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Everything posted by Bill1978

  1. That was a much better episode than last week, I actually paid full attention to the episode and didn't catch my mind wandering. I liked all the little answers that were given this week re: stuff that happened in the first 3 episodes. But having said that, like others I have no idea how they are going to wrap up everything with one episode to go. I've also developed the feeling that this whole season was designed for RM to do a follow up to Coven while sticking to the anthology nature of the series. If you ignore the first 3 episodes and last week's whatever that was, the whole series has just been a giant Coven lovefest.
  2. That was the longest 37 minutes of entertainment I have ever sat through. I have been enjoying the flashback episodes, but they've gone on for too long now. Especially since we have only 2 episodes left and there is so much that needs answering the present. I honestly felt nothing of importance really happened in the episode, well maybe Robotic Meade but did I have to sit through all the other pointless crap and Sandra acting to get to that revelation? When you have 10 episodes you really can't afford a filler episode like a 26 episode series can. Kinda expect the next episode to by a clip show..
  3. Aladdin has a dad???? I didn't watch the DTV sequels that were produced. Well except for The Lion King 2 out of curiosity and I wished I didn't. It took a friend's continual harassment that I watched the third Lion King movie (which I admit I did enjoy).
  4. The teaser was great, but I learnt from Beauty and the Beast to not get too excited. Great to hear Menken's score sound so lush and full. But I can't help but think of all the 'plot holes' from the original that they will address like they did with Beauty. What happened to Aladdin's parents, who was the Genie before he was a genie, why did Jafar become a bad guy. why can Iago speak perfect English, where did Aladdin find Abu, if Aladdin is an orphan how could he afford to take lessons in Monkey talk? You know stuff that really didn't matter back in '92 but that the internet today demands answers for because no one is capable of just letting things be.
  5. I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. It's the first episode that I have been able to sit through from beginning to end. I have caught random scenes from previous seasons but nothing ever caught my attention enough to sit through - or I was repulsed by the gore - but this one I stumbled onto about 10 minutes into and I did not change channels until the end. In fact it makes me want to watch the next episode. My friend has been trying for years to get me to watch but I have resisted and just relied on Wikipedia summaries or recaps to stay on top of conversations with them. If the rest of this season is like this episode I;m here until the end.
  6. As an Australian I may have laughed a little too much at the gun being used to signify when their table was ready. I can imagine an Australian based US themed restaurant actually using that idea, and every Australian nodding their head and thinking 'Of course we get a gun in America' I also don't mind the Australian accents being used, while they don't sound perfect, sometimes the words sound a bit too New Zealandish, I often find myself thinking real Australian actors sound off when I hear them using their regular voices in American talk shows etc. Like I don't realise how much of a drongo we sound to other people until I hear the accent in a room full on non-Australians
  7. I do wonder if I had read the books before watching the TV series if I could have at least finished the first book. By the time I started reading I had already formed opinions on all the characters and had those I was invested in regarding their stories and others I didn't give two hoots about, so if I went in reading the book clueless maybe I would have enjoyed more of the characters POVs
  8. After finally succumbing to the TV show, I thought I might try reading A Game of Thrones. It was going alright until 2 things occurred. The first was me realising the author had no intentions of finishing the series before the TV show concluded and secondly I wasn't interested in reading many of the character's chapters. I had like maybe 3 characters I cared about learning what they were thinking and the rest just did not interest me. So I stopped halfway through the book and have yet to pick it back up 2 years later.
  9. I remember watching The Firm and rushing out to read the novel. And from that point on our was devouring every John Grisham book, but then I just stopped reading cause I got bored with the stories he was telling. I feel his earlier books were written like he was hoping a movie could be made out of the story but then he stopped caring and the general plots of his books became boring or less 'action packed'. And just looking at his Wikipedia page it seems I stopped caring about him with in 2003 with King of Torts. Wow I had no idea I dropped him so long ago, I do think maybe I might try to see how his stories are today, see if I can enjoy his writing again. I remember being a bit obsessed with Phillipa Gregory for a while, cause of my Tudor love. While I know her views of motivations etc at the Tudor court can be a bit out there, I did enjoy The Other Boleyn Girl but by the time I got around to finishing a couple more of her books I realised that her writing style was just too repetitive (even though I own all her Tudor/Plantagenet books I haven't read them all). And after watching the White Queen and White Princess series I'm glad I stopped reading Phillipa's book.
  10. The new trailer for the movie has finally revealed that one little detail I needed to be satisfied - the reason Ralph and Vanellope need to visit the internet. Before the latest trailer the movie just looked like it existed to poke fun at the internet.
  11. That Honest Trailer reminded me of all the eye rolls I performed while watching this movie And I didn't eye roll once in the previous four. That's when I knew this movie wasn't the Jurassic movies I loved.
  12. I was put off my the voice being used by Emily Blunt in the beginning of the trailer. I don't remember Mary sounding that arrogant (I think that's the word I want) in the original but I confess it has been years since I've seen the original but by the end of the trailer I was very much take my money now...even if the snippet of song we were given sounded very dated. And how dare they put Blunt and Mortimer in the same movie. My brain always thinks they are the same person, it may not cope seeing them in the same frame together. Great to see Angela back on the big screen as well and full disclosure I did not recognise Lin-Manuel at all until I remembered he was in it.
  13. That might be enough for me to read the books, if GRRM ever releases them.
  14. I have only seen the movie once, and it traumatised me. Do not ask me why but it was the movie chosen to be shown at a slumber birthday party and I was about 10 I reckon. First movie I ever saw where things didn't end happily. My innocent mind couldn't handle the suicide, he was meant to come back as a twist and explain that it was all a hoax. Poor little 10 year old me could not handle the fact that someone actually stayed dead when they died in a movie. Having said that I do remember referencing the scene where Robin Williams jumps up on a desk to get the class attention during my uni days in my teaching degree. I had a feeling that the lecturer wasn't actually reading the educational diary/journal/reflection thing we had to keep. So in response to being given the scenario about a rowdy class of kids who aren't paying attention to anything, I decided to write that I would jump on the desk and shout some stupid thing. It got ticked with zero comment made about the ridiculousness of it. As a teacher today I can tell you there is no way in hell I would that. Mainly cause there is a chance I would fail the jump or fall off the table.
  15. Bill1978

