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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. This little girl was fabulous! Add me to the list of those who find this is very timely. It's nice to remember that youth can make changes. The whole episode was awesome. Other than a few inevitable clunkers every now and then, this show continues to shine. I also loved when they signed and lip-synced Suzi Barrett saying how drunk she was.
  2. One is a contraindication (children <6) and one is a warning (children >6 - 18). Those are different vis a vis the FDA. The actual language is: Do not give LINZESS to children who are less than 6 years of age. You should not give LINZESS to children 6 years to less than 18 years of age.
  3. We really have no idea what really happens medically. They film for months and months, only to show a very small portion of the material. I agree with calpurnia99--I'm sure he was given pain control. However, compared to dilaudid , everything else must seem like water. That drug is about as powerful as it gets. I'm also a little suspicious that there was a lot more wrong with Robert that showed up in his tests, and that's why Dr. Now wanted him to lose that much more weight prior to a weight loss surgery than his usual candidates, and was vehement that he be mobile. Robert was on so many meds that had to have impacted his cardiovascular system, which based on his history and massive weight were more than likely highly compromised already. (By the way, someone asked why he wasn't on antidepressants--he was on Prozac, among a ton of other things.) This is the exact situation Dr. Now and other doctors who deal with morbidly obese people mention all the time. Once something goes wrong, it snowballs and quickly gets out of control. Add to that the fact that Robert seemed to stop fighting and you get the sad ending we saw.
  4. I don't know why I like this Esurance commercial so much other than I felt the same way when I damaged my car like that. Esurance TV Commercial, 'The Pain Won't Last Long"
  5. FWIW, the original question that I asked was which drug sent him to rehab, not why he should avoid alcohol. It was a big 'reveal' when they said he was at rehab for being addicted to cocaine, but are now solely focused on alcohol. I asked because we all questioned the idea of cocaine being his primary vice thinking that booze was much more likely based on his behavior.
  6. Admittedly I kind of fast forwarded a lot through this episode because I'm getting tired of the contrived drama. That being said, I'm a little confused about Buddy's addiction. Wasn't the big "reveal" that his drug of choice was cocaine? When he was talking with Whitney on the beach he mentioned wanting a beer, and not being able to have only one drink. Which is it? Alcohol or cocaine?
  7. I was very shocked at this and had to wonder how that impacted his sisters. As far as we saw in the show, they seem to love their family and adore their brother but wow, that's pretty crushing. I really liked LB from the get-go and rooted for him throughout. He reached a decision point in his life and really stuck to it, with only a few minor slips. Those are certainly excusable when he showed such strong forward progress and determination. With regards to living in Galveston, I can't blame them for wanting to live on the Gulf.
  8. I am certainly no fan of Whitney however I'll give her a pass on this. When I re-watched the episode where they first proposed the Hawaii trip, she said something to the effect that it wouldn't be a good idea for Buddy to come, considering all the temptations. It was her Dad who talked her out of it, saying Buddy would have his friends there for support and back home he would have no one which would be "harder" Honestly, having 'no one' has to be better for his sobriety than hanging out with this bunch of narcissists.
  9. My thoughts, and my thoughts only on Dr. Now is that as brusque and sharp as he comes across, he's really a big softie underneath. No one else will help these people, and unless they lose weight, they're not going to live much longer. That must be a hard thing for him to live with. I think it's why he gives some of these infuriating people chances over and over and over again when we all think they should be kicked to the curb. Or perhaps rolled there.
  10. Dunkin' Donuts coffee is crack. It's the anti-Starbucks coffee. I frequently forget they even make donuts--I just go in for my fix.
  11. I think Kelsey Grammer is a total asshole, however this is beautiful and sweet.
  12. In the first few seasons she stated that she didn't gain weight until college, and that it was all due to her PCOS. No mention of bulimia. Methinks it is a convenient revisionist history.
  13. Oh yeah, you're right. Buddy was just a dick to her.
  14. Heather isn't the sharpest crayon in the box. Just saying. As for Buddy not being able to afford cocaine, how much does he get paid for being on this show? I'm just happy he's getting sober, although I'm still not over his calling that comedian the C-word. I don't think he was addicted to anything then, he was just a jerk. I was floored that Whitney completely made Buddy's problem into hers. How does this affect ME?...I didn't notice, I'll never forgive myself...I should have been able to fix him. Way to turn around his issue and try to make people feel sorry for poor you instead of him. I do have to give Whitney props for being a good friend to Ashley when she was having a meltdown. She kept a level head, made Ashley feel better, and surprisingly didn't turn it around to herself. I also didn't mind the uterus blessing ceremony. Again, it made Ashley feel supported and loved regardless of how weird it was and she clearly needed to hear all of that. It was sweet when each person told her how they would be there to help.
  15. We still don't really know what happens off camera. It's entirely possible that they get nutritional and psychological help that we don't see because it's doesn't make for good TV. I think it's more likely that viewers are questioning the lack of psychological support and that's why we're starting to see it more.
  16. My love for Paget Brewster knows no bounds at this point and she is so great on this show. I love the sound effects and descriptive way she narrated how Deborah Samson removed the musket ball from her own leg. Mandy Moore rocked in the scene where Clara Barton brought the supply wagon. I particularly love this exchange: "I need antiseptic." "I got that shit". "Do you have bandages?" "Yeah bitch, we got bandages." "What about normal shit like socks and food?" "You know what,? Abracadabra...bitch!" I just noticed that they have this exact exchange posted on Comedy Central.
  17. It's really interesting when they have those marathons and show older episodes mixed with newer ones. You can just watch Mike's hair get progressively more grey.
  18. Avi isn't catfishing. He tells the women exactly who he is, doesn't lie about what he does and where he lives, and they can call, skype, and even sleep with him. That makes him a sleazy scumbag, but not a catfisher.
  19. My favorite exchange of the night was when Janine told Dr. Now that her problem was that she didn't want to eat. Dr. Now raised his eyebrows and said something like, "do you seriously think that's a problem? That's a great problem for you to have!"
  20. Frankly, I feel so damned old watching that commercial because I cannot understand what ANY of those kids is saying. It needs captioning for the 'get off my lawn generation'.
  21. While I think Whitney is a total narcissist, Steven Assanti strikes me as a flat out psychopath. She's annoying but he's fucking scary.
  22. Do you know who else did something like this? Jodi Arias. She converted to Mormonism after dating Travis Alexander for a short time--and then she killed him. Just saying...
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