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Everything posted by cynicat

  1. The pyramid shape was smart. It's a solid engineering structure and one of the most stable shapes.
  2. I'm not certain, but it appears to me that each week the instructions have fewer and fewer details.. Some things have amounts, but the bakes they should know how to do are left up to them Example is last weeks 'make a choux', or sometimes it says 'make dough'.
  3. I'd agree, except that Hermine managed to take it off the baking pan, stick the pieces together, pick it up, put it over the tart , and then carry it to the judging table all without it breaking.
  4. I wonder if that's supposed to be a subtle nod to Honey badger Don't Care!
  5. I've seen that commercial many times and only just wondered how the guy who had the little carrot felt when he knew another actor was able to hold up a big old cucumber.
  6. With her logic, a Fluffernutter would be considered a s'more and that's pure blasphemy.
  7. I really liked her too, however at least there's no controversy in her leaving. She had a terrible week, but it happens to the best. If Lottie had gone, that would have been suspect.
  8. Has the signature bake ever played such a significant role in the competition that it needs to be so over-the-top? It seems that while it's relatively important, it just needs to be solid and not a cluster. Maybe they're not practicing as much in quarantine as they would at home?
  9. The show, and now soundtrack never fail to bring me to tears. The lyrics to the music are the primary reason for that. RIP Mr. Kretzmer.
  10. I know! Whoa. Linda: I want to see what a real Casablanca looks like, but without the Nazis...
  11. The original H&H did close, but I think there are a few others scattered around. Not exactly the same, but still pretty good. I'll check out the Katz site too.
  12. For the discussion about the NYC bagel search, I thought I'd throw in 2 other options. I see that Zucker's is sold out, however you might also try H&H as well as Zabars. After living in the South for 10 years, those became a lifeline. Granted, H&H isn't the original, but it's still pretty good.
  13. Taking to small talk for @GaT and @Rammchick
  14. I'm also outside of NYC and have never seen these before, although I have seen green bagels for St. Patty's day. Because bagels are so Irish. They look disgusting. But, as stated above, there was an added element to the challenge by not knowing how long to bake them based on color. I loved Sura's comment that she has watched them make bagels at the shop near her home, but never tried to make them...because she has a great shop near her home. Why did Matt say Paul was gay?
  15. I keep wondering, when did Tom Selleck become a business guru from whom I should be taking advice about my finances? Does the moustache give him that wisdom?
  16. According to the CDC: Pinworm is the most common worm infection in the United States. As if you needed another reason to wash your hands. My favorite line of all was when Bob said he didn't think hamsters should be going down a slide and Gene responds "Well excuse us Jane Goodall"
  17. Word. It's also not as humiliating as going into the building. No one really sees you, even the person who takes your money only gets a glimpse. No one is judging, or it certainly doesn't feel like they are, and it feels like you got away with something. Bulimic here weighing in...pun not totally intended
  18. That was awesome and I so love Rick and Morty. I'll never see an awards statue in the same way. I don't watch the Emmys--did they really all sit in that audience next to each other without masks? Did I miss a memo?
  19. That is pretty cool animation. And, I kind of like that version of You Are My Sunshine.
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