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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. Based on watching Live PD, apparently NO one has insurance, registration, or even a license these days.
  2. I kept dozing off and waking up thinking I had only closed my eyes for a few seconds because the story was an infinite loop. This was a really sad story with no hope. At least he had Dr. Now's diet handouts and read them, as opposed to losing them 4 or 5 times.
  3. I love that his name is Lt. Dan.
  4. It would also give him credit for having an iota of emotional intelligence.
  5. I wasn't quite sure where to put this ad. Surprisingly legal.
  6. I don't take the edit as her being an "ugly American" I see it (and I'm not convinced it's an edit) as exactly what you said: she's being insanely territorial and doesn't want ANYONE to have Usman's attention, be it friend, fan or associate. I'm waiting for her to pee on him to mark him as hers.
  7. Funny, I was thinking of Curb Your Enthusiasm about the toilet situation too.
  8. She lied and manipulated but for some reason I kind of liked her. She clearly loved her children surrounded herself with family who was supportive, and eventually sorted herself out. What a horrific childhood to have overcome. Even Lola was mortified and I bet she's heard a lot. I agree, she wasn't going to make it much longer with a blocked artery and a bowel obstruction. At least he kept her in the hospital to lose the weight. I was convinced she was going to die on the table.
  9. I loved Eddie and the Druid. When she walked into the bar and her antlers didn't fit through the door, that was perfect. But what happened to his goat-wife?
  10. In the midst of all the creepy POS discussion, I didn't want this to get lost. Varya looked fabulous in that outfit! Not everyone can rock canary yellow.
  11. Anya is cute but she doesn't look like a Barbie doll in the same way Lana does. She didn't have big cartoon boobs.
  12. Interesting comment coming from "GladysCravits" 😄
  13. Can we trade him? I really like Varya and as opposed to most all of the other couples and would totally hang out with her and her friends. She's has a lot more going for her than that dullard Geoffrey. What's wrong with the fact that she wants to come to the U.S.? If that's the case, why not look to date a guy who lives here? FWIW, I have a good friend who met a Russian woman on the internet and she is successful, smart and quite a lovely person. She moved to the US (to Oklahoma!) and they've now been married for 5 years so it can work. Of course for the record, we all wondered if she was scamming him at first, but it turned out not to be the case.
  14. I was a bit surprised and annoyed that she kept comparing the NYC incidence graph to the one from China because they are completely different scales. The one from NYC is measured in tens and the one from China is measured in hundreds. It's not accurate to compare those two curves unless they are to the same scale. Of course the NYC graph looked so (artificially) dramatic.
  15. I do believe that they were sexually assaulted. Likely the thing(s) missing in their lives that drives them to overeat makes them susceptible to being preyed upon by these monsters. However, I do agree that the molestation isn't necessarily what drove them to be morbidly obese. As a couch psychologist I think they have deeper complex issues but it's easier to pinpoint a specific event as the culprit.
  16. Those 2 sisters were a bit annoying to start with. I can't imagine a full hour of them! I'm with you: no thanks.
  17. When this show started I don't remember it being as over-the-top with famewhores and fabricated drama. IIRC there were a number of brides who couldn't afford the expensive dresses but had really incredible back stories so a lot of times the show revolved around trying to find ways to discount a more expensive dress for them. As is typical with a reality show, I believe it has evolved over time into a circus trying to top itself every week.
  18. Finally, a commercial where the music fits the action! Not to mention, I'm loving the song and need to add it to my playlist.
  19. This episode was torturous. Seana in no way whatsoever wanted to change. She just went along with what her mother said like a zombie, and didn't even try. The 35 lb loss was actually a really good thing and could have been a turning but it got buried under everything else and after that she truly gave up. I know I should be feeling something for her but I couldn't muster up any empathy because she was so damned annoying. Thank god I'm not a psychotherapist.
  20. Fair enough, but this still does not make me feel sorry for their "unbearable" workload.
  21. Boo fucking hoo. Lots of people work 12+ hour days without a break because they have a family to support or even just themselves. All while making minimum wage, and without someone watching out for their well-being. Cry me a river.
  22. Travis was a really sweet and genuine person, and it's one of the first times that I can see why their spouse married them in spite of the weight. How cute was Yasmin doing the happy dance at Travis' weigh in! What a lovely episode. There was one thing that surprised me regarding his backstory. Travis said he only started gaining weight after his brother left. He also said he was a pretty normal sized kid and at 11 (I think) weighed about 120 lbs. Wait, that's more than I weigh as a full grown adult. No 11 year old should weigh that much, so I have to wonder if the Daddy issues were deeper than the brother issues.
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