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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. It was an awesome song!! I haven't heard that in a long time and now I'm going to boogie my way over to iTunes and download it. Because, she's a bad mamma-jamma, just fine as she can be.
  2. The husband was all sorts of creepy-pervy. It was like Hansel and Gretel grew up and became porn stars.
  3. I finally got a chance to watch the Steve Jobs episode. How sad that it apparently came down to waiting too long to get the surgery. From the way the show sketched it out, I don't know if it was his hubris so much as being asked to completely change who he was at his core. He grew up in San Francisco as a fruit-eating vegan, non-conformist, LSD-dropping child of the sixties. It's not surprising that he didn't go for mainstream medicine right away. They make it sound like it's an easy thing to go from being a vegan almost your entire life to having to suddenly eat meat and animal proteins. I can see how that would be very difficult. Not following the rules is what made him business genius, and unfortunately it's what also led to his early death. The part about high fructose diets leading to pancreatitis and possible pancreatic cancer was really interesting.
  4. Probably both, since it's a chicken/egg thing. This site had a surprisingly good explanation.
  5. Yay! I can't stand the new Dos Equis guy. He's not even Mildly Interesting.
  6. I wanted Julie Barnes' apartment from the Mod Squad. I also wanted her long hair, cool clothes and to have 2 great guys as my best friends. OK, I wanted to BE Julie Barnes. I would have settled for the apartment though.
  7. I watched in total amazement when instead of getting out and walking over to give a homeless man in a wheelchair a "treat bag", she made him come to her car while she sat there. Bless her heart.
  8. This is completely my own opinion with absolutely nothing to support it other than the power of the internet and the fact I stayed at a Holiday Inn last night. I suppose their reluctance to go to a therapist may have something to do with the fact that the people on this show are major outliers even in the morbidly obese population. They are so far on the right side of the bell curve that it's nearly impossible to even find a doctor willing to do the weight loss surgery. To get to this level, they have to have major demons, and be in some intense denial or they probably would have had some therapy before getting to this place. I'm guessing the normal logical rules that most of us follow don't apply to this group.
  9. I'm not quite sure where to post this--what happened to the Trivago guy?
  10. I was just turned onto this show by a friend who made me sit down and watch. God damnit, I was so happy to finally cancel my Netflix and now I have to get it again. I'm addicted. I wasn't sure how I felt about the kids at first, but I really like how they add a richness to the stories and Brianna is fabulous. I've always generally liked Lily Tomlin, but she is absolutely stellar in this role. LOVE her.
  11. No, you're not alone. I ended up liking her too. Yes, she was disagreeable and angry, and maybe not someone who I'd want as my friend, but there was something about her that I had to respect. She got pissed when Dr. Now would tell her things she didn't want to hear, but she'd end up doing what he asked. She has great self-esteem and you have to love that. I really want to see what she looks like after all of the skin surgeries. When she got down in the 200's, I did a double take because she really is very attractive. I can't hate her because I'm a nasty bitch too (not proud of it), and I have to support my own kind.
  12. The ad itself is meh for me, but the part that saves it is having the pregnant weather lady. They're ALWAYS pregnant!!
  13. I really enjoyed this episode because I saw 2 successes. Chad did great and seemed to be a really good man. Teretha was maddening at first, and I thought she would be another Paula, but damn if she didn't change. There was some sort of switch that flipped in her, because the amount of anger in her was palpably less by the end. I loved to see her smiling, and wanting to walk so she could play with her grandchildren. It may take a long time, and I don't see her ever becoming a normal weight, but she could reach point where she might not need a walker which would be great progress.
  14. Amy Winehouse's Black Sheep being used to hawk cars? Fuck you Nissan.
  15. A fabulous book that was a piece of my youth. RIP Mr. Pirsig.
  16. I think you answered your own question. If you've ever dealt with an addict, there reaches a point where there is nothing you can do to help them until they help themselves. To avoid being pulled into the hole with them, you need to walk away and hope they find their peace. It's heartbreaking to watch someone you love spiral out of control and not be able to fix it for them. Erin Moran was a lost soul, much like Dana Plato and many others.
  17. If Tal is used to dealing with children, you'd think he could handle this whole crew better, given their level of maturity.
  18. *small voice* I love my Varidesk and have had lots more energy now that I stand at work rather than sit. That being said, it is hyperbolic to compare sitting at a desk to smoking.
  19. It's nice to be reminded of a time when Whitney was a likable human being, and to know that I wasn't totally insane when I used to root for her. I try hard not to jump on the Whitney bashing train, however I have to say that the contrast in her personality between that first hour and the second hour was striking. She did a great job with Babs, staged or not, and I think the emotions were real. Compare that to how she completely twisted the situation with Todd to make it all about her. Holy shit, what a performance. I also agree with many of you who said this was between Whitney and Todd. Why were her other cronies even in the room? I liked Maddie at first, but she's getting on my last nerve. I was hoping Todd would tell her to shut up and butt out.
  20. Yes, and not to mention they are going back hundreds plus generations. Genetics is vastly more complex than Mendel's peas. The DNA tests aren't exactly a scam, but they're not great science either. It's like molecular biology crossed with a horoscope.
  21. Yes! You nailed that. ShamWow! I just got around to watching the full episode and I think Todd's behavior is due to 100% pure, undiluted jealousy. Been there, and that emotion sure makes a person say and do very ugly things. I wonder if TLC allowed Todd to think that he would be in the video and/or that the episode would focus more on him. The way he went all out in the dance class might be in part because he wanted to be the one to catch Fitness Dude's eye. I don't blame Whitney on this one, it was a good (set-up) opportunity and was a pretty good marketing idea for both YouTube channels. The only criticism I have for Whitney is that perhaps she should have understood WHY Todd would be jealous, but that would be an indication of maturity, and I think her emotional age-meter is permanently stuck at about 21 years. Todd wanted what Whitney got and his lizard brain took over. When those primitive emotions come to the surface, they can be very powerful.
  22. I love those progressive ads! They're either made by or are in the style of Robot Chicken from Adult Swim. I hate Flo, but Robot Chicken is the bomb.
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