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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. I had forgotten how irritated I was by Kirsten and think it was hysterical that Dr. Now put her on suicide watch when she whined in the hospital.
  2. I generally like the Mucinex commercials with Mr. Mucus. I found this one particularly funny. NOT a cat! Not a cat!
  3. That one always has me scratching my head because they're advertising for a free weekend.
  4. In this age of Harvey Weinstein I feel particularly bad about saying this, but my first thought was that I wish he had hurled it at Kat Dennings instead. She's so annoyingly arrogant. No need to book my place in hell, I have a long standing reservation.
  5. This was just on yesterday and it's very different watching when you know it's a dog right from the start. Made me a little sad that I could only watch that surprise ending once without it being a surprise. On the other hand, you can catch SO many clues.
  6. I don't know if this is even a good app, but I'm loving the music in this Wish commercial. The flamingos make me chuckle. Wish does amazing things song
  7. Even if it did work, I wouldn't advise spraying anything like that on your dog as it can be at the very least irritating, and at the most, toxic.
  8. If it was Subaru, they would be carrying their dog's ashes.
  9. Ironically, when Febreze was first marketed, it had no scent and sales tanked. It was only after they added scents to it that it sold well.
  10. "Why would I replace this? It's not broken." Makes me miss my dad...
  11. I imagine that their inability to deal with children is why they started forcing women to have abortions. That gets rid of the 'problem' right at the source.
  12. Marketing agencies would go out of business if they stopped doing that! (Your statement is begging for a political punchline, but I'll steer clear to avoid stirring any pots)
  13. Love this Sherwin-Williams spot:
  14. I'm not totally surprised that the celebrities are willing to drink the Kool-aid and support CO$. They are treated like royalty and live in a completely different world. Constant ego stroking, luxurious accommodations, and being given medals as big as their heads has to play a part. It's tailor-made for people are often seeking affirmation . There is no reason for them to want to look behind the curtain--life is great! They're only human after all.
  15. This forum never gets much traffic. I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who watches this show!
  16. I don't think the cult definition is all that simple. Frankly, I see the Catholic church as a cult. I'm not defending CO$ in any way, but religion is in the eye of the beholder and trying to define it is a slippery slope.
  17. Yes, I believe so. He's done a number of Tide commercials.
  18. I'm kind of liking this new Tide commercial:
  19. I'm sure that's what Chanel was going for: the smell of LaGuardia and baseball.
  20. I think it IS the music that makes it, since it's so uplifting. I love when the bird tweets. BTW, I don't mind having this song stuck in my head.
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