. Now that's real talent.
  23. I want to love the ad, I really do, because it's very clever. However, all I see is that the mom can't get a moment's peace, she's overworked and her lazy-assed disgusting family doesn't raise a finger to help.
  24. And this is why I could never be a health care worker--I honestly didn't care if Sean made it. When he kept crying and complaining about how it was so unfair of everyone to make him cut calories, and that he should be allowed to enjoy his food, all I thought was "go ahead, keep eating all that shit". I was almost hoping Dr. Now would stop trying and let this whiny manipulative jerk eat himself into oblivion. Save the surgery for someone who really wants to change. My reservation in hell now confirmed.
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