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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. Did anyone else watch the show where she cooked for Mackenzie Phillips? I thought their friendship was really sweet and enjoyed seeing the two of them together.
  2. That's probably true. In the end though, it was pretty damned entertaining, so I'll give them that. Better than most scripted dramas.
  3. I know! Aren't these fabulous? He called out one of Jesse's friends, saying that you rarely hear this from a therapist, but that the friend was a dick.
  4. I can't remember who shared this YouTube channel, but THANK YOU! I don't plan to get sucked into any more iterations of this show, but I am all over these videos:
  5. Ugh, I don't want to say this about Tom but I don't think his behavior about the screen shot was wrong, considering Ash lied about it. That may be the only time I'll ever write those words about him. I like Avery in general, but she also talks in circles with a lot of mindfulness double-talk. The difference is that sometimes she can be serious and focus on reality, while Ash never stops sounding like he's reading from some bad pop psychology book. By the way, how funny is it that he kept denying that he was a liar and then admitted to blatantly lying about the screen shot because he was jealous.
  6. She's probably angry at her father and projecting it onto Rose. I mean, she stole her daddy's heart to the point where he said he'd choose this other woman over his own daughter. Tiffany is blaming Rose, but the anger is for Ed.
  7. I'm not sure, but it might be illegal not to know the lyrics to Beatles classic songs.
  8. I have a friend who does this type of job and it can be quite lucrative depending on the company. As for job hopping, that's the norm now, and one of the best and fastest ways to move upwards.
  9. It's killing me to validate anything Joyce says, but this really is how pain works. Chronic pain changes your nerves and is like a forest fire. Once the match is lit, bad things are sent in motion that are hard to stop. Having said that, my guess is that she read something on the internet about maladaptive pain and decided that's what she has because it sounds dramatic.
  10. I wonder how he's doing under quarantine? Hope he doesn't relapse.
  11. I waited to watch this with a plan to FF about half because I thought it was another regular episode. What a lovely surprise! This was a palate cleanser for the soul after all the ugliness that is going on right now. So very sweet. Also, Lauren is right, Alexi is a TOTALLY hot dad.
  12. I think she told him she didn't have a phone. As for the 'find a phone' feature being turned on, that's easily turned off, too. It was a brand new phone that if she's smart, she quickly sold. She can keep David at bay for awhile, and then just tell him it was stolen.
  13. David and Lana's interactions are a great example for learning non-verbal communications. Body language rarely lies.
  14. I wonder that every week. Unfortunately when I watch live I can't FF through their segments. Stop the madness! Oh my Varya, how you have fallen. And Mary, your desperation and cray cray waft off of you like cheap perfume. She was showing some crazy eyes during their little conversation. Hopefully some day she realizes he never loved her. The best part of the BGL (I can only read that anymore as Big Girl Lisa) and Usman wedding was his family's reactions. It looked more like they were at a wake. Could Mommy be more pissed? As I turned this on last night I made a solemn vow to myself: No more watching this series or any of the iterations after the finale. I don't have that many more brain cells to lose.
  15. I actually like this Ree, she's so much more relatable. Not remembering an ingredient, flour flying out of the mixing bowl, scattered tater tots on the counter--now THAT is reality.
  16. Lana saying that she didn't like David's stupid leather coat was simply awesome.
  17. I've come to really like David and think he's the perfect example of a decent guy who gets overlooked because he's heavy and balding. He and Annie seem to be very happy and solid. As always, YMMV.
  18. But she wasn't wearing those clothes the night before, was she? Did she bring an overnight bag on her date?
  19. With regards to Varya, something isn't right here. She was mature and relatively normal in Russia, now she's a crazed ex lover trying to get her man back? I felt very manipulated by the production team. On the other hand, I think Mary really wants to be with Geoffrey and has been pining after him for years. The fact that she was willing to be the rebound girlfriend immediately upon his return smells of desperation. I think her craziness is genuine. Get off my screen Darcey and Stacey. Lana is quite beautiful for someone older than 28. If she's really that young, she's led a hard, hard life where she's been rode hard and put away wet. In the end, Ed admitted he was the one who blew it. He's still odd, but gets points from me for a little self awareness.
  20. I can see why lots of people hate this ad, and completely understand. Personally, I like it and totally get it because as a cat owner, those moments when your cat is loving on you are pretty special. The bonus is the dig on helicopter parents who panic if their kid gets a scratch. Yeah, it's kind of rude, but I'm on board. FWIW, Sheba is kitty crack, and the absolute best food to tempt cats that aren't eating well.
  21. As a matter of fact, there is. Luminess Silk spray makeup shit that can 'Turn Back Time' is shown incessantly. Wanna swap?
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