    The Star Wars Saga

    I wasn't a major fan of Solo. What the movie showed me was that my interest in the Star Wars universe lies solely in The Force (and the appearance of ThreePio and Artoo). Or maybe I just honestly didn't are about Han's backstory. There were a couple of moments that felt like Star Wars (that blasting through the wormhole action sequence with the Star Destroyer) but everything was a tad boring for me. I actually contemplated having a sleep at one stage. While The Last Jedi was very underwhelming for me (as a whole - many moments more great), I'm not gonna quit the franchise and skip the final chapter. Just ditch the over the top humour that appeared at the start of Jedi and I think Episode IX can get the story back on course. But what Solo has taught me, if they decide to keep doing this one shot movies I will only be seeing the ones connected to The Force and Jedi. I have no interest in Boba Fett or anyone like that.
  16. I am not familiar at all with any of the previous versions of the movie, and each time I see the trailer for this one I sit there thinking I just don't care about what I;m being shown. It just seems really pretentious and slightly Oscar baity.
  17. I've just caught up on the news that there will be no Legends in the crossover. Very disappointed. It's the only CW DC Show I watch. And I'm not sure the appeal of Gotham is enough to make me want to tune in and care.
  18. Watched this today. It was cute. Standard teen movie helped passed 90 minutes. I can understand why this was a Netflix movie and not a cinema movie. Early on I was unsure which boy she would end with but it became pretty obvious once the contract was signed. My main issue with the movie is the narrating, I really dislike when a movie does narration but never gives us a reason why the character is narrating for us. A common complaint I have towards works based on YA novels. I thought Love, Simon addressed the initial narration stereotype vey well when it revealed the opening narration was actually an email. I will still recommend people watch the movie, but I wouldn't say it was a Must Stop What You Are Binging And Watch movie. I was also expecting there to be more drama revolving around the letters, the trailer kinda indicated that we would be seeing the response from all 5 boys. I also would have preferred if they had kept the mystery of how the letters got out until the sisters fight. Did the book reveal the identity as early as the movie??
  19. I guess when you can't legally make a Hulk movie but are allowed to use him in non-Hulk movies he suddenly appears in more Marvel movies than those with stand alone movies.
  20. I recently read my very first eBook cause I couldn't find the physical copy anywhere near me Adam Silvera's They Both Die At The End. Loved the book and discovered my local shop had his debut More Happy Than Not in physical form. The whole process has confirmed my gut feeling I had about my hesitation towards embracing eBooks. I am 100% a flicker and jumper in books. I like to randomly jump to a page and see what is happening, or if a character is still in the story. It's very hard to do that with an eBook and keep track of the page you are actually on. I see the advantages of eBooks when travelling, but for now I'm gonna be a physical book reader.
  21. Bill1978

