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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. That whole Steve McQueen episode was a trip. What a nutty, doctor. He really thought someone injected clotting agents into McQueen's IV as a conspiracy by the medical community and big pharma to make it appear the treatment didn't work. Maybe the fact that McQueen had end stage cancer in every organ of his body and had a massive debulking surgery prior to his death played a teeny tiny role.
  2. Oxycodone hydrochloride is most definitely available without acetaminophen. It doesn't mean she isn't a lying liar who lies, just not necessarily about this.
  3. People are wondering why she didn't go to the Cleveland Clinic. It's entirely possible they won't do the bariatric surgery on patients that large. These patients have a high chance of dying from the surgery, and those deaths would add into morbidity/mortality statistics for the hospital. They may not want to take the risk. New Orleans is notorious for drive through bars. No shock there. These two were a great couple and I wish them well. I was a little worried Anthony was going to leave at one point, but it seems that he really does love her. Tracey's backstory was horrendous and I can't understand for the life of me how she lets her mother in her life. At least the cycle is not continuing and her children seem to be well-adjusted and grounded. Kudos!
  4. Aww, I actually love the new Ace Hardware ads. They pretty much acknowledge that the new lyrics are a bit awkward when they sing the second line.
  5. I really, really hated this show for the longest time and I wish I could remember which episode pulled me in. I think it was gradual in that I watched half an episode, got disgusted and turned it off, and then the next one I watched for 3/4, etc. It might have been "Dennis and Dee Go on Welfare" although I don't know for sure, but it was right around there in Season 2. Of course now I'm completely addicted.
  6. He could always come back and we see a throwaway headline in the Philadelphia Inquirer: Woman Missing in North Dakota
  7. ^^^^^^^^^^^^ Thank you Hypnocratic Goat. I thought that looked wrong.
  8. I totally forgot that Dee said that, so I was totally surprised. Loved this episode. I wish we had seen Dennis and Charlie doing their Father/son thing for the old ladies. And of course having them strip to Cat Stevens singing Father and Son was perfect.
  9. As annoying as she was, there is part of me that empathizes with her anger. Armchair psychiatrist warning, I clearly have no basis in facts or training to comment but since this is the internet, I will of course. She had a lot of sexual trauma while still very young and so her interaction with adult males has been pretty terrifying. She lost some weight and was really proud of herself, and then Dr. Now scolded her and burst her bubble. I don't blame Dr. Now, it's not his issue it's hers. She came back contrite and apologetic and again, he challenged her. Maybe she felt misled and that made her angry, which led her right back to food. Being molested at 9 years old by your grandfather has to fuck you up royally.
  10. I was waiting for someone to call this out. She was inspired to steal someone's idea? Then she said something to the effect of: "You can bet that Jiya won't have sticks!" Hell no, because that would be stupid.
  11. I'm so out of the cultural loop that I didn't even know this was a parody of an actual documentary. That being said, I still found it really funny. So for me, it did stand on its own.
  12. Did he ever interact with his daughter? All the way through the episode he kept talking about wanting to be there for his son, do things with his son, but I never noticed him having any interest in his daughter. Didn't they say she was working 2 jobs to help support the family?
  13. Trust me, if there's a big person who gets on a plane, chances are they end up next to me. I'm pretty small, so does that mean I only get to have half my seat because the person next to me takes up 1.5 or 2 seats? I didn't get the ticket at half price so why does that become my problem? Whitney said in that Instagram: "...but as long as the person next to me isn't as big, it's a tight but okay fit, and the only "problem" is that the arm rest doesn't go down. I have never had a situation where someone was rude or complained..." The armrest is meant to be in the down position. The other person is probably so scrunched up they are unable to get enough air in their lungs to complain. I once had a flight attendant take pity on me and move me to a new seat. I think I was turning blue.
  14. The 'shot' is usually corticosteroids, and that is probably the last thing that someone who is >600lbs needs.
  15. I can't add much more to this conversation other than to voice my agreement with all of you who were conflicted. After a while I didn't care anymore about Erica however I was totally fascinated by the sibling dynamic. There is clearly a ton of history there. Yes I felt bad for Erica but I reached a point where I wanted to say "shit or get off the pot" . Decide one way or another about the weight loss and go for it--or give up. Watching nearly 2 hours of Erica whining and and only about 5 minutes post-surgery was torture.
  16. While identical twins have almost all the same DNA, it's not exactly the same. Unfortunately (or probably fortunately) genetics is not that black and white.
  17. There was a really small gag that cracked me up. Each of them started smoking over the course of the episode and by the end the Black female arbitrator also had a cigarette in her hand.
  18. I admit that I'm 12 because I laughed at the comment "oh man, I just puked on my dick".
  19. RainX is great stuff. My contractor told me to use it on my glass shower doors and they have been free of water stains ever since I started that little trick.
  20. She definitely had moments that were incredibly irritating with shades of Marla coming out. But then they'd show her with her kids and wow, there was so much love there. She made them each an individual framed picture of them with their Mom--how sweet was that?
  21. There is just such an agency, and perhaps this will quell the horse discussion. American Humane monitors these things very closely. They even make sure that insects aren't harmed.
  22. I finally had a chance to watch this episode and my expectations were low based on some comments in other threads. Maybe that's why I was so pleasantly surprised! I hate, hate, hate musical episodes, but this is the exception that proves the rule. Dennis singing about the 'rules' was awesome, especially when he was so startled that it came out in song. I agree with most of you that Charlie's interrogation was the pinnacle. How the hell do they keep making this show fresh after all these years?
  23. As a matter of fact, yes, I'm very offended. Then again pet food companies have a tendency to bash vets so it's nothing new.
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