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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. Believe it or not, millennials are in that age range now. They're all about calling mommy and daddy for help.
  2. No, furries are a different sort of weird. Cosplay is more about fandoms. Then again who am I to judge if they're happy?!
  3. I heard vocal fry on the other one you posted too, although not nearly as bad as it is in this one. This is like fingers on a chalkboard. The link in the first post you made was mildly annoying but certainly bearable.
  4. That pretty much sums it up in a nutshell.
  5. Something popped into my head that I haven't seen in a long time--The Paper Chase. I wonder if that would be way too dated or if it would stand up to time.
  6. I so love when Bob talks to objects like food, and his plants. It might be my favorite thing about this show.
  7. It's been so long since I've seen Pauline's 'journey' that when the episode started I was thinking "why did I think Pauline was so bad? Considering some of the people we've seen lately, I bet the bar has changed and she is tame in comparison". Then about 2 minutes into her story I remembered. Vile and manipulative. Dillon looks like a dead man walking. He's messed up and probably needs serious therapy.
  8. Milla got rehab because she had both knees replaced. If you weighed 100 lbs you'd still get that. It's not quite the same as going to rehab so that you can learn to eat right With that logic, Sean had 10 times the resources and look what happened.
  9. As I recall, I liked Milla the first time too. It was horrible how her kids needed to bathe her everywere. But her kids were really decent and kind, and weren't most of them adopted from foster homes because they were in terrible situations? They've sure turned out great. She's a kind person with a wonderful attitude. I really enjoyed watching her transformation.
  10. I never turn down a chance to share a Dear Kitten ad :-)
  11. Why is everybody running? Do they really think they have good odds? I'm starting to feel like a total nerd for actually having a drivers license, registration and insurance. Clearly I'm a sucker because no one else seems to have them.
  12. I had no intention of watching this series and didn't even know I had HBO! Then came an ugly, rainy weekend and wow. I was able to binge watch this and I'm not sure I recommend it. By the end I was nearly in a fetal position curled up on my couch. So powerful. Of course it wasn't 100% accurate, I didn't expect it to be that way. As was pointed out, it's not a documentary. It's an artistic piece intended to cause a visceral reaction. To me, that's exactly why they added the scenes of executing all the animals. For whatever reason, that seemed to really hit a very raw nerve in many people and made it very real. I couldn't help but be reminded of a book I once read, Deep Survival by Laurence Gonzales, which discussed how accidents happen. Gonzales states that it's a series of mishaps and coincidences that if happen independently would probably be fine. It's the "perfect storm" of errors and coincidences that leads to catastrophe. I saw Chernobyl as a perfect example of this.
  13. I totally agree. Sean may have seemed a little slow but he was not stupid and was capable understanding his situation. As an adult, he had the right to make his own decisions about his life. They couldn't force him to accept all the help that JDAlexander lists above, even if it was killing him. Sean knew exactly what he was doing and all the social agencies in the world couldn't have (legally) stopped him. I feel bad for him, but it was his choice.
  14. That's because Gummy Bears are a German thing. There are Haribo stores on every corner in Germany, and all over Europe.
  15. I remember that album! I think I had it on cassette and nearly wore it out. They also did this for Schoolhouse Rock. It had Blind Melon doing 'Three Is a Magic Number", The Lemonheads doing "My Hero, Zero", and my personal favorite, Skee-Lo covering "The Tale of Mr. Morton". Mr. Morton is the subject of my sentence, and what the predicate says, he does...
  16. I think these people have a ridiculous amount of extra fat on their joints, which is spewing inflammatory cytokines. Our bodies were not built to take these kinds of forces on joints like knees, which aren't designed well to start with. The answer is to lose weight, and they can't lose weight unless they get up and move.
  17. Awwww. Thank you Mr. Blake because Friendly's was my first real job. They had a strong work ethic for their waitresses, where there was always something that you could be doing. From filling the ketchup bottles, to cleaning shelves, , right down to the making sure your apron bow was standing up straight. You were always supposed to be busy. I think it trained me well for life in general.
  18. Amazon Fire TV Cube Zombie Commercial I saw this the other day and it gave me a chuckle.
  19. At the end of the day, I think Dr. Now really cares about people in general regardless of whether they are pieces of shit, and knows that no one else will help them. He clearly has a soft spot when it comes to the morbidly obese, and I'm sure that has a backstory in an of itself. I imagine if Justin had NOT lost that 40 lbs he would have sent him on his way.
  20. So does an extra 500 lbs. It's hard to oxygenate that much tissue and have anything left for your brain.
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