    Aquaman (2018)

    Looks very promising. I am assuming this takes place BEFORE Justice League? If so, it supports my idea that they rushed Justice League. Who presents an origin story AFTER the character has already been seen in action? The pluses are that it doesn't look too dark, minuses it is has a slight whiff of taking itself a bit too seriously for what it is. But I guess baby steps.
  22. Bill1978

    Shazam! (2019)

    I am sold. Well until another trailer comes along and unsells me perhaps. This could be the DC equivalent of Ant-Man. A nice frivolous humourous superhero movie.
  23. Wow!! That's a lot of colour for a DC film.
  24. Just got back from seeing this. I went in with very low expectations based upon what the trailer gave me. I walked out feeling meh. My summary I gave my friend was the same I gave The Last Jedi. As a stand alone movie it is good and worth seeing, but as part of a pre-existing franchise/story it is disappointing. I was never a fan of the San Diego scene in The Lost World, I wasn't a fan of the Raptors as weapons in Jurassic World. The trailer showed me that the plot was revolving around those two things hence my low expectations. I really, really enjoyed the time on the island and I wish that the whole movie was focused on the saving of dinosaurs on the island. To be honest, I don't care how much it would end up being 'been there, done that'. For me these movies will always be about being stuck on an island while dinosaurs chase you, because while it is stuck on an island my brain can process that it is believable. Bringing the dinosaurs into civilisation is just too much of a stretch for my brain to accept as believable. I'm sure the ending is meant to get me excited about the final chapter but the problem for me is that the move makes the movie 100% unbelievable as I know there aren't dinosaurs running around with humans. The franchise has now gone from science fiction to science fantasy - or something like that. I am happy to embrace the dinos are mingling with us if it means they can get all the kids back from all the previous movies. It's always bugged me that they cycle kids in and out. Although knowing this franchise, they will bring them back just to be eaten. I caught myself a number of times groaning about the stupidity of people that set up their own deaths - even if their deaths were satisfying. I am glad Clare didn't press the emergency button, but I knew the little girl was going to release them. Quick question: if Clare had left them in the cages but opened up the emergency door could they have survived wit the fumes leaving the facility? Also when designing the mosasaur tank, why not have another wall around it. You know open door A move in, shut door A and then open door B to the enclosure. So much stuff could be prevented if they had a double door on all their enclosures. I enjoyed the little throwbacks to JP in JW, but in this movie the throwbacks just reminded me how awesome JP actually was. The dumb waiter scene made no sense in this one as I felt the Indoraptor would have smashed the wood first go. I did notice that Clare yelled at Owen to 'RUN!' in exactly the same tone as Ellie did to Alan in JP. Speaking of the Indoraptor, can we stop with the creation of new things? There is a wealth of dinosaurs they haven't touched that they could use if they are going to insist on killing the evil dinosaur at the end of the movie. No need to make them up. I feel these creations only exist because the movies refuse to have the T-Rex or Raptors be the bad guys anymore. It takes me out of the movie when I know the dinosaur never existed. And add me to the group who does not give 2c about the Owen/Blue connection - what a load of trollop, let it go and move on franchise. Move on. Not once was I ever sad about Blue's predicament. Unlike that poor Brachiosaurus. One of the saddest moments in cinema this year. The one thing I felt this movie did better than its direct predecessor are the set pieces. They were actually tense this time and after binging on the previous 4 I think I finally worked out my issue with JW's set pieces. In theory they have some long set pieces - the gyrosphere, the pterodactyl attack and anything with the Indominus Rex but the problem is that those scenes kept switching to scenes outside of the main set piece so the set piece loses a lot of the tension. For example in the gyrosphere, it should have just been good enough that Zach's phone was ringing, we didn't need to cut to see Clare on the phone ringing, it loses the flow and the tension. In the original JP once a dinosaur attacked we pretty much stuck with it until it ended, none ofthis jumping around. And Fallen Kingdom did that well, stuck with the set piece until in ended. My favourite moment of the movie though came right at the start with the scrolling news banner which announced the US President wonders if dinosaurs actually ever existed. I may have laughed a little too loud at that. I;m sure I got some weird looks laughing at a news bulletin.
  25. Watched this episode last night and I'm still recovering from THE BOOBIES. I don't know but I just wasn't expecting that moment from this show. For a moment I thought I had somehow slipped into some bizarre Game of Thrones Universe with technology LOL.
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