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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. I just found this NY Times story: Solving the Mystery behind the deadly 'Tsunami of Molasses' of 1919
  2. I'm not totally sure where this should go, but I decided to post it here. Why is it a favorite? Because I think it's hysterical and every time it comes on I can't help but believe it's an SNL spoof. It's so over the top that I'm mesmerized. FWIW, I like Bill Anderson as a newscaster but this is just...no. Behold, For Goodness Sake:
  3. It's our government at work combined with a cultural lack of accountability.
  4. For what it's worth, that's a fairly standard tactic in most communication courses that teach how to handle confrontation. It's a mirroring technique and I agree it works very well. When it does work, it feels weirdly manipulative. There's a shock.
  5. To come out as a scientologist today makes people think you're a nutjob, but that's about it. Coming out as gay in the 50's got you unemployed, shunned, and quite possibly killed. Please don't take this as an attack on your comment, I totally get your point that it's not well received to admit to being a scientologist.
  6. I was afraid to watch thinking it couldn't be as good as it sounded...but it WAS! Ali Shawkat does so well in these re-enactments and she was a brilliant choice. So many great moments, I only wish PTV would write it up. I had to squee when I saw Nevis, because I was just there on vacation and did not make the Hamilton connection. I made a mojito connection instead.
  7. Jenny Slate always brings it, even though the Cherry Sisters story was just OK. Telling everyone in the check out line at IKEA that 'she shit her pants' was hysterical. Also, corn juice.
  8. I thought this was a great episode and maybe it's because the narrators were tipsy drunk, not puking drunk--not sure if that's he reason. Regardless, Julia Child was the strongest story, but the others were really good too. Loved the artichoke goon squad dancing behind LaGuardia, the horses drowning in molasses, and one of the best lines: “Who wants the pencil pusher, when you can get the maker of the wood?”
  9. WTF? The first clip went on forever, so if that's the short version, I can't even begin to imagine how long the full version lasts. Then again, it's so bizarre that I love it. The down side is that I can't get the sing-song phrase out of my head: "I want a deep fried turkey". (Where's the dingle dangle thing?) It's particularly irritating because I'm a vegetarian and totally do NOT want a deep fried turkey.
  10. I loved all the stories this week but was particularly tickled by the ongoing Al Capone, dick juggler schtick.
  11. Febeze binds the odor molecules so it does hide/mask the smell. They added scents because it sold better to consumers who were used to spraying deodorizers with a "pretty" smell. It's a total marketing ploy but the product sold better than it did when it was unscented, so it's hard to argue with success.
  12. I don't care one way or another about Febreze, but I do hate that they're trying to force a new buzzword with "noseblind". No, just no. At least Lysol finally stopped cramming "healthing" down our throats. BTW, this is no comment on you, @Joe Blow--it's Febreze that I'm annoyed with.
  13. George Foreman has a commercial for this weird company called "Invenia". At least that's what I've been hearing. Oh, InventHelp. Even after learning the correct name, I still hear Invenia.
  14. Possums unfortunately have a disadvantage against cars in that when a car comes at them, they 'play possum'. Laying down in the road in front of a speeding automobile is apparently not a great strategy.
  15. Word to what everyone has already said. What I am most weirded out about regarding this ad is all the men who go into the bathroom after her and take big sniffs after she leaves. Is that some kind of sick fetish?
  16. After reading the comments and watching clips, I'm so glad I didn't waste my time by seeing it live. Rocky Horror holds a special place in my youth, and to watch it be sanitized and made into a crappy prime time variety show hurts my heart. The usherette was an interesting idea but no LIPS??? Aaaaargh.
  17. Paget Brewster is always so great. I loved the "Coyotes" line too.
  18. If you go back a page you should see a lot of discussion about that
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