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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. Wasn't she the cray cray from the first season of Intervention who was a shopaholic and went bankrupt?
  2. OK, that made me laugh. The cardboard breathalyzer with the little person inside dressed as a cop was the cherry on top.
  3. I don't watch the Big Bang Theory however I do know who she is and that she's been doing these commercials for a long time, even way back with William Shatner. What I was wondering is what the fuck happened to her? She looks terrible in this specific Priceline spot, and that dress is hideous.
  4. Speaking of Priceline commercials, WTF is going on with this chick in this new commercial? She looks weird and that dress is horrid.
  5. I know him as Vern Schillinger from Oz and he can even make a brutal neo Nazi prisoner be made of win. Nope, that just sounds wrong.
  6. Yeah, I was being snarky, but I guess it wasn't that funny.
  7. This gave me chills. You will be missed Queen of Soul.
  8. That description doesn't help narrow it down.
  9. The comedians had a field day with their weight. I remember Joan Rivers being especially cruel, but she was one of many.
  10. I only just caught up on this episode and yes, what a douchebag. I kind of wish he had removed all of his lipomas so he could have deep, pock-marked scars all over, hit a major blood vessel and bleed out, and/or develop a serious infection. He said he wouldn't do it again but we all know that's bullshit. Holy shit, you could see Russia up those massive nostrils. If she could pay for a shitty nose job, why not have the plastic surgeon remove the cyst? I got the feeling that none of these people had a family tree with a whole lot of branches and her fiance was flat out creepy.
  11. I wish I could like it but those dogs look so incredibly uncomfortable and possibly painful that it makes me cringe.
  12. Wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube man
  13. Because most physicians are assholes and don't give a shit about their patients. Dr. Lee seems to strike an empathetic chord with these people and genuinely seems to care.
  14. I can't watch the show where Frank's cat died. He totally needs another one.
  15. I understand the sentiment of your post and the whole situation is maddening to watch. Unfortunately, this is the downward spiral of being raised in such a dysfunctional environment. She hasn't had any other model of how life is supposed to work and so it perpetuates until someone can break away. Hopefully by seeing a therapist and trying to change her life it stops here and subsequent generations start to pull themselves out of the quicksand.
  16. I think that Jamoche was being snarky. It was a good one, too.
  17. The dog is actually at an excellent weight. Humans make dogs too fat because we read that as "too thin" and then overfeed.
  18. I agree. The story was hysterical and I loved her level of snark, however I agree that all the 'likes' was irritating. Jack McBrayer makes everything just that much better. 'The rats can't come to court during the day, they may get killed by cats!'
  19. Baby's ice cream and Skittles pox immediately come to mind. The gross-out route is not a new phenomenon.
  20. That song has been a guilty pleasure on my playlist for years.
  21. He may refer to himself as Dr. Now. I know some people with more complicated last names sometimes do that.
  22. Who on the planet even reports a scratch to the insurance company???
  23. Just caught up with this episode. I thought the stories where kind of meh. There had to be better heist stories than these.
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