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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. Wow, that totally sounds like it went through the google translator. Who says wardrobe instead of closet? It reminds me of a Japanese cartoon made into English. The more I listen to it, the funnier it gets. "Clothes are a mess again even though you organize them hard!" "Easy Tray organizes your clothes not to be messy"
  2. Oh dear god, finally! I loved this show like crazy but had to bail around season 9. I get my Paget Brewster fix from Drunk History, and can't wait to see MGG finally break free.
  3. We take the right to privacy under the 4th amendment very seriously. There needs to be some proof of a crime and there doesn't appear to be anything concrete or they would have acted. (Assuming it's not being covered up, which is a whole other thing.) For all we know there may be an ongoing behind-the-scenes investigation, but it's a frustrating situation. Unfortunately, there is usually a flip side to any freedom that is often tough to swallow.
  4. Just saw this one. I wasn't sure whether to put it in this or the earworm thread because the music is good too.
  5. To be fair, this probably stands up if the viewer is stoned, which is how most adults watched it in the 60's.
  6. There is a giraffe, eating a rainbow, lactating skittles. Does it really matter if they get the correct sex of the animal?
  7. In case there are some who might not know the definition of 'queef', you can read about it here, in the Urban Dictionary. It makes the whole thing even funnier, especially when Bob tells them to stop saying that word. *Warning, click at your own risk* Teddy always reminded me a bit of Lennie from Of Mice and Men. I'm always afraid he'll want to pet a rabbit or a puppy.
  8. I missed the ending of that idiot millennial kid Matt, who had a suspended license and was a total dick to the cop. I hope they tazed him for being an entitled SOB. So what did happen? Did he call his Mommy and Daddy to help him?
  9. Some may find this creepy, but I love this commercial for Fathead
  10. I totally agree with you @msrachelj and I was a little hesitant to say it. Well stated. Personally I think all religions are cray. That being said, Leah and Mike could easily do this show until the end of time exposing some of the most extreme sects of religions/cults and I would watch every single show.
  11. As long as I don't keep hearing "A Marshmallow World" this year in every other commercial I'll be a happy camper.
  12. I feel like this statement needs a rimshot.
  13. It looks like he got away before they ever entered the house.
  14. I think it's because he seems like a truly kind soul.
  15. I'm not bothered by a "bottle episode", since I never knew what it was before, nor do I care now that I've been enlightened. As long as it's funny, although this one was a little weak. I am, however, loving the politics.
  16. The Pennsylvania lottery has used 'Gus' for awhile in many different commercials. For a local commercial, they're pretty cute. I think he's supposed to be a groundhog, but they probably couldn't get the rights to use the name Phil.
  17. Let me preface with the fact that I love this show. I have to chuckle though when Dr. Hunter has these "epiphanies" about the person. He makes it sound like he found out some amazing, previously unknown fact and says it in just that way. It would be something like: "...I discovered that Amy Winehouse had a drinking problem..." or "...in my research, I uncovered that Kurt Cobain struggled with depression...". I've now started to watch for it in every episode.
  18. I'm not thrilled with the first 2 episodes, but am completely willing to see how the season plays out. It never ceases to amaze me how good this show is about continuity. I'd forgotten about his bike.
  19. I suppose that happens to a point, but I bet they probably forget about the cameras in the heat of the moment. That's what most people who are on reality shows say, right? If that weren't true, people on all reality shows would consistently be on their best behavior. IMO, the majority of these cops are really good with people in general which at the end of the day, is hugely important for how most situations turn out. But, the cameras catch some that aren't so good, and there are a couple in there who I personally think are assholes.
  20. I can't help but chuckle at this Halloween Kit Kat commercial. "I'm sorry for what I did to your face".
  21. I just totaled my Subaru last week in a crash and walked away literally, without a scratch. You can bet your ass I'm getting another one to replace it!
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