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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. How different is it from going to the dealer, test driving a car and then ordering or tracking down a car with all the specs you want?
  2. For a brief instant, I thought this was going to be a link about Tom Cruise doing a remake of The Jeffersons. As I said, it was a very brief instant...
  3. Did anyone else see the Christopher Reeve episode. Both sad and inspirational at the same time.
  4. That's also Public Speaking 101. Not exactly rocket science.
  5. Not just easier, but more satisfying. They get a ton of attention be it positive or negative and become the central focus of everyone.
  6. I don't believe that Dr. Now thinks the psychotherapy is useless prior to surgery. There are certainly many things that aren't shown so I hesitate to paint him with that brush. His point has always been that they really need it post-op because their coping mechanism has been removed and that is the most difficult part. Over the years, that's been said by a number of the participants.
  7. The best Superbowl commercial by far: Budweiser wind power
  8. I am compelled to point out that we are on page 404 of this forum, and it can indeed be found.
  9. I'm kinda liking this 23andMe commercial "Meet Your Genes"
  10. I pictured that she was in her house with the drapes closed, doors locked and ducking behind the windows.
  11. Why not just cut to the chase and say Flint, Michigan?
  12. We can all see that this is a scam and there are red flags all over the place. It's easy to look back at their situation and wonder how the fuck they were willing participants, but I think it's probably a little more insidious. COS asks for money, they balk and are made to feel as if they are bad people and they feel isolated. When people are already vulnerable and lost, they're much more susceptible to this brainwashing. It seems ludicrous to us but I think in general we're all pretty sane and stable. (insert snark here). For me, I can't know how I would react if I were in a similar mental state.
  13. Dr. Now said that starting the diet is relatively easy, anyone can pretty much do the first month. The hard part is staying on the diet in the long term, and that's where they need the most help. In past shows he's also said that the real need for therapy is when these people lose their crutch, the thing that they turned to when stressed. Until the food is taken away, they don't realize how it helped them cope and many of them can't handle it without therapy.
  14. No mention of the guy who was licking doorbells? That was massively creepy but so damned funny. It gave Tom the giggles.
  15. I thought I was 100% over it because I unfollowed the forum and took it off my DVR, but I still came here to read the comments so apparently I haven't totally cut the cord. However, hearing about the episode from everyone here might be the final push I need. Crossing my fingers. She really is one miserable bitch, and it's not because she's fat.
  16. I was watching a re-run of Drunk History and totally forgot about this episode. It's not about LRH specifically, however he figures in it quite a bit and it shows what a fucking bastard he was. It's 7 minutes long and if you watch from the beginning you'll get the context better of the LRH part. Drunk History--Jack Parsons Loved His Sex Magick
  17. I thought it was interesting that the next video after what saoirse posted is this one: Derek Waters' favorite Season 5 performances. Not sure I agree with all of his picks, but Tom Hanks as Mr. Rogers was sure up there.
  18. Damn, I loved Sister Wendy and her soft spoken teaching of art history. RIP.
  19. Totally agree with that. Thankfully it looks like she found a "daddy" who loves her, which isn't always the case. Her mother was SO not ready to hear that she was a big part of Bri's problem.
  20. I watched the 2 hour episode too. The train wrecks have their own fascination however it was refreshing to see someone so determined and successful. I was sure she was going to have gained weight after going back to Oregon for 2 months but nope! She stuck to her guns. Loving husband, wonderful daughter--it was like a palate cleanser. You go Bri!
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